Death's Shield
I used to be like you,you know?
fearless,a rebel of hell!
I climbed rocks,
I swam seas,
and ran for miles,
as free as an echoing sea shell.
My freedom had no bounds you know,I thought I'd never grow old.
Until that day my warm young heart,
Turned,aged,and blue with cold.
I did my part,
A job for freedom,
With lives lost all around me.
Some nites I'd lay on the swampy ground and felt death slowly surround me.
I'd close my eyes to wish it away,
And think of pleasant thoughts.
But it's not so easy for a man like me,
With an audible of vile gunshots.
"This is Hell!" I heard one say,
"No job is worth this weight!"
I agreed and watched him die,
A bullet wound being his fate.
"Oh God !" I cried,
"Please forgive me, forgive all of us who have sinned!"
But God does not forgive the men whom curse against the wind.
Silence now!
I think they are coming!
Hurry it's time to run!
I felt peace here where danger slept,
And death would never shun.
Five of us,we ran like hell,
I laugh at what fools we were.
Three fell down and met their deaths,
And death for us for sure.
Another shot and my brother fell,
I stopped to help him live.
He yelled to me to go ahead,his life he was willing to give.
I guess it was on that brief dark moment,
That burnt my selfish heart.
I went on ahead and today I live,
A new life giving to start.
But God did not do me any favors that day,
My soul is still on that field.
That gruesome day took my soul away,
And hid it behind Death's Shield....
Written by:Rodney Meader.
~*Can we talk Lord?*~
While walking through the woods back home
I have so much to ask
Lord do you think that you can fit me in
your already heavy task
I am confused Lord ,about so many things
and wish I could just grow wings
Because then I could escape the pain
that so many have suffered in vain.
Lord why do my thoughts keep going back
to a time that seemed a dream
I never realized what was
untill I heard those screams
T'was not my voice that outed them
t'was not my cries of rage
But Lord,they were my brothers and sisters
and I can't tear that page.
Dear Lord ,please help me understand
why all this happened then
Could you no have helped and saved their lives
from all these women and men
Oh Lord,please tell me why it was
that so many had to die
For a cause that never should have happened
I can only out a sigh.
Well Lord ,I look around at this so
beautifull peacefull place
The trees so green the water so calm
and all what is infront of my face
You gave your life for us then too
and hoped that we would see
That hate and pain were not the answers
but you still had set us free.
Written by:Cheyenne.