Jackie - 12/18/98 12:31:30
My Email:jfmm@jaycom.net.au
Do you own a STB: Yes two
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: only pleasure riding
What do you like the best about STB's: their nature

It really pleased me to learn that you saved your horses from being turned into dog meat. I saved one of mine from the same fate. He is only a three year old ST and unriden, although broken to saddle. I hope if I need a little advise I might be able to ga n some from you. Anyway, I found some of your info very helpful. Keep it up your've done a great job.

Jessica Sutton - 12/17/98 23:45:30
My Email:sarahpax@diesel.net.au
Do you own a STB: yes13 two faols and another due any day now
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: all
What do you like the best about STB's: there quietness

Karen - 11/19/98 07:38:43
My Email:marla@mpx.com.au
Do you own a STB: Yes
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: Riding/ Racing
What do you like the best about STB's: Temperament
How did you find my page: link on SPHO

I'm impressed by the amount of info available and number of caring individuals that are seeing standardbreds as great horses on and off the race track. I have had my standardbred for 21 years . He is now 27 yrs. I was met with much dissapointment in my ea y years through peoples ignorance of this breed and the perception that this horse was not for riding but I stuck with him .Hopefully the info you are offering will change peoples attitudes. The standardbred breed won me over years ago. Keep up the good o k.

10/04/98 12:09:09
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Lynnea Walker - 09/08/98 11:40:23
My Email:Lw255@aol.com
Do you own a STB: yes
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding
What do you like the best about STB's: personality
How did you find my page: SPHO Links

I enjoyed reading your page, interesting little touches!!! I recently adopted a 7 yr., 17 hand bay STB, "Solar Orbit", aka "Jake". He is drop dead gorgeous..now that he has some weight on him. Am going through the re-training process with him now. It will take some time as he seems quite nervous. I hope he will be a fun trail horse as well as do a little bit of lower level dressage, he certainly is built well for the discipline. Today it is raining here in Massachusetts so I actually have some time to get n-line. Good luck with your boys! L. Walker

Charlie - 09/05/98 23:04:15
My URL:/heartland/ranch/7378
My Email:CBarth5632@aol.com
Do you own a STB: no
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: yes
What do you like the best about STB's: the rescue
How did you find my page: pet gazette

Hi, Great site. You have wonderful horses. And so much information and things to do and see. I will come back often. I'm going to look into the STB.

Borge - 09/02/98 11:26:20
My Email:dog
Do you own a STB: no, I own a dog
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: mating
What do you like the best about STB's: their legs
How did you find my page: drunk

Hullo Laura!!!! Finally saw your homepage. Its about horsies!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Mel - 08/23/98 02:23:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ridge/2018/
My Email:mel07@hotmail.com
Do you own a STB: unfortunately no
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding and breeding
What do you like the best about STB's: Their wonderful personalities and versatality (sp?)
How did you find my page: surfed on it

Despite never riding a Standardbred I think they really are a remarkable breed. My mom's friend raises and trains trotters and pacers and through him I learn more about the breed (and see the promising babies).

sarah - 08/16/98 01:38:01
Do you own a STB: yes
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding,maybe breeding
What do you like the best about STB's: personality
How did you find my page: just surfed in

Hi.I just agreed to take a mare STB from this person who was giving her away.She is really gorgeous.She is 6yrs,a bay with no socks or any other markings.Your page is great,I hope you don't mind me suggesting this but you could put some more pictures on i and that would make it even better.

Donna Murray - 08/08/98 09:16:10
My URL:http://www.standard.net.au/~acoustic/
My Email:acousticj316@rocketmail.com
Do you own a STB: not yet
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: maybe
What do you like the best about STB's: not sure
How did you find my page: net search

Hiya Laura. I'm considering buying a SB mare for breeding a foal this year out of a stallion I used to own. And next year breaking her to saddle after she foals. I've never owned one before but the one I'm considering buying is going very cheap and is you g, not to tall and has quite a pretty head. Years ago I remember seeing a standard-bred gelding that was a stunning looker! He was very small and looked like an anglo arab! But, mind you, I have seen some clunky headed ones too. I can see that you vouch f r them and I am now even more attracted to purchasing the mare. I've bookmarked your page. It was just what I was looking for! I'm into 'natural horsemanship'. I really like horse breeds with a a natually good temperament.

Ashton - 07/06/98 21:57:19
My Email:Ash511@aol.com
Do you own a STB: no
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: Riding
What do you like the best about STB's: Don't know that much about them.
How did you find my page: A link

If you know anything more than the page said about adopting a STB, please email me and tell me. Also I want a horse really bad, but I haven't been riding very long and I hope to do cross country, dressage, or jumping, do think a STB would be right for me because I don't really have any extra money to buy a horse I was just thinking adopting might work. Thanx - Ashton

T.M.M - 06/09/98 17:24:26
My Email:spaz115@hotmail.com
Do you own a STB: coming in a few days
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: Training for pleasure horse
What do you like the best about STB's: I love all horses
How did you find my page: jest browsing

Daer Laura,(if this is you). I would like to know if you have any training tips for the 2yr. old I'm getting? Please Write Back. T.M.M

Michelle - 05/25/98 02:04:09
My Email:shandyh@hotmail.com
Do you own a STB: I am going to see one next week!
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: Riding for pleasure and jumping
What do you like the best about STB's: Their friendly nature and loving personality
How did you find my page: Searching for STB info

I think this is an ace STB page with lots of info and great pictures. People say that STB's are very uncomfortable to ride....is this true? Please tell me a little about it. I am going to see a 15HH black STB next week and want some info..thanx

Amy - 05/10/98 04:48:08
My Email:mavhyjac@aol.com
Do you own a STB: yes
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding,driving &trail
What do you like the best about STB's: Temperment,willingness
How did you find my page: link from spho

Hi Laura I also have a wonderful STB who I think the world of, He tries anything I ask (almost)He has become a fantastic trail horse,we did the show thing last year and this year we're driving too I can't believe more people haven't discovered the many t lents of this breed! And this great guy raced until he was 9 ,206 races! Still plenty of life left for pleasure horse pursuits we may try competitive trail riding or driving. Keep on enjoying those standardbreds!

Bill and Julie Lingard - 04/26/98 20:56:21
My URL:/Heartland/Estates/6358
My Email:lingard@kode.net
Do you own a STB: No, Paints
How did you find my page: Heartland

Enjoyed your page. We live about 5 miles from a track and there are lots of STB's around here. I hear that they are a great find for reschooling!

mindy - 04/26/98 04:30:34
My Email:amms@1.au
Do you own a STB: yes
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding
What do you like the best about STB's: their temperament
How did you find my page: thorough a search program

I think it is a really great homepage.My standardbreds name is Tommy he died on 26/12/97 and i miss him very much.i'd just like to say keep up the good work.

Colby - 04/10/98 16:36:01
My Email:horse0pony@aol.com
Do you own a STB: no
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding
What do you like the best about STB's: Temperment
How did you find my page: friend

I have found a new path to skip down,the Standardbred. I recently rode two STB's,and found them totally addictive to ride. I've come to find out STB's are more then just racers,but pure fun and love. Keep up this wonderful page laura,can't wait to come ba k and visit again! From one STB lover to another, Colby

Stacey - 04/09/98 14:07:17
My Email:wookey@bigpond.com
Do you own a STB: No.
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: all aspects.
What do you like the best about STB's: The length of their body.
How did you find my page: through a search engine.

A great page with good information, I have the page on my favorites and come back to it regularly. I have been involved with pacing STB on and off for nearly three years but know very little about them so it was great to find a page dedicated to the bree .

Smoko - 04/06/98 13:52:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/1172/
My Email:smoko@geocities.com
Do you own a STB: no
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding
How did you find my page: heartland

Great page! Hope you can take the time to come and visit mine and hopefully vote for it to win a Heartland Pet Award?! Keep up the great work Take care from Smoko

Cindy Kunitsugu - 04/04/98 01:46:27
My URL:don't have one
My Email:Cindy@toon-town.com
Do you own a STB: no
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: ??????
What do you like the best about STB's: I like the way they go through gaits
How did you find my page: from another page

Ellen Warren - 03/27/98 15:29:37
My URL:http://www.vvm.com/~ejwarren/index.html
My Email:ejwarren@vvm.com
Do you own a STB: no;-(
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: I like all horses, what breed they are is not important to me ;-)
What do you like the best about STB's: the fact that they are horses, I guess ;-)
How did you find my page: You wrote in my forum, and your mother signed my guestbook ;-)

I really like your site, and there is a lot of good information about the STB (that I know very little about!) I like the layout, too ;-) well done! Ellen

crystal - 03/21/98 18:14:05
Do you own a STB: Yeah
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: racing and then training them into riding horses
What do you like the best about STB's: their personality
How did you find my page: i was looking for sights on STB

This is cool page. I thought i was the only one crazy enough to train theses horses into pleasure or competive horses so i was amazed when i found out that every one is doing it. I am looking for any training tips though cus i am going to start training a trotter ( i've can manage pacer most of the time) I am on;y 14 but i love the breed and everything about them.

Holly - 03/09/98 07:10:32
My Email:H.Norton@uq.net.au
Do you own a STB: yes
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding
What do you like the best about STB's: temperament & their sad wise eyes
How did you find my page: Australian - darn I forgot

Thank you, Laura, for a fine website. I've adopted an unraced 2yo gelding (he was broken to harness but crossfires at the pace) that was destined for the proverbial can of dog food. Won't break him in for another year but he's a darling. Work on a bree ing stud which is how I got him - for nothing, I might add. He was knocked around by the trainer so it took a little while to gain his trust but now he follows me around like a spaniel. I do endurance riding as a sport (and stbds aren't represented near y enough in that) but have a real love for dressage, not that I know what I'm doing! Keep up the good work. I think if enough people get out there with 'doing' stbds, acting as ambassadors for the breed, there will be fewer that are canned at the end of heir career - and there are far too many of them! Cheers.

Spurs-N-Stuff - 03/02/98 13:59:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/5927
My Email:spurs-n-stuff@geocities.com
Do you own a STB: No, one NSH, one Pintabian and two twin pinto NSH babies.
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: No, but I love to go to our local races.
What do you like the best about STB's: Their wonderful pacing abilities.
How did you find my page: Geocities search

Wonderful page!! I wanted to visit all my horsy neigh-bors and check out thier pages. Very nice job Laura!!! :o)

Clarabelle and the residents of Hillcrest Farm - 02/14/98 03:25:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/4696/
Do you own a STB: no
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: if we had one - riding
What do you like the best about STB's: from your description they seem very calm, and we like that!
How did you find my page: Heartland Pet Gazette Contest

We really enjoyed reading about your three beautiful horses. We have three horses also. One of our horses sounds like Shane in that he's a little too high strung to be ridden safely. He's getting fat too! Sandstorm is a very lucky horse and it's wonde ful that you were able to find him and buy him before he was sent off. Best wishes in all your future activities and shows, and good luck with your horses.

Nannette Nordenholt - 02/10/98 17:48:54
My Email:totopos1@aol.com
Do you own a STB: Yes
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: Riding
What do you like the best about STB's: The personality and calmness
How did you find my page: I came in from spho home page

Very nice to see you devote so much to standardbreds. I live in the states, but I ride in a Sommerset Austrailian stock saddle. I've heard of Austrailian Pinto or spotted standardbreds, other than this coloring, are there any differences between America and Aussie Stbs? Just curious. Nannette

Belynda - 02/10/98 05:07:23
My Email:neilsen@hartingdale.com.au
Do you own a STB: yep!
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding
What do you like the best about STB's: unbeatable temperaments
How did you find my page: search engine

Loved this page so much I set about getting myself a Standardbred because of it. I now own a 17hh Standardbred gelding....hoping he works out to be as co-operative and successful as all of Laura's horses!

Debra Sweger - 02/09/98 13:16:34
My Email:dsweger@com1.med.usf.edu
Do you own a STB: yes
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding
What do you like the best about STB's: sturdy,intelligent and good manners
How did you find my page: spho link

Rachael Rosenthal - 02/01/98 23:35:32
My Email:rchsrsnt@otterbein.edu
Do you own a STB: of course
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: riding/breeding
What do you like the best about STB's: tempermant
How did you find my page: surfing

great page...... put up more pics :-)

Kim Goldsmith - 01/29/98 05:16:18
My Email:kvgoldsmith@bigpond.com
Do you own a STB: YES!
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: Riding
What do you like the best about STB's: Temperament & forgiving nature
How did you find my page: HarnessHorse.com

It was great to find your page after spending some hours surfing through American pages. I am passionate about "recycled" Standardbreds after having owned one now for nearly 4 years. I bought my mare from a girl who took in neglected horses and then negle ted them herself. She had been a riding horse for a few years before I bought her (for $600) and I am told she has done some dressage and jumping - although I think someone forgot to tell her that! We don't compete but enjoy a bit of schooling when we hav time and plenty of pleasure riding around the 11,000 acre property that we live on. I'd love to stay in touch with you - as I am very keen to make contact with other converts and eventually I would love to get another STB - for my husband.

Cheyenne - 01/21/98 03:41:21
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/4594/index.html
My Email:cheyenne@fidnet.com
Do you own a STB: No
What do you like the best about STB's: I don't know any!
How did you find my page: surfed in!

Hi! I really like your page and I'm looking forward to your facts page....Keep up the good work!

Lynn - 01/07/98 07:12:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Rapids/6365
My Email:ljenkin@midac.com.au
Do you own a STB: No
How did you find my page: Australian Horse Resources

What a great page, and I am glad to see these horses finding such a wonderfull home.

Chloe - 01/06/98 22:55:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/EQUINELOVER/
My Email:miracle67@hotmail.com
Do you own a STB: Nope...
Are you more intersted in riding, driving, racing or breeding the STB: Nope..
What do you like the best about STB's: Everything...
How did you find my page: A bird named Laura told me...

I usually visit your page once a week and I was suprised to see that I had missed your story about your new horse sandstorm. I was sooo sad to hear that story! You are obviously a big hearted, generous person!!

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