Military Service

WAR of 1812

Joseph Blocker served in Captain William Walker's Company of State Troops. (South Carolina) He enlisted at Island Creek, Colleton, SC, June 29, 1812 and served until December 1812. He was discharged at Beaufort Island, SC.


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Isaac Wilson Odom Great-grandfather (William Allen-William Jesse)

        Served in the Covington County, Alabama Home Guard.

Isaac Hill Greathouse Great-grandfather (Will -Dollie Mae)

        Pvt. Co. K 1st. Alabama Regiment

        Lost left arm in Battle of Atlanta, GA

James A. Ingram Great-grandfather (Emma-Dollie Mae)

        James A. Ingram b.1843 was a private in the 51st Regiment Company A of Georgia. This Regiment was part of the Army of Northern Virginia commanded by General Robert E. Lee. He was wounded at the battle of Chancellorville in 1863 and was retired out in May of 1864. He lost three fingers of his right hand to a Yankee Sword.

John Wesley Adams Great-granduncle (Brother of Amanda -William Jesse)

    Muster Roll of Company A, 44th Regiment, Georgia Volunteer Infantry, Army of Northern Virginia, C. S. A., Henry County, Georgia Weems Guards- Private, Mar. 4 1862. Elected Jr. 2d Lieutenant July 15, 1862. In General Hospital #1, at Lynchburg, Va. Aug. 22, 1862. Elected 1st Lieutenant Mar. 4, 1863. Furloughed for 24 days Mar. 28, 1864. Wounded in 1864. Died of wounds at Kingsville, W. Va. or Richmond, Va., July 29, 1864.


Service Records of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin Odom.

Great granduncles (brothers of William Allen-William Jesse)


July 26, 1861 by Captain J. S. Brady, Covington County, Alabama into Company ‘B’ of the 18th Alabama Infantry Regiment.


Present for duty dates:

November 30 to December 31 1861—George Washington Odom.

August 7 to November 30, 1861—George Washington Odom and Benjamin Franklin Odom


Benjamin Franklin Odom

Nov 30 to Dec 31 1861 Sick in hospital, Mobile, AL

December 1861 Hospital Mobile, AL Dec 2?, 1861

January 1862 Covington Sick

Payment dates:

George Washington Odom

Paid up to December 31, 1861-

Receipt Roll for "Commutation of Rations"

From June 12 to July 6

Remarks Paid June 30/62

Benjamin Franklin Odom

December 31 1861 to August 31, 1862

September and October 1862

November and December 1862

Paid 19.80 29 Sept. 1863— for rations 60 days @ $.33 a day.

Receipt Roll for clothing .

Stamped At Buckner & Gamble Hospital. Fort Valley, Ga. For 4th Quarter 1864

Date of Issue Oct 25, 1864

Signature By X

Prisoner of War Information -Benjamin Franklin Odom

Roll of Prisoners of War of Lee Hospital , Lauderdale, Miss., Confederate States Army, commanded by Surgeon Henry Yandell, surrendered at Citronelle, Ala., by Lieut. Gen. R. Taylor, C.S.A. to Maj. Gen. E.R.S. Canby, USA, May 4, 1865 and paroled at Meridian, Miss., May 13, 1865.

Death information: George Washington Odom

Register containing a Report of the Killed, Wounded and Missing of the Second Corps, Army of the Miss. At the Battle of Shiloh, April 6 and 7, 1862. Time and place of wound. ?? AM Nature of wound Killed. Remarks Stomach

Treasury Department Second Auditor’s Office The Adjutant and Inspector General. Inquiry into the death of George W. Odom. "Death not reported" December 19, 1863.

Treasury Department The Quartermaster General Request for information on ‘the bounty, last payment , clothing, &c’ "Alleged died in hospital" December 19, 1863

Treasury Department Second Auditor’s Office The Adjutant and Inspector General. Inquiry into the death of George W. Odom. "Death not reported" April 11, 1864

Register of Claims of deceased Officers and Soldiers from Alabama, which were filed for settlement in the Office of the Confederate States Auditor for the War department.

By whom presented A.J. Fletcher. Atto

When filed Oct 2. 1862

When reported to Sept. 21, 1864

When returned Sept 27 1864

Certificate 18853

Amount ?? $40.20


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