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Chales Lewis - 06/24/99 18:12:45
My Email:popalou@inland.net
Location: Perris, CA

It's been a while since I was here. You've certainly improved the looks.

Joan VanFulpen - 06/19/99 00:32:32
My Email:pineshadoe@aol.com
Location: Kalamazoo,Mi

What a pretty site, I can see you put a lot of work into it. Thank you, I hope I find something. I am searching for BACON/COLLINS/KOCH/BAYLESS/BROOKS in the Vigo area. I don't have a web site but I do have quite a bit to share.

Jeanie Unversaw Wiesler - 06/05/99 03:48:12
My Email:jeaniewiesler@juno.com
Location: Fishers, Indiana

Impressive site! I'm visiting hoping to find information on my ggrandfather Frank STARK who lived in Vigo County.

Lowell TAYLOR - 05/17/99 14:05:18
My Email:JLTKing@aol.com
Location: Houston, TX

I'm looking for the history of the military unit made up of some from Prairie Creek area that were in the Mexican War of late 1840s. I'm trying to discover Mexican and Civil War history of my Great Grandfather Wiliam F. REYNERSON (RYNERSON, RYNEARSON, et .). Many thanks to those responsible for this site!

SHARON - 05/16/99 14:28:56
My Email:GApeach_44@yahoo.com
Location: georgia

You have done a wonderful job with this. ~SHARON~

Judy McClelland - 05/16/99 13:58:29
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/back2thepast
My Email:jmcclelland@home.com
Location: Virginia

Simply wonderful!

William L. KRUZAN - 05/12/99 01:34:41
My Email:wlkruzan@fwi.com
Location: Huntington,IN

Things a changed a lot since I last visited the web site. Very interesting and nice. Keep up the good work

michelle n john - 05/08/99 08:04:39
My Email:Amphfam@aol.com
Location: Brisbane. Australia

Greetings -loved your site - talk to you soon

stampteach - 05/06/99 05:35:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/3332
My Email:stampteach@bnet.org
Location: CA

What a wonderful, remarkable website. You obviously have put your very best into the development of it. I should like to offer you an award. Please go to my website: MY ANCESTORS, MY FRIENDS

Alice Chamblin-Thatcher - 05/02/99 04:58:43
My Email:db9544@dragonbbs.com
Location: Adams Co., Ohio


Kathleen Dewey - 04/25/99 14:41:44
My Email:kdewey@sbcc.sbceo.k12.ca.us
Location: Carpinteria, CA

A wonderful web site! I'm researching my grandmother's family: LEFORGE

Gina "IVY" Carroll - 04/19/99 19:50:43
My Email:GINA00@netscape.net
Location: Gilmer, Texas

Hope I can find what I am looking for!

Janice Thomas - 04/18/99 22:36:05
My Email:lotztho@aol.com
Location: Indiana

Thank you Kim for all your work on Prairie Creek. I loved your web site and have enjoyed reading about distant relatives.

JAMES L. REED - 04/12/99 22:47:40

Really great site. I am just starting out, and believe that this site will be a great help.

Susan (Sue) Gates Davis - 04/12/99 18:00:31
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mi/GatesDavisGene
My Email:smgdavis@aol.com
Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan

You have a great webpage! It is very beautiful!! Researching WELCH, HODGES, KESTER in Vigo Co.

Catherine - 04/10/99 15:49:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/5805/
My Email:blue.shadow@sympatico.ca
Location: Ontario, Canada

Really enjoyed my visit to your page. Wondeful job done on it.

Christine LEE - 04/04/99 01:26:04
My Email:cllee@worldnet.att.net
Location: Arcadia, IN

Looking for info on RING family. Earliest record-Henry Ring buried in Ring Cemetary- Hwy 246 & Cyrus Rd

Beverly Mitchell - 03/29/99 20:40:07
My Email:mittyBam@aol.com
Location: Dallas,TX

Very nice site. The covered bridge is the neatest thing I have ever seen.

John McMullen - 03/27/99 14:21:30
My Email:mcmullen@tnics.com
Location: Marvin, SD 57251

Your web page is just beautiful. I'm afraid mine won't measure up at all. HAMER, ROBINSON, EVANS, COCHRAN, STEIMEL, RUPPEL, MCMULLEN, DUNN

Linda - 03/18/99 10:17:44
My URL:http://www.alltel.net/~branan
My Email:branan@alltel.net
Location: Pennsylvania

Hi, just reviewing your site for the Gathering Leaves Award. I'm impressed! You have obviously spent a lot of time organizing your information.

SHIRLEY A. COX - 03/18/99 04:47:13
My Email:sacox@mindspring.com

This is a very nice site. I'm from Sullivan, In. Sure hope to find some goodies here. Some of your names do ring a bell to me. If I have anything I think you could use I'll put it on your e-mail. I now live in Marietta, Ga.

Tracy - 03/16/99 06:37:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Woods/4211
My Email:youthcourt@msn.com
Location: BC, Canada


Kellie Green - 03/14/99 23:20:35
My Email:kellie2@earthlink.net
Location: California

My gosh, you have out done yourself. The wealth of information here is outstanding. I checked with the "GREEN" name, and none of your names match with mine. Keep up the great work!!

Amie Lawrence - 03/14/99 23:16:57
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Village/7085
My Email:adriadne@geocities.com

Kim, you've really outdone yourself! This is just absolutely wonderful! Researching: LEFORGE, TOBEY, JEFFERS, HARTLEY,and KESTER

Lori Hilty - 03/14/99 17:20:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/6880
My Email:kamots@surfshop.net
Location: Pennsylvania

Hi Kim, what a great site you have. I can see you put alot of hard work into it and it shows :) I don't see right off that we have any common names, but I'd love to explore some more. I been working on my tree for about 8 years. I hope you will visit my s te when you get a chance. Maybe even check out my mom's group that I belong to. It's a great way to make friends, share the ups and downs of life and just have some fun :) Have a great day.

Deb Dillard - 03/09/99 05:29:14
My Email:Momdill55@aol.com
Location: Mt. Juliet, TN 37122

Beautiful, thank you for your work.

WEASEL CL - 03/09/99 00:45:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Castle/1000
My Email:fantour@netnet.net
Location: Green Bay, Wisconsin

Great page! It's been a pleasure to instruct you in the HTML 101 class, and I wish you the best of luck in the future. :o)

Arthur D. Bartlett - 03/07/99 18:08:58
My Email:Artbart@bartec.com
Location: Jupiter , FL


Patti Jensen McCreary - 03/06/99 02:35:22
My Email:pjm@bevcomm.net
Location: Winnebago,MN

Enjoyed your Web page found it on the Web. Searching: JOHNSON - JENSEN

kirk - 03/06/99 00:27:21
My Email:kirkk@indy.tds.net
Location: Whitestown, IN

Very neat !

PRISCILLA NEWMAN - 03/06/99 00:15:25
My Email:PERKY1940@AOL.COM
Location: Brookville,OHIO

I researching the surnames DAVIS

John R. Elliott - 03/05/99 14:26:45
My Email:ellliottjr@hitter.net
Location: Dunnellon, FL

Related to the Shutts of Huntington CO, IN. Interested in ELLIOTTS, especially John StClair ELLIOTT, 1853-1934.

Virgil Maynard KESTER III - 03/04/99 06:49:31
My URL:http://home.pacbell.net/vkester
My Email:vkester@pacbell.net
Location: California

Great page, I am still checking it out, but there is alot of very good information here. I have already found some information I was looking for, outstanding!

Joanna - 03/04/99 04:42:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/5891/
My Email:kimjo@ccrtc.com
Location: Indiana

You have a beautiful page!! You have some wonderful ideas and great information.

janei Bee - 03/04/99 04:12:09
My Email:jdbee@door.net
Location: Kubbock, TX

great site..looking for info on David K. SMITH and wife Nancy Jane HODGE, son...Marshall A. SMITH. Lived in Vigo Co. from 1827 - their death's in 1860's and 1880's respectively.

DL FOX-TUCKER - 02/28/99 13:12:21
My Email:dleefox@gte.net
Location: Vigo County, IN

Fantastic! I am forwarding to all my relatives and hope to return often. Thank you for all of your hard work and many hours of research which helps to bring us all closer together.

Susan (Sue) Davis - 02/19/99 14:00:45
My Email:smgdavis@aol.com

Researching surnames WELCH, HODGES, BOSSTICK. Very nice webpage!

Patsy Tabbert - 02/13/99 03:33:13
My Email:tabbertap@aol.com
Location: Minnesota


- 02/09/99 07:07:57
My Email:Pgreen9347@aol.com
Location: OK

Researching Charles CLARK in Clay County, Indiana in 1850.

HAUGER - 01/25/99 01:40:43
My Email:BettyKn@Aol.com
Location: Vigo Co., IN


John Earl DERSCH - 01/22/99 01:46:19
My Email:jedersch@hotmail.com

I am researching the following surnames: DERSCH, HUEBNER, LITTLE, LAFOLLETTE.

Jack L. TAYLOR - 01/15/99 18:19:05
My Email:JLTKing@aol.com
Location: Houston, TX

REYNERSON, LAMBERT, DEBAUN, HARRIS Grandfather, Alva C. REYNERSON b. ca 1853 from Prairie Creek. Many kin in local Cemeteries. Stumped on his mother's, Sarah Jane HARRIS, REYNERSON, WOOD line. Susanah (SP) HARRIS living in household, 1860 Prairie Creek census.

Carolyn Kelly - 01/13/99 14:25:55
My Email:crkelly105@aol.com
Location: Terre Haute, IN

Looking for ELLIOTT, KELLY, WALSH, etc. in Vigo Co.

Marge Winteregg - 01/11/99 04:04:45
My Email:MarmaxFWA@aol.com
Location: Fort Wayne, Indiana

Researching John McCABE & wife Sara ARMSTRONG, who came to Ohio in 1790s...also their grandson, named Armstrong McCABE who married Eleanor BARRETT and they came to Indiana, Vigo County in 1816 when Indiana became a state. Would like to find out more abou them and their families.

Kim - 01/04/99 08:25:48
My Email:kimh@cwnet.com
Location: California

Just checking the guestbook. Researching FRAKES, KRUZAN, LAYCOCK, LITTLE, LOVELESS, STRAIN, TURNER and WILSON in Prairie Creek.

BENIGHT - 11/28/98 01:15:23
My Email:Cindee70@aol.com
Your Location: Vigo Co., INDIANA

I am looking for my BENIGHT ancestors - Isaac BENIGHT b.1795, married Sarah DANFORD in 1837. I believe (but not sure) his father and mother were Joseph A. BENIGHT b.1768 in England d.?; and Margaret (ROSSON) BENIGHT b.?. I will share any info. that I have Benigh is supposedly derived from BENOIT [French] pronounced [Be-noyt] by English.

Ian Bruce - 11/25/98 13:57:49
My Email:IB120@aol.com
Your Location: Tabernacle, New Jersey

I am looking for information on a MILLER Family. Rex, Ronald, and Carolyn from West Terre Haute, Indiana. Ronald was born in 1938, Rex before 1938 and Carolyn after 1938. Mother and father both deceased. Whereabouts of Rex and Carolyn unknown. Any informa ion will be appreciated.

Lynnette Davis - 11/21/98 01:21:18
My Email:stevedd@pionet.net
Your Location: Woodburn, Iowa

Very interesting and fun page! Searching BENIGHT family in Vigo Co., Indiana.

Betty Knorr - 11/20/98 09:55:51
My Email:BettyKn@Aol.com
Your Location: California

Searching for the parents of GEORGE RUSSELL, b. 1842, d. 1882, Vigo Co., IN. Married Florence Christina Colglazier (of Washington Co., IN). He is buried in Liberty Cem., Sullivan Co., IN

Richard Epling - 11/02/98 02:20:35
My Email:repling@2xtreme.net
Your Location: Sacramento, Ca

Researching PRICE, BOYER, FLINT. Looking for marriage record for William Flint PRICE, son of Silas PRICE, and Deborah BOYER. William is on the 1850 census for Lost Creek Township, Vigo Co., in the household of his father, Silas PRICE.

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