Obituary of George Dennis



   George Dennis was born at Green Camp, Marion
County, Ohio May 5,1833; was married to  Anna
Hollenbaugh August 14, 1855, to  which union were
born eight children, five sons and three daughters,
William, Chas., Frank, John, Arthur, Hettie, Carrie
and  an infant unnamed, the son, Frank and three
daughters  having preceded the father in death, thus
leaving the  wife, four sons, together with  thirteen 
grandchildren and sixteen  great  grandchildren to
mourn their loss.

   The  name of Mr. George Dennis had become almost
a household  name in Delaware. Perhaps no man ever
resided in a community who was better known and
loved than he was by all who knew him. Gentle,
patient, God-like at all times, a lover of all chil-
dren, and a friend to   all, ever striving to dispel
the   clouds of gloom hovering over some poor, troubled
soul with words of encouragement--such was his aim in
life. The  writer knew him well in late years, and
knows whereof he speaks. His was a long life of
earnest, faithful, toil, a never-ending effort to
lighten the burden of others, His hope, deeply
grounded in the faith, almost his  last words a
plea to be   taken to his heavenly home. In  retro-
spection of such a life and in the wake of such a
victory, we humbly confess that our loss is his gain.


Card of Thanks

We  wish  to extend  our most sincere thanks to our
many friends for the beautiful floral offerings and
to the kind friends who assisted us during  the  sick-
ness and death of our beloved husband and father, and
also to   the singers who so beautifully sang the  selected
hymns, and to the ministers, Rev. Messrs. Morton, Rush,
and Walker, for their consoling words which were so     
sweetly spoken.

				Wife and Sons.

This Obituary and Card of Thanks were found on an undated typewritten page in an envelope that had belonged to my grandmother, Addie Dennis. I tried to keep it true to the form in which it was typed.


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