The Guardian

The Great Spirit descended unto them with the gift of a guardian angel.

This I bequeath unto you for all time. She will watch over you for all your time on this earth. She will be your guide and will intercede for you in times of great encounters. She will be here for you when you are at your weakest and most fearful moments. You will know by this I am always with you. This is my gift to all mankind and everything that lives on this earth. Take the gift and use it wisely. You have only to ask and believe and she can appear to you. She can calm your fears and change your heart, she can make you think in a different way. This gift is for everyone, all nations and creeds. All you have to do is believe.

The giver of this gift is Known through out the world by many names. He only wants your love to help to ease his pain. He has watched the world he has given you become something that is sad and untrue. He needs you now more than ever before. For we are his children he worships and adores. He gave us his image and minds of our own. We took them and never once did we say, thank you Lord God for each living day. We speak of our countries and places we live, and our lives we so proudly give. But what of the thing that gave you your life, your home your children your husband your wife. Does this give you any thought of where your priorities lay. Can you stop now for a moment to pray. To tell your Great Spirit you love and will pay him more mind to watch for his next coming and tell all mankind?

The beauty of this gift is for all mankind. For beauty we hold far and above all. We care not that it is the love and heart of a thing that holds The Great Gift. Not the package that it is in. The package will become old and soon fade away. Only what's in it will be there to stay. So take this gift he gives to you and hold it in your heart for the beauty here shall never more depart.

To all of mankind there is one thing that shall always be true this Great Spirit of ours we shall never out do…

Lady Hawk

From The Soul


Santa's Prayer
