Judy Rausch - 12/24/00 14:33:36
My Email:judylee@bigfoot.com
How did you find us?: google.com search
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel
Looking for info about Julius Zabel, born in Prussia about 1845, arrived US in 1868 to Iowa.
He was a brickmaker.
Jennifer Zabel - 12/03/00 19:36:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/madisonporthos/JenniferZabel.html
My Email:j0zabel@wmich.edu
How did you find us?: I was browsing excite
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel
This is really cool, a site with my last name!
Doug McBride - 12/03/00 07:31:23
My Email:doug@makenaplace.com
How did you find us?: McBride Search
Surname(s) of interest?: McBride, Kean
My ggggrandfather was Hugh McBride's father. My ggrandfather was his brother Francis McBride.
Joe Rohrbaugh - 11/27/00 05:04:53
My Email:joesuer@home.com
How did you find us?: RootsWeb Meta Search
Surname(s) of interest?: EYER
My mother's maiden name is EYER. Looking for the father of John Eyer, b. 4/24/1770, of Dry Valley, Union Co., PA, who married Elizabeth Wise. They moved to Muncy, PA around 1825.
After looking at county records in Lewisburg, PA, I can't prove that Rev. Abraham Eyer is John's father.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Paul Frey - 10/23/00 06:24:41
My Email:pfrey@surfree.com
How did you find us?: Surfing the Web
Surname(s) of interest?: Smith & Frey
I just finished a Family Tree on My Dad's side
of the family. Frey dated from 1659 in Wingen Alsace, France. Second Gfather married
Anna Barbara Schmidt in Wingen Alsace, France.
Email me for more information.
DAVID J ZABEL - 10/10/00 11:09:08
My Email:djzabel@ozemail.com
How did you find us?: zabelon the internet.
Surname(s) of interest?: zabel
Robert Webb - 10/03/00 00:07:12
My Email:RWebb3747@aol.com
How did you find us?: searching for EYERLY
Nice Site. Would like info on evolution of EYERLY name to/from EIER, EYER, etc. Thanks.
Terry Snyder - 09/24/00 19:12:36
My Email:terryls111.aol.com
How did you find us?: familysearch.com
Surname(s) of interest?: Hoy, Greybill, Eyer
Believe it or not I found you through the family search.com when I was trying to find Molly Eyer Hoy's parents. I knew that Abraham Eyer was her father, but one internet site had listed her mother as Sara (?) and another Catherine Greybill. Your site wa
listed at the bottom of the hits when I put in Abraham's name. Molly and Daniel are my gggg grandparents. If anyone is interested there is a great site giving more information on the two of them at http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~kayceelv/ T
ere is a picture of Daniel and his homestead there.
michelle kohm - 09/11/00 16:41:26
My Email:dsk2222@aol.com
How did you find us?: LDS Web site
Surname(s) of interest?: Lang
My grandmother was Cordia Alice Lang and I have been trying to find her parents/origin.
Ruth Zabel Snider - 09/02/00 01:00:41
My URL:http://sniderconstruction.com
My Email:tlsnider@bellsouth.net
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel
Just starting out. My family is from Youngstown OH. My grandfather was Carl William Zabel and my great-grandfather was William Carl Zabel.
Peter Login - 08/27/00 17:43:26
My Email:peterlogin@redhotant.com
How did you find us?: Cambridge County Council
Surname(s) of interest?: Login
Barry Kucks - 08/26/00 11:01:32
My Email:kucksbk@dcnet.net.au
How did you find us?: Looking for Zabel ancestory
Surname(s) of interest?: Zakrzewski Zabel
Good for checking up on ancestors
Linda McCashland - 08/24/00 23:57:36
My Email:inker@si-net.com
How did you find us?: searching sears
Surname(s) of interest?: sears
I am looking for info on Lucinda Sears that married Elias Covenhoven Williamson and lived in Butler Co., OH in the mid 1800's.
Jennifer Fore - 08/18/00 20:33:25
My Email:j-fore@rocketmail.com
How did you find us?: Rootsweb
Surname(s) of interest?: Banaszewski
My mother is a Banaszewski from Shenandoah, Pennsylvania. Her father was Anthony Banaszewski (1915-1982) and mother is Anne Marie Yancius (b: 1928). Do you think we are perhaps related? I know that my grandfather's sister, Mary, moved to Wayne County,
ichigan and married John Honus. Any relation that you know of?
John Zabell - 08/13/00 03:14:00
My Email:Berzerk@w-link.net
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabell
Well done, I will check back again to see new information. Thank you
marcia george - 08/05/00 20:06:29
How did you find us?: net
Surname(s) of interest?: raub. george
Dorothy L. Homeister - 08/05/00 05:00:23
My Email:dlrr124433@aol.com
How did you find us?: Family Tree Maker
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel
My Grandfather's name is William Zabel and came from Germany at a young age.
Nice Home Page!
Elizabeth - 07/23/00 02:17:10
My Email:emarkiewicz@stny.rr.com
How did you find us?: surfing web
Surname(s) of interest?: ostrowski
I am looking for records of my great grandfather- Stanislaw Ostrowski, who emigrated to US, after leading army group , failed uprising against Russia around 1890.
Jane Janes - 07/11/00 18:12:40
My Email:william.janes@ntlworld.com
How did you find us?: net
Surname(s) of interest?: Sears
Rita Keene - 07/06/00 14:46:37
My Email:yellow_rose49@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: internet
Surname(s) of interest?: Keene
I am looking for my brothers children and would
like to find them.
Sharon Braton - 06/25/00 23:55:40
My Email:sbeam7@rrt.net
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabell Draves Krauth Mahlberg
Just starting my research on the Zabell family.
Great great grandfather was John Zabell from
Dumont/ Wheaton Minnesota. In a newspaper
they talk about being farm of the century, and
that John came to America from
Alsace/Lorraine, by stowing away on a boat at
age 9. Any connections would be great!
Dennis Walter Zabel - 06/21/00 21:37:48
My Email:dzantiques@qix.net
How did you find us?: webroots
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel, Hoffman, Kuster, Decker, Beste, Niester
Looking for relatives in Germany who may have know my Detroit area ancestors
Linda S. (Knott) Nagle - 06/18/00 02:05:51
My Email:LAN123@worldshare.net
How did you find us?: searching the web
Surname(s) of interest?: Knott, Nagle,and Bowers
Jane Transue - 06/09/00 02:02:07
My Email:janetransue@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: LDS website
Surname(s) of interest?: Transue
I am planning on checking the web site - we have done research up to Abraham coming to Pennsylvania, but nothing prior.
phyllis faber - 06/08/00 02:05:10
My Email:richphyl@altavista.com
How did you find us?: web search
Surname(s) of interest?: Faber
I don't know very many names, so I hope to find good info.
Bonnie Grube Serben - 05/31/00 18:04:05
My Email:bonniedfw@home.com
How did you find us?: Rootsweb Surname Search
Surname(s) of interest?: Grube,
I descend from Johannes Peter Grub of Northampton County Pennsylvania, through his son J. George Grub.
Betty - 05/13/00 21:42:44
My Email:Bettyanag42@aol.com
Surname(s) of interest?: Frey
Looking for infro on a Charles Albert Frey.Born Jan 10,1864 in Swizerland.Died July 1,1947in New Jersey. His fathers name John Frey born in Swizerland.His mothers name was Mary, born alsoin Swizerland.Charles was married to a Pauline Shearer.My grandmothe
Carrie(Caroline) Frey was born in New York. She married a Fred Salter.She also had a sister Bertha,Brothers that I know about were Frank,William Charles could be more.Any help would be greatly appreicated,
Annie Frey - 05/03/00 16:15:58
My Email:bakn_2000@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: Went searching for father's family's past
Surname(s) of interest?: Frey
Lois Grubee - 05/01/00 21:21:04
My Email:lois_dave@zianet.com
How did you find us?: TV feature
Surname(s) of interest?: GRUBE
I am trying to fit an elusive Cousin Willie (William Frederick Grube) into the family tree. I know he belonged but can't get back one generation far enough to see who he belonged to. He was from the Charles City, IA area. He died in 1970.
Fred L. Montag Jr. - 05/01/00 00:48:21
My Email:flmontag2@ameritech.net
How did you find us?: Mormon Directory Website
Surname(s) of interest?: Banas
My grandmother was Frances Theresa Banas. Her family immigrated to the southside of Chicago (Bridgeport nieghborhood: 29th/30th/and 31st Streets and Racine). Her family was originally from outside of Krakow, Poland. She married Erwin Lawrence Montag. Any
nformation would be of great assistance.
Jerry D. Knott - 04/26/00 23:50:02
My Email:Knott22@aol.com
How did you find us?: Browsing Net
Surname(s) of interest?: Knott
I understand my family came to the United States from England originaly. My grandfather John Alvin Knott moved to Texas from Tennessee around the 1930's. If any one would like further information on our family I know of decendants of John Alvin, but not p
ior to him.
Deanna Nagel-Turton - 04/25/00 15:25:48
My Email:turton@abac.com
How did you find us?: Ancestry. com advcie
Surname(s) of interest?: Nagel
I have recently begun a serious effort in researching the Nagel family. I have three contacts in Austria - one of whom is in the village of Höchst they emigrated from in 1853-1855. I was checking to see what information was on this site.
Raymond L. Sears - 04/24/00 06:03:58
My Email:raysears@prodigy.net
How did you find us?: your email to me
I sent your question about Henry Sears to my circle working on Sears and other names. Your message was forwarded to people in MD, SC, VA, NC, and Boston. Lets hope we get some reply. As for my lineage Henry Sears and We think Hester Booker are the ones of
interest. Will keep looking . ray
Elizabeth Knott-Landry - 04/16/00 04:37:13
My Email:lizzard1@idirect.com
How did you find us?: family search
Surname(s) of interest?: KNOTT
Trying to locate information on my family. We are in Toronto, ON (Canada) area. Originally from England in mid 1800's before coming to Canada.
Jeanette Clark - 04/16/00 03:59:11
My Email:CementHill@aol.com
How did you find us?: FamilySearch.com
Surname(s) of interest?: Eklund, Nagel
Flamen Ball, VI - 04/14/00 21:41:53
My URL:http://www.salu.net/drball
My Email:fball@inu.net
How did you find us?: family search
Surname(s) of interest?: Nagel
My grandmother was Frieda Elsbeth Nagel who married William Alfred Boy and emigrated from Charlottenburg, Germany to New York City, and then to Cleveland, Ohio abt. 1912. My mother, Elfrieda Boy Ball was born in Charlottenburg 8/2/1911, but her biological
father was not William Boy, but an unnamed German Naval officer, who I believe committed suicide when his family forbid marriage to Frieda Nagel. This is the area of my search.
John W. Nagel - 04/13/00 17:06:28
My Email:jnagel@mail.tcbi.com
How did you find us?: familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: Nagel/Nagle
My grandparents Viggo(William)Nagel and Karen Thomasen Nagel originate from the Haderslev/Vejle areas of Denmark. They came to the U.S. in about 1892 and settled in Neenah, WI. I have a few other names that look like they would be brothers and sisters of
my grandfather; Friederick Adolph Nagel, Emma Frederickke Nagel, Ida Marie Nagel, Thora Sophie Jacobine Nagel and Elisabeth Dorthea Christine Nagel. Don't know where any of these settled but would be interested in hearing from anyone that has ties back to
the Nagel/Nagle name from Denmark.
Micheline Zabbal - 04/13/00 15:09:14
My Email:micheline_zaballe@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabbal
Very helpful site. Please let me know if the Zabbal family has any relation to Zabel family. I like to find my ancestors. THANKYOU!
Micheline Zabbal - 04/13/00 15:03:44
My Email:micheline_zaballe@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabbal
Marge Murray - 04/13/00 02:13:08
My Email:rmmurray@home.com
How did you find us?: internet
Surname(s) of interest?: Eyer
Very informative but not my line of Eyer. Looking forMargaret Eyer born 8/16/1826 married William B. Callison
Nelda Hastings - 04/12/00 03:31:16
My Email:hastnf@interisland.net
How did you find us?: search for Zabel
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel
My Gustav Ferdinand Zabel (1866-1951) was born in
Nicholasdorf, Bukowitz, Prussia. He came to the US
when he was 16+. He was orphaned by then. Trying
to locate the family in MN? he came to be with.
N Hastin
Donna G. (McCugh) Wyatt - 04/11/00 19:36:39
My Email:dgwyatt@gte.net
How did you find us?: Just searching
Surname(s) of interest?: McCue
Like your site but sorry it couldn't help in my line yet.
jayne humphrys - 04/10/00 15:10:24
My Email:ted.humphrys@virgin.net
How did you find us?: looking up relatives
Surname(s) of interest?: knott
looking for specific names frances redfern knott who we believe went to south africa about 1908 also stephen knott a vet in the cavalry who died in south africa and john knott who sailed on the convict ships to botany bay as a "doctor". all these children
of charles and harriett knott of portsmouth and suurounding areas in thr u.k.
Roy L. Zabel - 04/07/00 19:17:48
My Email:randkz@bellsouth.net
How did you find us?: Searching for Zabel
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel and Peyton
Bernadotte - 04/06/00 22:46:43
My Email:dot1@netnitco.net
How did you find us?: Name
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel
My grandparents Wilhelm Frederick Zabel and Bertha Klineschmidt Zabel came to the USA 2 July 1868 from Prussia. Wilhelm's mother Anna Klawitter Zabel and sister Rosina Zabel came here sometime in the late 1800's. His father's name was either Adolph or Aug
st. And they came from Prussia, that is all I know. Would appreciate any information. Thank You Bernadotte
Edmond M. Stryker - 03/29/00 13:51:18
My Email:strykerranch@terraworld.net
How did you find us?: Looking for relatives of Jonathan McBride
Surname(s) of interest?: McBride
I really enjoyed your home page and especially the music. Could you tell me what it is - the name and where it came from?
Norman Deer - 03/29/00 02:38:47
My Email:ndeer@lvcm.com
How did you find us?: msn
Surname(s) of interest?: Deer, Rapert
Pamela Mackekey Falls - 03/27/00 03:39:40
My Email:happyoutcome@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: LDS Family Search
Surname(s) of interest?: Transue,Eichelberger,Mackey,Scherer or Scherrer,
I am decended from Northampton Co, Williams Twp., PA Dutch families. My mother was born in 1920 in Northampton County. Theere may be an intermarriage of Transue's leading into both her Eichelberger and Scherrer lines. I live in NJ. You may have some very
elevant data here. I printed out your Transue line. I don't know exactly when I will have time to really examine it. I just was to Northampton County today, to visit my living relatives and stop off at my grandmother's grave in Allentown. Thanks for the i
fo again, Pam
Don Raupe - 03/25/00 18:30:02
My Email:don@sedona.net
How did you find us?: luck
Surname(s) of interest?: Raub
Not easy to understand - THOUGHT this would sho info on name researching!!
Please send reply - MNAY thanks
Frederick W. Solberg - 03/25/00 03:51:04
My Email:witsol@mindspring.com
How did you find us?: search engine
Surname(s) of interest?: Transou
Michelle - 03/22/00 04:12:59
My Email:Michellelynn7815
How did you find us?: teacher gave
Surname(s) of interest?: genealogy/etymology
I need help finding my ancestors
howard t. zabel - 03/20/00 22:28:58
barbara hoech - 03/18/00 02:00:40
Surname(s) of interest?: zabel
Margo Boyd - 03/17/00 21:15:50
My Email:margo@u.washington.edu
How did you find us?: familysearch.org
Surname(s) of interest?: Hanowell
Searching for Lewis Hanowell (Hanowille) married to Ianara (Leroy or Leroi). In Brooklyn, NY with their family in 1850. Family members listed were Emily, Harriet, Lahoney (believe this to be Leonice or later known as Leona), my ggrandmother who married
oseph F. Gustave BRYS in Brooklyn,in 1855.
Norma J Burgess - 03/13/00 20:30:51
My Email:norma@sofast.com
How did you find us?: www.familysearch.com
Surname(s) of interest?: Blanck,Blank or Plank,Schlebach
Brian Dillon - 03/12/00 17:22:06
My Email:granttoo65@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: LATTER DAY SAINT'S
Surname(s) of interest?: McHugh
David Tucker - 03/12/00 13:59:19
My Email:dtucker1@willinet.net
How did you find us?: familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: Mueller
Looking for information on Wilhelmina Dorothea Elizabeth Mueller, born in Berg, Prussia, 4/30/1830 and married to Fredrick William Stukas.
J. Vuglar - 03/08/00 17:38:19
My Email:mathdart@aol.com
How did you find us?: www.familysearch.org
Surname(s) of interest?: Vogler
Ed Kaczor - 03/08/00 01:24:01
My Email:kaczor51@accnorwalk.com
Surname(s) of interest?: Helwig
LaMont H. Raub - 03/05/00 05:46:40
My Email:lamont@enter.net
How did you find us?: Friends
Surname(s) of interest?: Raub; Dotter
Doris PORTH TUFT - 03/05/00 01:15:32
My Email:nanamonyu@juno.com
How did you find us?: Relative suggestion
Surname(s) of interest?: ANTON; HILBRECHT; KROMPHOLZ
The earliest Lutheran Church record is from Tauroggen, Lithuania, the death record of a Caroline ANTON; a notation of a Friederich ANTON from Widulken;a christening record of a Johann KROMPHOLZ at Tauroggen in 1848; and a Caroline HILBRECHT, age 23,marryi
g a Michael FONUBEK in June 1862.
R.J.Raub - 03/01/00 21:02:46
My Email:RJRaub@aol.com
How did you find us?: From family search
Surname(s) of interest?: Raub
Douglas J Faber - 02/29/00 17:08:02
My Email:dfaber5293@aol.com
How did you find us?: snap.com search
Surname(s) of interest?: Faber/Wisely
very pleasent site, nice music, easy to navigate
Lisa Koen - 02/26/00 04:44:25
My Email:jujuy@GTE.net
How did you find us?: internet
I am very anxious to know whether my ancenstry has some Jewish in it.
My father was from Ukraine so was my mother
Anastasia Bilagenko and my father was
Anton Horb (Hill)
Is there any background or sources I can go to to find out.
Also, my husband denies Jewish heritage, I tell him he does has it, from the Koening priesthood family. Am I dreaming?
His father's name was Clifford Earl Koen, his mother was Ouida Louise Robinson.
I really would like to know where do we fit in. Is my son destined to the priesthood of Aaron our L-rd? Somehow I feel very Jewish, but I cannot prove it. If you can tell me that my background is Jewish, I would greatly appreciate it. If not, then I a
Jewish in my heart.
maryann leahy cooley - 02/22/00 05:52:19
My Email:mothercooley@webtv.net
How did you find us?: lds search
Surname(s) of interest?: leahy and alafberg
hello..my grandfather was dennis leahy from upstate new york..do you have any info on leahy's from new york? also ant alafberg's from new york around 1900. thank you so very much
Sharon Muir - 02/21/00 01:25:03
My Email:Sharon_Muir@telus.net
How did you find us?: LDS On The Net
Surname(s) of interest?: LeRoy
Darrell Donnelly - 02/20/00 17:53:01
My Email:dadonn@usit.net
How did you find us?: web link
Surname(s) of interest?: anton, mindenhall,robisson
lookin for info on Oscar P. Anton, Bernhardt I. Anton, and Mabel E. robisson
Amy McManus - 02/16/00 20:28:25
How did you find us?: search
Surname(s) of interest?: Krawiec
ROGER OSTROSKI - 02/16/00 16:01:24
How did you find us?: RESEARCH
Surname(s) of interest?: OSTROWSKI
Beatrice Liu - 02/14/00 19:00:11
My Email:bzbliu@juno.com
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: Nagel, McMahan
Good site, wish more info on Nagel surname.
Margo Boyd - 02/11/00 19:00:00
My Email:margo@u.washington.edu
How did you find us?: searching Leroy
Surname(s) of interest?: Leroy & Hanowell
Patricia Marez - 02/10/00 01:11:00
My Email:Patinbigd@aol.com
How did you find us?: browsing
Surname(s) of interest?: Keene
I'am from Susanna Keeene Garner, and I have never seen your web page and just dropped in to browse.
- 02/09/00 21:50:11
Dennis Walter Zabel - 02/08/00 16:02:20
My Email:dzantiques@mail.us-net.com
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel, Roloff, Hoffman, Decker, Fass, Niester, Grant
Gustav(b.1868)and brother Emil(b.1870)came to US between 1885-1890 from Germany. Parents: Daniel and Anna(Roloff). Settled in Detroit as butchers.
Gustave married Henriette Hoffman(maiden:Kuester).Emil married Veronika Fass. No children. Gustave had Walter and Henduin "Hattie". Agnes Hoffman(from Henriette's 1st marr-iage to Otto) married Louis Decker. Brother Otto married Helma "Nina". Walter marri
d Nettie Niester. Hattie married Hugh Grant.
Sharon Salerno - 02/06/00 17:38:22
My Email:ssalernocm@bwn.net
How did you find us?: Surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: Nott, Huckfeldt
Entered Nott and your site came up. My Grandfather was Elias Aaron Nott dob 2/4/1890. His father William Thomas Nott dob 10/22/1866. Wondered if you are related to the Nott family. Great site.
Deanna Turton - 02/05/00 02:32:41
I did not find my relatives...but thanks anyway. My Nagel relatives are from Höchst, Austria.
Deanna Turton - 02/05/00 02:29:42
My Email:turton@abac.com
How did you find us?: LDS search
Surname(s) of interest?: Nagel, Fellner, Stangl, Mayer
I am new to genealogy and am just starting to view this site. Maybe I hsould have waited till later. :) However, if I learned something I will write another message.
Andrew Zabel - 02/02/00 09:54:56
My Email:drewboy86@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: surname search
Surname(s) of interest?: Zabel/Evanovich
Well, I have been promoted to the rank of Corporal, and will continue my duties in North Carolina at Camp Lejune. I married in November 1999 to Angela Evanovich. We are high school sweethearts from Batavia IL.
B.J. - 02/01/00 19:38:21
My Email:B.F.Adams@prodigy.net
How did you find us?: genealogy search
Surname(s) of interest?: McHugh
Patrick and Mary McHugh married and settled in Deadwood,South Dakota.They had four children;Paul,Charles,Boad & Alice.Boad is my grandfather;and I know he is deceased;but wonder about the others.Paul made his home in California;and Alice and Charles in Co
smith - 01/25/00 11:55:55
My Email:classicv@globalnet.co.uk
How did you find us?: searching
Surname(s) of interest?: ANTON / Faulkner
m.hodges - 01/25/00 03:45:26
My Email:buzzwill@bellsouth.net
How did you find us?: accident
Surname(s) of interest?: DEER, Pittman, Beard
new at this tree search right now. its hit and miss. enjoyed your site.
Michael J. Dziallo - 01/23/00 22:23:31
My Email:Dziallo@CompuServe.Com
How did you find us?: Familysearch.org
Surname(s) of interest?: KRAWIEC
I have a Stella Krawiec b. in 1879 in Poland and died in Chicago, IL in January 1956. Unfortunately, I have no further information about her.
debby - 01/22/00 21:40:45
My Email:smays@swconnect
How did you find us?: can't remember
Surname(s) of interest?:TRANSUE
Herb Phelan, Jr - 01/22/00 15:57:25
My URL:http://www.familytreemaker.com/users/p/h/e/Herbert-A-Phelan/index.html
My Email:herbp@nstci.com
How did you find us?: Phelan/Lang Search
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
It's just possible that your Anna, b. 1889 is my grandmother who married Pierce Phelan. I'd like to know any information you have about her.
Bettina Zabel Kracht - 01/22/00 13:06:29
My Email:kracht@powerup.com.au
How did you find us?: surfing the net
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL,Popp,Althaus,Scholl,Kitzelmann,Dormbusch,Kreig
I have been doing research since 1978 after my father died,Zabel.Our family here in South-east Queensland,Australia have held a family reunion in 1985. But we don't know any thing about where our Great-grandfather Ludwig Zabel and his wife Friedericke Pop
came from,Neugolz,Deutsch Krone.
Katharine Ostrowska - 01/19/00 15:07:59
My Email:katharineostrowska@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: Browsing!
Surname(s) of interest?: OSTROWSKI
My Grandfather Andre Ostrowski emigrated from Poland to England during WW2. He was in the Air Force and came from Warsaw. We still keep the "i" for male relatives and the "a" for females. I'm trying to find out if he had/has any relatives in Poland or e
Eric Newsom - 01/18/00 18:49:49
My Email:eanewsom@intrstar.net
How did you find us?: Familysearch.org
Surname(s) of interest?: Boatenreiter/KEAN
I am searching for the lineage of my great Grandfather, Charles Boatenreiter who married Caroline Kean in Fulton County, Georgia in 1891. This is all the information I can seem to find on Boatenreiter.
Bonnie - 01/14/00 02:44:10
My URL:http://communityweb.net/williemaze/williezues
My Email:williwmaze@webtv.net
How did you find us?: My Church Web site
I have been doing this for about 5 years.
On my mother side:
I am looking for my grandmother side her parents
were(Mother:Lucy Ann ENGLER Father: Henry J.
Yeager) Luzern CO. PA
Also my mothers grandmother: Clara Hoak Stair
On My Fathers side: Mother: Mildred (madin name
unkown Moss Fuler Father: Alvin Harry Moss
Hunlock Creek, PA
Any help would be helpful. Good Luck On Your
Family Tree. God Bless
Don Creston Lang - 01/12/00 04:23:01
My Email:dlang@kscable.com
How did you find us?: Search
Surname(s) of interest?: LANG/Erickson
I am just at the beginning of my family search. The computer has found a Lang or and Erickson in your Web Site. Liked the opening music!!!
Bettina Kracht - 01/09/00 13:37:48
My Email:kracht@powerup.com.au
How did you find us?: Surfing the net
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL,Althaus,Kracht,Kitzelmann
Rachel Brooks - 01/07/00 06:28:56
My Email:mysteriousmagic@uswest.net
How did you find us?: Luck
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
There is not much that i know but what I do know I will post as a needle in a haystack. Ok.
My grandmothers name was Josephine Zabel, she had three daughters. Charlotte, Teresa and Genevieve.
Charlotte was stolen from Josephine by an Italian woman and Josephine died early of a broken heart. Teresa we found, she had been placed in a foster home. We never found the third sister, Genevieve. This all took place in Brooklyn Ny, Greenpoint to be e
act. I would like to know if anyone can help me to get any information on my grandmother Josephine or her husband. Teresa said that Josephine had come from Lithuania. Please help and with the help of St. Cono we will get a lead.
God Bless.
Caren Zabel Nelson - 01/05/00 05:23:47
My Email:Carenlzn@aol.com
How did you find us?: Family search
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
I'm looking for anyone who may know about the Zabels in Kansas. Otto Wesley Zabel or his father Ernest Zabel. Otto was married twice, his second wife was Madeline McCurdy.
Loved seeing Zabel "in lights"!
Jesse William Graybill Jr - 01/03/00 00:31:44
My Email:Jesswork@aol.com
How did you find us?: Family Search
Surname(s) of interest?: GRAYBILL
Very Nicely done.
But I guess I'm from a different line.
Have you ever contacted Lois Norris Graybill in
Taylor,Texas 76574
Nancy - 12/28/99 03:48:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Cybernanc/genes.html
My Email:Cybernac@aol.com
How did you find us?: Search Engine
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL, Meissert, Fritsche, Kamens
I haven't had time to read all the entries, but I will!!! Make sure you check out my genealogy webpage to see if your Zabel ancestor matches any of mine!
How did you find us?: GENEALOGY SEARCH
Surname(s) of interest?: TRANSUE
My mother was Joan Anne TRANSUE born in PA.Her father was Alvin TRANSUE and mother Cora Mae Nauman. She was the oldest of seven children. I would like any additional information of my ancestors.
Ronald R. Niebel - 12/22/99 17:15:33
My Email:rrniebel@aol.com
How did you find us?: Searching internet for geneology of Niebel family
Surname(s) of interest?: NIEBEL
Nelda Hastings - 12/21/99 18:35:07
My Email:hastnf@interisland.net
How did you find us?: Zabel name
Surname(s) of interest?: Martin, Mangels, VOGEL, Koepke, Gerhardter, Pankratz, Erdman, Wellnitz,
Haven't found any Zabels in other sources.
karl zabel - 12/17/99 03:32:51
My Email:karlz@home.com
How did you find us?: family treemaker
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
My great grandparents were John Zabel and Louise Radun who lived in Lipno, Poland around 1814.
valerie tracy (labard) - 12/13/99 03:17:53
My Email:vltracy@eskimo.com
How did you find us?: family search
Surname(s) of interest?: NAGEL/Labard/Nolan
My dads dad is a Nagel, Robert Nagel. He was married to Olga (unsure of last name) both deceased now. Robert Labard also...
jenny miedema - 12/10/99 10:33:48
My Email:barte@home
How did you find us?: just sufing on the net actually looking for our home-town pizzeria in Bolsward
Surname(s) of interest?: Miedema or van Zuiden
I want to know where my mom's surname is coming from
Howard - 12/09/99 01:42:08
My Email:Joan.Howard@MCIworld.com
How did you find us?: www.familysearch.org
Surname(s) of interest?: LEAHY
Looking for Ancestors of Gerald J. Leahy, b. in Peterborough, Ontario.
diane knott - 11/23/99 15:52:06
My Email:teacherlynn@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: by chancd
Surname(s) of interest?: KNOTT
Thanks for letting me look. My interest started when I was helping my nephew in a school project. Thanks again.
Marlena Zabel - 11/17/99 04:09:21
My Email:1merlin@one.net.au
How did you find us?: threw a friend
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
Very excited about finding the Zabel Homepage wonderful. Can any Zabel out there help me find my late husbands family? He was Helmut Paul Gerhard Zabel born Groshien Germany 2/6/1914 left Germay for Australia 1952 to work for the Hydro commission in Tasm
nia. Left behind one son Wolfgang then living in Karl Markstate who married twice both wives first name of Erica also has five children to first wife.I am Helmuts third wife. First wife name Evie, second Elle. I had two sons to Helmut, Peter James born 21
12/71 and Simon Paul born 27/4/76. Hope someone can help me.
- 11/15/99 05:21:17
Austin Leahy - 11/15/99 01:01:07
My Email:airfoil@sprynet.com
How did you find us?: searching Leahy surname
Surname(s) of interest?: LEAHY
- 11/10/99 19:35:40
Thomas Helmer - 11/08/99 15:57:25
My Email:thomas@helmer.com
How did you find us?: familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: VOGLER
I am an ancestor of Johann Karl Philip Vogler and am looking for older information whereever I can.
Sharon Eno - 11/07/99 17:46:47
My Email:Eno29367@aol.com
How did you find us?: Checking out Ostrowski name.
Surname(s) of interest?: OSTROWSKI
Thank you for your web site. My great-grandmother was Mary Ostrowski, not sure if there is a direct relationship between her and Stanislaw Ostrowski. Would be willing to share some information I have on them with you if you are interested. Who knows the
e may be some direct connection between the two.
Thank you,
Sharon Eno
John Broomfield - 11/07/99 15:28:33
My Email:john099@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: Searching for my Grandfather's records
Surname(s) of interest?: KNOTT
Mary Knott b 14 Apr 1891 England. Just getting started in tracing my family tree.
Caren Zabel Nelson - 11/04/99 17:45:56
My Email:Carenlzn@aol.com
How did you find us?: Familysearch.com
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
It's quite a surprise to see my last name on the internet after spending my whole life believing I was the only one! Wow!
John W. Nagel - 11/04/99 04:03:29
My Email:jnagel@mail.tcbi.com
How did you find us?: www.familysearch.org
Surname(s) of interest?: NAGEL/NAGLE
First time looking into FHC records, nothing yet!
Katherine Zollman graves - 11/04/99 00:55:51
My Email:kat@zigs.net
How did you find us?: lds
Surname(s) of interest?: Zollman/ZABEL
Looking for decendents of Elizabeth Zabel married to Johann Christian Zollman 1812.
Jane Ott - 11/01/99 00:08:30
My Email:janeott@goes.com
How did you find us?: familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: RAUB/Sherrer/Miers
Glad to see womone working on the Raub family!
Eileen Leahy Myers - 10/28/99 00:38:29
How did you find us?: Genealogy Search
Surname(s) of interest?: LEAHY,Fitzgeralf
Please respond
Martha Knott Fowlkes - 10/27/99 15:05:58
My Email:mf@sheltonbbs.com
How did you find us?: web site
Surname(s) of interest?: KNOTT, Clark, Fowlkes
I am interested in the family of Justin Knott who married Amy Clark. I know that they are descedents of James Knott who came over on the George. I need to know who is in between. They are descended from James' son William
JAS - 10/23/99 09:42:24
How did you find us?: LDS site
Surname(s) of interest?: Senteney, Renfro, LeROY
Just wondering from whence I came. A bit of old blood from the colonies and a bit of new blood... sort of. My g-grandfather was from Scotland. I was hoping to find information regarding his ancestry...no go yet but I've got a big shovel and a strong wi
ll. Oh yeah, neat site. I am new to the internet, so this is all pretty cool once you get your bearing. Good show!
Andrew Nathaniel Zabel - 10/22/99 04:13:37
My Email:ZabelAN@1mawmag12.usmc.mil
How did you find us?: MSN search
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL, Stockwell
No comment really, just that I know that I am not alone in my search for family. If there are any other Zabel's in the military, please email me
Andrew Zabel
Lance Corporal
Iwakuni, Japan
Darrin Sean Pearce - 10/20/99 15:59:01
My URL:http:// ?
My Email:vel@televar.com
How did you find us?: MSN request of "geneology"
Surname(s) of interest?: LeROY,Lavalla and Rober
I have been working hard to help my "rescource" bucket fill to the brim. As we all know, it helps to have plenty of diferent avenues to look at.The help that I can provide, tends to be more on the royal side of Germany, Scotland, Spain (when Spain was bor
Ireland and England. For example : Louie the 14th, Henry the 3rd ("The Old"), King William of Orange and Normandy ("The Silent"), Dutches and Dukes of Lorraine, Pepin D'Heristal of Austrasia and many more. I woul be glad to share, but what I'm looking fo
is anyone who may have any of these sur-names in their tree : Nissen, Rober, Lavalla or LeROY. Hopefully all four right close together.
ray zabel - 10/15/99 03:13:02
My Email:zabel@selway.umt.edu
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL, Kranick
Carole Holsing - 10/15/99 01:15:00
My Email:raycar@home.com
Surname(s) of interest?: LANG /Cornell
Nina Schildknecht - 10/10/99 22:20:10
My Email:ninalee@gilanet.com
How did you find us?: thru familysearch.com
Surname(s) of interest?: LANG, Upchurch
I didn't find my particular Lang, but I enjoyed this site. Nina
Sandra Zabel-Keith - 10/10/99 20:13:16
My Email:sandi_lamberts@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: web search
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
I'm very new to geneology. I'm interesting in tracing my Zabel heritage. I am the granddaughter of Ray Frederick Zabel, husband to Althea (Brandt) Zabel. According to my father, he was born in Chicago around 1917. Where can I go for more information?
Thanks in advance for any help I receive.
Schröder - 10/10/99 17:15:27
I´m searching sor Carl Mueller born 24.8.1831 Köhnchen (poland)
Uli Schroeder
Fasanenstr. 16 15738 Zeuthen, Germany
- 10/10/99 17:13:56
Schein - 10/09/99 12:00:55
My Email:hiram@wanadoo.be
How did you find us?: Mormons
Bonnie Grube Serben - 10/06/99 18:31:35
My Email:bonniedfw@home.com
How did you find us?: Family Treemaker website
Surname(s) of interest?: GRUBE
I descend for Johann Peter Grub (the e was added in later generations) who arrived in SE Pennsylvania from Germany in 1763. He settled, along with two other Grub(e) families, in Williams Township, Northampton County, Pennsylvania. I'm writing from work,
but will check and see where Maria Elizabeth Grube fits into my family tree and advise when I get home.
lisa keeble - 10/02/99 15:08:21
My Email:lmkeeble@aol.com
Surname(s) of interest?: EYER / warnock
my grandmother, Marie Eyer lived in Tule aire county in California. My Grandfather, David E. Warnock immigrated from Belfast, Ireland and was driving 20-mule teams in California when he met my Grandmother. I am just starting my research.
Virginia Transue - 09/30/99 13:22:20
My Email:Chambers_of_Judge_Max_Rosenn@ca3.uscourts.com
How did you find us?: net search geneology
Surname(s) of interest?: TRANSUE
My husband is Edward C. Transue IV. We have traced our family branch back to the town of Gerlitz near Koenigsburg, once Eastern Prussia, often and perhaps now in Poland. My mother-in-law, Mrs. Ed (Nell) Transue of Dallas, PA has old Bible in German and
uite a few records going well back into the 1600s. We believe the original immigrant (to U.S.)head of family was Abraham Transue. Would love to hear from any other Transues.
nalewajek - 09/29/99 03:38:06
How did you find us?: Morman Web Site
Surname(s) of interest?: Nalewajek
Carolyn A. Swyter - 09/26/99 17:44:06
My URL:http://www. geocities.com/cgi-bin/geoplus_apps/abs_ebtry
My Email:dcswyter@lkdllink.net
How did you find us?: my cousins wife e-mailed this to me
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
My grandmother was a Zabel. She was born in Paynesville, Minnesota. Her father was William Zabel, born in Germany. He married Willhelmina Butts. They both are buried at Paynesville.
Christian B. Nagel - 09/24/99 19:59:16
My Email:cbnagelx@aol.com
How did you find us?: Mormon familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: NAGEL
Looking for Nagel's that flow from Wayne Nagel, from Albert-Alton Nagel (he moved to England and had another family and children. No records past him though, supposedly B. in US, but parents from Germany
- 09/24/99 19:08:08
J. Nagel - 09/24/99 15:32:27
My Email:fvca@usxchnage.net
How did you find us?: mormons
Surname(s) of interest?: NAGEL/Zeunert
Looking for any help great site thanks
Judy Zabel Cawthon - 09/18/99 19:27:23
My Email:jcawthon@lycosmail.com
How did you find us?: Mormon Church Website
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
I am looking for information on my great grandfather, Albert William Zabel who was born in West Prussia.
John Edward McCue - 09/17/99 14:53:19
My Email:jack112229@earthlink.net
How did you find us?: LDS web site
Surname(s) of interest?: McCUE
Grandfather (Paul Peter McCue) married Margaret Foy-McCue. They lived in Vinecreek, KS (McCue names are on the markers in the graveyard there); and Kansas City, Ks.
Mike McHenry - 09/16/99 20:26:09
My Email:maurmike@bellatlantic.net
How did you find us?: lds
Surname(s) of interest?: MUELLER
Ate Eijer - 09/13/99 20:00:07
My Email:1.eijer@planet.nl
How did you find us?: www.family-search.org
Surname(s) of interest?: EYER/Eijer
I live in the Netherlands and i am looking sindce a view days on the internet if i can find something about Eijer. It is my family name. the name Eyer,Eijer or Aeyer is an old name in Switserland. The oldest Eijer in the Netherlands left Switserland and w
lked to the netherlands in the end of the 16th century.
Debbie Daniels - 09/13/99 00:55:00
My Email:debbie@computer-depot.com
How did you find us?: through family search
Surname(s) of interest?: KERNER
I am trying to find a link to my mother-in-law's name. Her name is Alvina Eva Kerner Colter.
Cyndi Ross Benson - 09/07/99 16:47:00
My Email:cyndibenson@juno.com
How did you find us?: search for Fleming from NJ
Surname(s) of interest?: Fleming
Michelle Ross - 09/06/99 02:36:43
My Email:mrross@snet.net
How did you find us?: familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: EILER
My great-great grandfather was a John Eiler from Berks County, Reading, PA. I thought I was going in the right direction, but now I find 2 other John Eiler's from PA. Now I have to start all over again, unless yours is mine.
Annie - 09/03/99 03:50:39
My Email:adear@earthlink.net
How did you find us?: familysearch.org
Surname(s) of interest?: MULLER
Yours is the BESTEST web site I have EVER seen, for personal websites. congratulations on it.
I'm still trying to search a link for me, Muller from alsace is right, but I can't tell yet if grandfather changed HIS last name (probably!).
David O. Ostrowski - 09/02/99 00:31:14
My Email:do936@uswest.com
How did you find us?: just surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: OSTROWSKI
I'm just getting started tracing the familiy history. My grandfather Vincent Ostrowski and my grandmother Lottie (Kaminski)migrated to the US somewhere around 1910. The entered through the port of Boston, lived in Salem, Mass. and Cleveland, Ohio before s
ttling in Michigan City, Indiana where my father Fred P. Ostrowski and I were born. I have no idea where they came from in Poland, but my grandfather and greatgrandfather were blacksmiths. I'd love to know about the province or town of their origin.
Lynn Lonbeck - 08/28/99 04:00:04
My Email:MTnan4life
How did you find us?: LDS Search Site
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
Great Granddaughter of Gustav and Augusta Zabel, immigrated to the US in 1883. My mother has done a lot of research on the Zabel family.
gene wach - 08/24/99 12:57:59
My Email:gwach@bellsouth.net
How did you find us?: familysearch.com
Surname(s) of interest?: NAGEL
I'm just starting at this computer stuff, so not sure my comments would be valid, I find it interesting tho(your site). Margaretha Minna Nagel was the second wife of my great grandfather. She was born 19 June 1850. worms, Russia.
Lynn Carol Mueller Carlson - 08/20/99 21:25:11
My Email:lynnccarlson
How did you find us?: family search
Surname(s) of interest?: MUELLER,Kiedel,Lind, Selig,Walk,Wolfgang,Seegraber
Haven't browsed yet ...will be back later ...
Lynn Carol
Doris McCue Norman - 08/20/99 19:22:08
How did you find us?: Family Search
Surname(s) of interest?: McCUE
Very interesting, although I didn't find anything
I needed.
Edward T. Szostakowski - 08/19/99 18:13:59
My Email:edski@sprintmail.com
How did you find us?: familysearch.org
Surname(s) of interest?: Szostakowski
My wife found my paternal grandmother's name (Ostrowski,Marianne)on the Zabel family homepage. We did not find any link to her on the information you showed. It's a nice homepage and thank you for allowing me to per-ruse it.
Richard A. Bowlby - 08/16/99 20:04:59
My Email:RAB1239@JUNO.COM
How did you find us?: www.familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: McHUGH
Annie Beatrice McHugh married Joel Banks Bowlby, Somerville, MA. She was a daughter of John McHugh. This John and his son John were in Milia in Somerville, MA. Late 1800's.
Terry Nagel - 08/16/99 01:57:59
My Email:tnagel@micron.net
How did you find us?: via familysearch
Surname(s) of interest?: NAGEL, David
MIGAULT - 08/14/99 16:38:07
My Email:Jean.Migault@wanadoo.fr
How did you find us?: Salt LaKe City
Surname(s) of interest?: Schroeder, Dury, Migault,, Ruffieux, Dieudonne
Margaret watrous-Goodwin - 08/14/99 00:20:54
My Email:doll10556@aol.com
How did you find us?: mormon site
Surname(s) of interest?: NOTT
I entered the Nott surname and your site was amongst 4 that came up. Are you related to any Notts?
Gearldean Lockhart Fry - 08/11/99 03:38:14
My Email:Jfrybone@yahoo.com
How did you find us?: Mormans site
Surname(s) of interest?: FRY
Looking For Info on William Fry family.
Dennis Walter Zabel - 08/03/99 02:56:15
My Email:dzantiques@mail.us-net.com
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL, Kuster, Hoffman,Fass
My great grandfather, Gustave Zabel and his brother, Emil immigated from Germany in the late 1800's. They were both butchers in Detroit. Gustave married Henrietta Hoffmann(maiden-Kuster)and had two children, Walter & Henduin "Hattie". Henrietta's first ma
riage was to Otto Hoffmann. They had four children, Agnes, Otto, Hugo & Emil. Emil married Veronika "Vronie" Fass. They had no children. Gustave and Emil's father was Daniel Zabel of Germany.
Timer Vogler - 08/01/99 12:55:01
My Email:timer@net-link.net
How did you find us?: surf
Herb Phelan - 07/31/99 23:03:50
My Email:herbp@nstci.com
How did you find us?: Mormon Genealogy
Surname(s) of interest?: Phelan
Good looking site!
jur faber - 07/31/99 09:51:25
My Email:jur faber@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: on internet
Surname(s) of interest?: FABER
I did not find relevant information about the
faber-family in Bolsward -the Netherlands
Jewell Nagel - 07/31/99 00:53:20
My Email:leargold@earthlink.net
How did you find us?: family search site
Surname(s) of interest?: NAGEL
- 07/26/99 19:06:36
Marci Hirkaler - 07/21/99 20:53:02
My Email:auntbuny@netscape.net
How did you find us?: Rootsweb
Surname(s) of interest?: KRAWIEC
My husband's grandmother was Bronislawa (Wladyslawa) Krawiec, who was born in Poland on 4-11-1900, her parents were Frances Szebol or Szebul and Adam Krawiec. She immigrated to the US in 1913, married Stanley Koziel. Her siblings were Ignacz, Stephanie,
Stanley and John, Michelin. Thank you. Email me with any info. at auntbuny@netscape.net.
Libbi Albright - 06/20/99 03:41:29
My Email:lalb@ethergate.com
How did you find us?: Elaine Clement
Surname(s) of interest?: GARBACZ, Stankiewicz
Wonderful to find you. Thanks! Libbi
transue wayne - 06/15/99 18:54:08
My Email:transue@vrinternet.net
Surname(s) of interest?: TRANSUE
Polly Partsch - 06/05/99 18:05:04
My Email:PPartsch@aol.com
How did you find us?: Through the new Momron family search site
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
Am interested in the Christian Frederick Zabel family from Doelitz, Pommerania. Christian was married to Hanne Justine Wahl, also from Doelitz. The family, including his father Michael, immigrated in 1865 through New York and came to Jefferson County, Neb
aska. Any information, especially about Michael, would be welcome. I am a great-great granddaughter of Christian and Hanne. Thank you for any information anyone can share.
Diana Reinbolt-Sclafani - 05/18/99 14:02:25
My Email:ZOk1@aol.com
How did you find us?: Through a variety fo sources
Surname(s) of interest?: REINBOLT/REINBOLD/REINBOLDT
I am researching my great-grandfather, Charles
Reinbolt, born abt. early to mid- 1860's, Bas-Rhin, Alsace-Lorraine. There was never any
mention of the names of his parents or sibilings.
It has been rumoured that he came to America with
a cousin, Charles (Reinbolt). We believe that he
came straight to New York, but there is no proof.
He married Catherine Beck(b.1870 - d.1933, NY)
in New York, her family was in the ranks of High-Society; After their marriage, they opened an
Wholesale-Retail Meat Packing company in New York
and then proceeded to have a family. The first born was my grandfather, Arthur Reinbolt-b.1896,
Ridgewood, NY (married to Katarina Heptig, 1924);
Martha Reinbolt (d.o.b. unknown, married to Lester
"Mac" McCoy; their children- Richard(a pianist) &
Joan); Lucy Reinbolt (the youngest, d.o.b. unknown
-3 marriages, lastly to a Herman___?).
The girls settled in Peekskill, New York with
their families, followed by Charles & Catherine-
upon his retirement (during his early 40's), Catherine Beck-Reinbolt died in Peekskill, NY - at
the age of 63 (1933) and Charles in 1959, also in
Peekskill. (It was rumoured that he died in his late 90's.)
Arthur Reinbolt and Katarina (Kathryn), first
moved to Floral Park (Kathryn Fredericka, b.1926),
due to a devastating fire which destroyed their
home, they immediately moved into a home recently
built by Katarina's brother-in-law, Otto Gerry- in
St.Albans, New York. My mother, Dorothy Ann Reinbolt was born two months later (12/13/28).
Their only son is Arthur Charles, whom is living
in Gainesville, Florida.
Sorry about my long commentary, I am just so desperate for information, that I tend to go over-
board on known family data, with the hope of a
Diana Reinbolt-Sclafani
(the daughter of Dorothy Ann Reinbolt-Sclafani)
zak banas - 04/14/99 21:02:44
My URL:http://@webtv.net
My Email:etwinz@webtv.net
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: BANAS
Ruby Zabel - 04/12/99 02:11:50
My Email:zabelr@kansas.net
How did you find us?: Search
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
Am researching Daniel and Anna Marie Stresemann of Doelitz, Pommerania, Prussia. Children: Charles (1831-1903, buried Minnesota), John, William, Michael, and Anna Marie.
Chuck Kingirski - 04/02/99 01:51:49
My Email:ctjpking@kiski.net
How did you find us?: Czech website
Surname(s) of interest?: Zubal, Suchan
I wonderif two of the names on your tree might have a connection to the Zub A l & Ferg ELEC
in mine ?
Lois Hiscock - 03/28/99 23:51:17
My URL:http://pvns.net
My Email:drh@pvns.net
How did you find us?: searched for Transue family tree on the web
Surname(s) of interest?: TRANSUE
My mother was a Transue directly descended from Abraham Transue and Sophia Bender. Their children were: Abraham(our direct descendant),born about Mar 25, 1788, Anna Nancy, born April 20< 1790, Isaac ?, Anthony, born July 7, 1794, Mary, born ?, Jacob ?,
Henry, born ?-drowned in his youth in a spring, William, born April 5, 1801, John? Catharine, born
Mar. 14, 1803, Peter? Elizabeth, born Mar. 25,1807 and Melchior, born Mar.24, 1809.
Abraham married Elizabeth Butz,(born Mar 31 in Pennsylvania and died Oct. 10 1870 in Clinton County Missouri).
Abraham and Elizabeth had five children: George(my gggrandfather-Sept.15,1811. Andrew-June 23, 1814,
Elisa Ann-Dec.23, 1816, Susan-Mar.4,1824(died April 17 in Clinton County,Missouri. Interred in Old Transue Cemetery, as are, her parents. Location of the cemetery is in Clinton County Missouri and we've been told that their markers are the only ones re
aining there), Laevinus-Nov.14, 1829.
The first four children were born in Easton Pa. and Laevinus was born in Canton, Ohio(Stark County)
George married Nancy Lewis(born Feb.10, 1812 in (?)Pennsylvania). George and Nancy Had 8 children: Lewis-5,18,1832, Silas Transue-1,27,1834, Elizabeth M. M (died at age 1 year 5 MO. 2 days old),-1,5,1836, Samuel B.-11,20,1837,Elizabeth-3,1,1840, Snowde
C. A. S.(Charles, my ggrandfather)-6,17,1842, George W.,Jr.-11,3,1845(died when 4days old),George W., Jr-9,3,1847(died at age 17). Nancy Transue died at age 66 yrs. 11 mos. 2days.
Family bible records show:
Charles married Ruhamah Keefover(born Jan. 6,1845)
They had 14 children:Charles, Jr.-Mon.10,14,1867, James Lewis-Thurs.11,04,1869, Geo. W.-Mon. 10,02,1871,Silas Henry-Thurs. 1,23,1873,Ezra Monroe-Sun. 4,5.1874,Leroy Jackson-Thurs. 2,17,1876,John Rogers-Wed.4,11,1877,Ira Neal(my grandfather)-Thurs.5,2,1878
Sarah Elizabeth-Sun. 2,1,1880,Frank-Thurs..1,17,1883,William-Thurs.5,8,1884,Jason Blaine and his twin Jesse Logan-Thurs. 2,11,1886 and Grant-Thurs.2.21,1889.
Ira Neal married Maggie Lee Ellis(2nd wife,born Sept.28, 1893 in Nichols, Ga.),on Sept.9, 1917 in Nichols, Georgia . Had 3 boys(Ernest, Henry, and Ira Erwin)from his first marriage. He and Maggie Lee had four children: Abbie Ruhamah(My mother)-
7,22,1918,James Edward-9,25,1921(both of these children were born in Coffee County, Georgia), another daughter still living and ,Luebell-3,17,1932(the last children were born in Eloise, Florida).
Abbie Ruhamah married- J. M. Bass, Jr (born 1,9,1908 in Naylor, Georgia,died- 6,18,1966). Ruhamah died !2,6,1992 in DeLand, Florida.
There are six living children from this union and one deceased(a stillborn son). They were divorced and she remarried in 1961. Her second husband was Tom Ford. Tom was born 12,7,1915 in Glasgow, Ky. and died 11,20,1986 in DeLand, Florida
James Edward Married Lois Mae Wasson(born 2,12,24 in DyersBurg, Miss.,died 3,6,1964 in Marietta, Georgia). There were 3 boys from this union, all living. "Jim" remarried 6,15,1968. His widow is living. James Edward died 3,15,1987 in Marietta, Ga.
The next child is still living. She and her husband had 2 boys William Michael W. was born April 6, 1951 and died April 6, 1998 in Florida. Michaels widow and son are living.
The youngest, Luebell married Lamar Elmer Wilson(born 4,9,1928 in Swainsboro, Ga.-died 4,14,1976 in Flagler County, Florida). Luebell died July 21,1988 in DeLand, Fl. They had two boys , both are living.
I don't know whose offspring those listed for Abraham and Sophia Transue are but we're sure they come in somewhere and we gladly claim them as relatives.
This can be mind boggling and I haven't really done the digging. Other' in the family have done most of it and I know we are missing lots
Happy searching to each one!!!
Marie Canfield - 03/18/99 20:18:58
My Email:mcanfield@goes.com
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: GRUBE
I clicked on the Grube surname and Transue came up. How do I get into the Grube one. My mother was a Grube, born in Pen Argyle, Pa. Her father was William Jacob Grube.
Richard E. Knott - 03/12/99 03:03:46
My Email:rknott@TheWootenCompany.com
How did you find us?: Just browsing genealogy sites
Surname(s) of interest?: KNOTT,Caudle,Mitchell,Kirkman,Jefferson
Gary Garbacz - 03/12/99 00:27:28
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: GARBACZ
Gary Garbacz - 03/12/99 00:24:50
Margaret Decker - 03/04/99 17:47:27
My Email:mdecker@i2k.com
How did you find us?: Roots Web
Surname(s) of interest?: LAKIES
My aunt Nina Smith (her parents George & Maud Smith) married Arthur Lakies, son of Edward Lakies and Julia Denzel of Michigan. Looking for info on these people.
Gary W. Zabel - 03/02/99 05:36:00
My Email:zabel@worldnet.att.net
How did you find us?: brother told me about you
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
Nice page; Just some info for all you Zabels, the name Zabel come from German fur trappers, mostly they trapped sables, that is how the name came about. Good luck to all Zabels everywhere, wear the name with pride.
Ronald A. Zabel - 03/01/99 10:01:30
My Email:zabelr@ix.netcom.com
How did you find us?: searched my sur name
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
very cool i didn't know there were so many Zabels out there
- 02/21/99 16:30:26
Patty Smith - 02/16/99 01:57:35
My Email:Pattysmith@aol.com
How did you find us?: Surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
Nicely put together. It was a pleasure stopping by. I was suprised to see so many Zabels!!!
Ronald Lloyd Lakies - 01/31/99 23:35:17
My Email:rlakies@shianet.org
How did you find us?: Family Tree Maker
Surname(s) of interest?: LAKIES
Very nice, I am new to genealogy and found your site helpful. Thanks
Jeff Banas - 01/29/99 10:52:46
My Email:big_guns@nia.attmil.ne.jp
How did you find us?: Just surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: BANAS
Just looking around seeing if there were any other Banas surnames around. Kind of interested in tracing my family history and figured this was one way of doing it.
Neosha K Zabel-Guse - 01/27/99 03:18:03
My Email:rfguse@bmi.com
How did you find us?: thru a search
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
Do you have an Albert Zabel from Kansas in your family, he was my grandfather, he moved to Oregon in the 1970's; he had 4 boys and 2 girls.
Patsy - 01/25/99 02:28:03
My Email:mthomas@arlington.net
How did you find us?: surfing, Fort Worth Library
Surname(s) of interest?: Harman, Sites or Seitz
William P. Zabel - 01/13/99 22:56:12
My Email:garbini@juno.com
How did you find us?: Shirttail relative
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
The shirttail relative is Bill Tagatz out in Phoenix, AZ.
I am from the Herman Zabel branch in Montello, WI;
This was my paternal grandfather. I live in Fort Wayne, IN, and
my mother is still alive at 87 and living in Sun City, AZ.
Come to think of it, she'll turn 88 on the 1/16/99!
Brian Strehlke - 01/07/99 02:13:14
My Email:arrowman@surfnetusa.com
How did you find us?: Surname search
Surname(s) of interest?: ENGLER
I found out this year that I am descended from Florentina Engler who married Gottfried Strehlke ca 1824 in Neu Paleschken, Kreis Berent, West Prussia. (they lived in Gr. Palubin which is near Neu Paleschken)
Sandra Williams - 01/03/99 15:13:09
My Email:thebackspace@msn.com
Surname(s) of interest?: NOTT
Ronald Lloyd Lakies - 01/02/99 03:48:35
My Email:rlakies@shianet.org
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: LAKIES
I am new at both genealogy and the internet, but I found your site very informative. Thanks
Janice Lewis-Boyd - 12/23/98 17:36:20
My Email:jlewis@ssc-f1.umd.umich.edu
How did you find us?: through GMW
Surname(s) of interest?: LEWIS
Anton A. Zabel - 12/20/98 13:13:11
My Email:tonycom@beotel.yu
How did you find us?: searching
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
I am living in Belgrade, Serbia (Yugoslavia). My grandfather (Anton M. Zabel, born 1910.) come from Dravograd Slovenia. Regards to all Zabels.
Lori Zabel - 12/07/98 17:15:35
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL, Niemann, Schwann, Kohrs
Matthew A. Zabel - 11/19/98 03:04:20
My URL:http://www.zabel-law.com
My Email:mzabel@zabel-law.com
How did you find us?: Excite search
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
Wondering if we are connected. Have a printed tree that might be of interest!
jerry zabel - 11/16/98 03:49:57
My Email:jzabel@us.oracle.com
How did you find us?: search
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABIELSKI
Michael H Zabel - 11/10/98 04:31:34
My father came here from Germany right after the war His name is Horst Zabel you can reach me at: box 540255 Orlando Fl. 32854
david e. zabel - 11/07/98 02:30:59
My Email:dzabel@cvn.net
How did you find us?: browsing
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL, Von ENGELSKIRSCH
John A. Zabelle - 11/04/98 01:14:08
My Email:sarhog@juno.com
How did you find us?: luck
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABELLE
I haven't been able to find ANY info on the Zabelle name... I'm constantly referred to Zabel.
If you have ANY info on any Zabelle or ZaBelle, please let me know.
Windsor Smith - 10/22/98 19:40:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/WinSmith
My Email:Windsor600@aol.com
How did you find us?: Easy
Surname(s) of interest?: SMITH, BAKER, LEAHY, REINBOLT
I think your websites are exellent. Hope that eventually, I will have a couple hat will look as good.
Josh Zabel - 10/15/98 02:10:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Birdland/4114/
My Email:joshz19@juno.com
How did you find us?: typed in my name
I am a ZABEL too.
Mig van de Weerd - 10/12/98 07:01:48
My Email:klaboem@hotmail.com
How did you find us?: friends
Surname(s) of interest?: nope
Nice one, thanks.
Anthony P. Banaszewski - 10/12/98 01:59:41
My Email:banasto@AOL.COM
How did you find us?: "LUCK"
Surname(s) of interest?: BANASZEWSKI
I read the phone books in the new cities I visit, looking for other Banaszewski names. I am proud to have my surname, and look for others with the same name.
Jane Jurney Jarvis - 10/11/98 22:07:50
My URL:http://www.excite.com/
My Email:hancockdoc@prodigy.com
How did you find us?: on internet
Surname(s) of interest?: JURNEY, JARVIS, KIMBAL
Just got here. seems to be very interesting
Dorothy Miller - 10/11/98 16:16:07
My Email:salllym@webtv.net
How did you find us?: surfing
My husbands family is from Baker West Virginia.
The family came from Holland and Germany.
10/04/98 12:51:32
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.
Jennie Banaszewski - 09/25/98 23:06:00
My Email:jmb252@email.byu.edu
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: BANASZEWSKI
Hi, was just looking around on internet to see what Banaszewski would bring up. I just recently got interested in geneology, glad there are sites like this, Thanx, Bye :)
Gerrit Zabel - 09/20/98 10:17:46
My Email:zabel@worldonline.nl
How did you find us?: searching for Zabels on the Web
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL and HALVE
Your home page looks very good. I was very excited when I found the name Zabel on your home page. I live in Holland and I'm looking for the name ancestors of Zabel. I know he lived in Kleve (Germany) in 1729 but where did he come from. So I'm also looking
or the name Halve they came from Lübecke(Germany) but the question is where did they come from.
Is it possible that I give you some information about my family so you can put it on your home page.
Success with your home page.
Gerrit Zabel
Jack Vokral (^over the r) - 09/05/98 18:48:54
My Email:lghthse
How did you find us?: surfing
Surname(s) of interest?: VOKRAL
I'm impressed. I've just started internet stuff and see lots if potential. I'm of Czech ancestry and have all four granparents from the CR. My tree has 153 entries and growing. I'll look through yours closely to see if there is a link
Esther Milsted - 08/29/98 18:03:58
My Email:villamar@email.msn.com
How did you find us?: Zabel page
Surname(s) of interest?: LEAHY
Dianne Transue Corby - 08/23/98 01:51:58
My Email:DianneC.webtv.net
How did you find us?: surching surname
Surname(s) of interest?: TRANSUE
Patricia Sears Wasilik - 08/20/98 22:06:15
My Email:FXBJ46B@Prodigy.Com
How did you find us?: looking for Briners and saw the name SEARS
Surname(s) of interest?: BRINER-HUNSICKER
Nice page and web work!
Denise Zabel Snyder - 08/15/98 00:21:50
My Email:dz552@aol.com
How did you find us?: family tree maker
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
I am in search of Christopher Zabel he came to US from Germany sometime before 1869. He married Frederecka Garcher also born in Germany. They had my great grandfather William in Chicago IL in 1869. I have no other info for Christopher. William married Ba
bara Mueller and had Elmer (my grandfather)
Ralph Pyke - 08/11/98 06:35:44
My Email:rpyke@gte.net
How did you find us?: Rootsweb
Surname(s) of interest?: EYER
My maternal grandmother was Susan Lenhert Eyer. Her family moved from Lancaster area to Abilene, KS in about 1880. She married J.I.GISH. Her father was Henry E. Eyer, born in 1837, and his father was John Eyer born in 1802 in PA and died in 1886. I can't
o back any further than that.
swarens - 08/06/98 23:08:25
My Email:www.swarens@theremc
How did you find us?: looking for reinbolts or reinbolds on the internet
Surname(s) of interest?: REINBOLD or REINBOLT
My mother was adopted. Recently she got her birth certificate when she had to get a passport to go up into Canada. Her name at birth was
Alma Lorraine Reinbolt or Reinbold (its hard to read which) Her father was Preston, her mothers Margaret. She had 3 siblings at the time of her birth. Preston was from Charlestown, Illinois. Any information we could find would be most appreciated. We are
curious if she could still have any brothers or sisters living (either before or after her birth) It's rather doubtful as she is 71 years old. We are also very interested in the family's medical history.
Steve McBride - 08/01/98 17:01:29
My Email:smcbride@pickens.net
How did you find us?: Genring
Surname(s) of interest?: MCBRIDE
Looking for info on Robert MCBRIDE, was in Pope Co., IL 1850. Census indicates he was born in IN c. 1815. Wife Janett or Janetta born c. 1825 NC.
Randy Zabel - 07/28/98 19:45:49
My Email:N9NWA@callsign.net
Surname(s) of interest?: ZABEL
nice page