Meet the Board of First Christian Church of Carbondale for 2008-09

All who seek and serve the Love of God serve as ministers of Jesus Christ.

From Left: Monica Tichenor, Co-chair for Outreach; Jak Tichenor, Board Vice-Chair; Katherine Bryant-Graves; Minister;
Greg Whitledge, Chair for Facilities & Finance; Debra Whitledge, Co-chair for Outreach;
Dia Parr, Board Chair; Juli Claussen, Treasurer;
(inset) Esther Hays, Board Secretary; Sandra Lowell, Chair for Congregational Care.

The seven voting member Board is elected by the congregation. The Board Secretary is a nonvoting presence on the board. The Board acts on behalf of the congregation in personnel, policy and budgetary concerns and holds open meetings.

"In keeping with the traditions of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), the ultimate authority of the local church shall rest with the congregation, and the actions of the general board are at all times subject to review by the congregation. All Avenues of Service within the congregation shall be responsible to and shall report regularly to the general board, and through it to the congregation." (Sec. II, "C. Authority", paragraph 2. of the FCC Bylaws.)

In other words the governance of the First Christian Church is a representational democracy. All meetings convened to conduct the business of First Christian Church are open to every member of the congregation. First Christian Church members are each allowed and encouraged to vote during meetings of the Avenues of Service. The Chairs of the Avenues of Service then represent the voting members of their Avenue of Service to the Board.

Though there are only seven voting members of the Board, other elected offices in service to the Lord at First Christian Church are eight Elders, twelve Deacons, and three Trustees.

There are three standing committees defined as Avenues of Service that do have voting representation on the Board through their Chair.

Congregational Care Avenue of Service is primarily the responsibility of the Elders. Sandra Lowell is this Service Leader (Chair). Their major areas of concern are Spiritual Formation; Education Programing; Health & Wellness; and Worship.

Outreach Avenue of Service is primarily the responsibility of the Deacons. Monica Tichenor and Debra Whitledge are Co-Service Leaders (Co-Chairs: Only one may vote on the Board). Their major areas of concern are Evangelism, Publicity, and The Herald newsletter; Mission & Service; and Interfaith Council.

Facilities & Finance Avenue of Service is primarily the responsibility of the Trustees. Greg Whitledge is this Service Leader (Chair). Their major areas of concern are Facilities Maintenance and Management; Fiscal Management; and Stewardship.

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