Descendants of Eliza Landregan

Descendants of Archibald and Eliza (Landregan) Lamburth of the United States. Eliza was one of three sisters (it is not known if there were other children). Her parents are unknown. Eliza's older sister Margaret moved to Tasmania, Australia, where she married Joseph BRAMICH of England. Eliza's younger sister Bridget moved to California, and resided in the city of Napa, in Napa County, CA. Bridget lived out her life in Napa, never married, died at approximately age 55, and is buried in Tulocay Cemetery in the city of Napa.

Eliza and Archibald had two sons and one daughter, and resided in San Francisco. Eliza died circa 1897.

From My Database: LANDREGAN

LANDREGAN Surname Index (does not include surnames of living individuals)

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