
Fabio Freire
Fabiana Esteves
Horizonte Vertical

Picture Album
Rio de Janeiro
Family & Friends
NY Philharmonic
Lucky Cheng's

Other Stuff
My Links
About This Site


I first put this site up on July '97. It was just some patched up pages (ok, so it hasn't improved much...) with pictures that I wanted to share with my friends. The concept never changed, but a couple of months ago I read a very good book on web design, called Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity by Jakob Nielsen. While I knew my site was so small most of his principles wouldn't really apply, still I wanted to do it right. I ended up also reading one of his recomendations: Web Design in a Nutshell by Jennifer Niederst, which made me aware (and in most cases taught me all I needed to know) of all the different tools and technologies out there.

Obviously, this is a work in progress (as is every web site that is worth visiting more than once). In the future I hope (if time allows) to learn new tools and techniques to enhance this site even more. The best way to learn something is to actually do it. This is my cyber-playground :-)

These are the tools I used in developing this site:

Platform :Windoze NT 4.0
Editors :Notepad
Homesite 4.5
Graphics :Adobe Photoshop 5.5
Adobe ImageReady 2.0
Testing :Opera 3.61
Netscape 4.61
Internet Explorer 5.0
Pictures :Canon Elan IIe
Scanner :Epson blah blah
HP Scanjet II