After reading the guidelines, submit your page to the Queque, using the url of the page that you will place the htmlfrag on. This won't immediately add your page to the ring, but it will give you an ID number that will identify your page. Then go to the ring fragment area, and download the ring fragment and the two graphics. In the places marked, insert your ID number. Then get back to me that your htmlfrag is on your page and ready. Your page will then be activated and added to the ring. Your page will remain in the queue for 30 days, after which it will be dropped. You will be notified when or if this happens. You are welcome to resubmit again at any time that you wish. I realize there are times when it is difficult to get it done. So if you don't make it the first time, please do resubmit. Any comments or suggestions on this web ring would be appreciated. And if any links do not work, please let me know.


  1. Sumit your application here: Submit
  2. Load Fragment and Logo on the page you submitted to the queue.
  3. Send Email message to me saying you have installed Html fragment and logos. I will then activate your ID number. Be sure and include your ID number in the message.
  4. Then, hopefully, your page will be a working site in the Elkhound Ring. If you have any trouble, please get back to me. I hope there won't be any problems!!

Ring Mistress Ring

This Ring Mistress Ring
site is owned by
Jo Bell.

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