She's our 4 year black cat, and has green eyes. Her one and only litter of 5 kitten's were all born black, but only 3 survived a difficult birth. We had another female cat("Baby Kitty")who also had 5 kitten's the week before Inky. Within a few days, all 8 ended up together, and the mama's took turns taking care of them. Inky like's to be in the bedroom at night, so if the door is closed, she'll pick at the door until you let her in. If she want's attention, and you're watching t.v., she'll block you're view! She love's to tease the dog's, and is a very good playmate with our six ferret's! She makes no fuss when we bring a new animal into our home!

One of Inky's favorite games is to play "Tiger In the Grass" She loves to chase blades blowing in the wind, then ripping them apart with her claws.

Mama Kitty (Inky's mama)

Mama Kitty

Mama Kitty is Inky's mother. She was an abandoned cat found at the truss plant where Tom worked. Her last litter of kittens had caused her to bleed so Tom decided to have take it upon himself to take care of her. His original plan was to get her all necessary shots and have her fixed and then release her back to the wild. While she was recovering at his home, she seemed to like the human contact adjusting to "Home Life" very well. You can guess how this story ends just by the pictures. Who says you can't tame a wild beast!

She loves to play hide and go seek

Baby Kitty

Baby Kitty

Baby Kitty is most likely a distant or cousin of Inky, it's hard to say since there were so many wild cats running around the plant. As with 2 other very young kittens rescued from the plant, she was brought home, bottle fed for a week or so, she settled into family life. Baby always being the most playful and mischievious, her antics never ceasing to make you laugh. She's kind of a lone cat, who will only allow you to give her attention when "she's" ready. Both Mama and Baby still reside in Florida with Gwen and Tom

this is her favorite place to sleep, you can often catch her napping in the sun


B-Kitty (can't exactly tell you what this stands for) Old Dude as we will call him on this page. He was at least 4 to 5 years old at that time. He was dubbed "Meard" (possibly mispelled)which in German means "S**t*". He was a longtime companion of The Stewarts. Gwen rescued him from a neighbor that was neglecting him, nursed him back to health, thus givng him a very long life that he would not have had otherwise. Funny guy he was, going out the front door and then running around the back of the house, crying his head off to be let in the back door. He loved to find really out of the way places to sleep, as you can see by the picture. He lived to be perhaps 20 in human years, it's hard to say just how old he was.



Patches was one of Baby Kitty's kittens. Her eye's being the deepest amber I've ever seen. She had been given to some friends who decided they couldnt keep her and brought her back to us. As with all our animals, she was taken in to be fixed and all the necessary shots. The next day the vet called to tell us there had been a problem. They explained to us that there was another kitten looking almost exactly like her, close to the same markings, and near the same age. The other cat however was also in for declawing. Well Patches ended up with the works, and well, we had talked about having it done since she loved climb the bamboo like wallpaper in the livingroom tearing it to shreads. Even though the vet had made a mistake, we knew our animals were well cared for, and continued to take all the animals there. Patches is no longer with us, she passed away before she had turned a year old. She is loved and missed.