- 01/23/00 19:50:30 | Comments: |
Sharon Ree - 01/23/00 19:32:53 My Email:Shae-lee@msn.com | Comments: Good job, very complete! What a cute family! |
Name: Free For Chat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Donna - 08/08/99 20:05:26 My Email:toombs@lituus.net State: TN | Comments: Hi sweet friend, Thanks for sharing your memories with those of us who "remember when"! |
Donna - 08/08/99 20:03:28 My Email:toombs@lituus.net State: TN | Comments: Hi sweet friend, Thanks for sharing your memories with those of us who "remember when"! |
Donna - 08/08/99 20:03:26 My Email:toombs@lituus.net State: TN | Comments: Hi sweet friend, Thanks for sharing your memories with those of us who "remember when"! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Anthony Tollett - 05/04/98 14:34:04 My URL:/Nashville/9715/ My Email:atollett@twlakes.net City: Monterey State: TN Zip: 38574 | Comments: Great site, and a very nice family. Good luck on the family reunion, hope you have many there. Stay safe. |
Hello from ARCO - 03/27/98 08:48:27 | Comments: |
Amethyst - 01/07/98 09:56:44 My URL:/Heartland/Ranch/6243 My Email:eileenlowe@pagosasprings.net State: Colorado | Comments: Just dropped in to say Hi! neighbor and to wish you a Happy Birthday
Connie - 08/24/97 06:25:15 My Email:whtdoglvr@aol.com State: Ky Zip: 40356 | Comments: Bobby, looking good. Your doing a fine job. I have many of the same old pics as you. Can't wait till June 13,1998 to meet your family and see you again. |
Sharon's Brother - 08/23/97 20:02:29 City: Walnut Creek State: CA Zip: 94596-3030 | Comments: Wow, very nice web page layout/organization. Beautiful fam, but need more pix of our old neighbor Becky. |
Bob Raley Sr. - 08/20/97 15:53:04 City: Orangevale State: California Zip: 95662 | Comments: Nice to see so many old memories of my family |