DewValley Labradors
Margaret and John Dew
Regina Saskatchewan
Canada (306) 761-2087

Dewvalley is proud to announce a beautiful litter from two fabulous Labradors.

Ch. Loonbay's Dewvalley Black Tie x Ch. Zafari's Amazin Mazey

Born: May 12, 2000

8 wonderful puppies

7 girls - 4 yellow and 3 black and 1 yellow boy

Our only boy from this litter and he is named after one of the greatest hockey legends.

Dewvalley's Forever Rocket - new proud owners John and Suzi Callahan.

This is little Ava - new proud owners Janis Bernhardt and Bryn Elliott.

3 Black Girls

Two of these lovely black girls are gone we just have to decide which one is which.

Proud new owners:

Dewvalley Labradors and Sharon and Andy Anderson

This little lovely is Niche - new proud owner Aaron Feldstein

Our sleepy little one is Hallie - new proud owner Pam Bristol

This little one is Reeny

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