If friends are flowers, then our garden is a wonderful place!.

11/14/99 10:16:02
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nice. Agradecimentos para deixar-me assinar seu guestbook

gramma zim - 09/16/99 16:56:52
My Email:mizzim@flashnet
The last good movie you have seen.: gone with the wind
The last good book you read: heidi grows up

i want to wish ROWAN a very happy birthday!

mizzim@flashnet - 09/16/99 16:47:01


Katherine Hall - 01/28/99 23:55:17
My Email:khall@fetterly.com
The last good movie you have seen.: Patch Adams
The last good book you read: Any one of my boys' books!

What a great website!

Katherine Hall - 01/28/99 23:54:41
My Email:khall@fetterly.com
The last good movie you have seen.: Patch Adams
The last good book you read: HA!


10/04/98 12:47:50
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Your Community Leader, Lora - 04/18/98 19:27:06
My URL:/Heartland/4281
My Email:lora_t@hotmail.com
The last good movie you have seen.: My Fellow Americans
The last good book you read: Illusions

Hi...I just stopped by to check on your page and remind you that I'm here to help if you need any help with your page or with using the services at Geocities.

Patty Freeman - 03/05/98 18:02:51
The last good movie you have seen.: Good Will Hunting
The last good book you read: The Winner

I can't find the baby's picture!

Russ Foster & Jenn Dunn - 12/16/97 04:40:16
My Email:fosterr@stolaf.edu

We just looked at the photos of Rowan, they are wodnerful. We can't wait to see the latest ones because she has to be growing like crazy. Happy Holidays the Dunn/Foster's

Susan Hellwich - 12/16/97 03:48:31
My Email:SuzHellwich@Prodigy.Net
The last good movie you have seen.: The Commitments
The last good book you read: Your Money or Your Life

Hi Mike and Julie! The pictures of Rowan are GREAT!!!! Thank you sooooo much. She is really beautiful! Have a great Christmas. Love, Grandma Susan

Joel & Pam Schladerock - 08/03/97 05:43:55
My Email:joelas@flash.net
The last good movie you have seen.: Men in Black
The last good book you read: The Greatest Salesman in the World

Pam just finished "A Place Called Freedom" by Ken Follet. Nice little Bee Hive. Couldn't tell much from the sonogram pictures but guess that's why I am not a Medical Technician. Hope all is well.

Richard L. Wilder - 08/01/97 06:00:04
My Email:rwilder@techline.com
The last good movie you have seen.: One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
The last good book you read: The Mind Map Book (I got lost)

Great Page KIids

marian leerburger - 07/29/97 22:46:42
My Email:drmahl@erols.com
The last good movie you have seen.: movie? we have kids!
The last good book you read: "Rotations"


Mike & Julie - 07/27/97 07:30:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/8089
My Email:nomos@rocketmail.com
The last good movie you have seen.: Dead Man (Jonny Depp)
The last good book you read: The Blood Red Sunset :The Cultural Revolution by Ma Bo

Hey all, Just thought we woudl get the ball rolling here. Hope all is going well in your hive. Mike & Julie

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