Pygocentrus nattereri

Pygocentrus nattereri

Yellow King Emperor/Gold Dust color variation:

Red Belly color variation:

Scientific Name: Pygocentrus nattereri
Common Names: Red Belly Piranha, Gold Dust Piranha, Yellow King Emperor Piranha. The Natives call this species (Red Belly variation) Piranha Vermilla in Brazil, and Piranha Roja in Peru, both names mean Red Piranha.
Range: A wide range of Amazonia, including most of the major tributaries, Rio Parana, and Rio Paraguay.
Adult Size: 12"
Tank Size: Adult specimens of this species should be maintained in a tank of at least 80gallons.
Compatible Species: P.piraya, P.cariba.
Hunting Method: Active chase. They will charge a group of fish, snapping at anything they can get a hold of and will chase individual prey until caught. They also sometimes practice the ambush method, but usually only get a fin or mouth full of scales rather than the whole fish.

Comments: Pygocentrus nattereri is one of the most wide spread species of Piranha in nature and the most common in pet stores. When someone hears the word "Piranha" this is the fish that comes to mind. This Piranha is probably 2nd to Goldfish for most abused aquarium fish in the world. People are often attracted to this Piranha soley because of their legendary feeding habits, which is unfortunate, because most of those people don't even know how to properly care for them, or even tropical fish in general. This species is usually shy and not very active.

There is also a yellow geographical color form (as I describe it) of this species often called "Yellow King Emperor Piranha," "Gold Dust Piranha," Or "Serrasalmus Ternetzi." Some dealers who have this color form for sale may claim that it the most rare piranha that can grow up to 3 feet or more, this is not true, because it is still a Pygocentrus nattereri. There is also geographical forms of belly coloration; red, orange, and yellow.

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