Pet Garden

She is very inquisitive, and gets into everything.

Let me introduce Willow; she is a faerie,and a beautiful one at that. I've asked her to pet sit for me when I'm not here,and she said she'll give a try. I know that faeries are fun loving folk and at times their games and parties get a little out of hand. Willow has promised that with a day off now and then things will be ok. She already loves all the animals, and they seem to respond to here the same way. I think she'll work out ok. Now that the petsitter is here I can get back to my Alaska adventure.



This is "Charlie". As you can see he is a happy go lucky sort of dog. He takes after Charlie,his namesake. the real Charlie is part terrier and dobie. They don't look alike, but they both like to eat,sleep,play,and go for runs in the backyard.

Hulk gave me a call saying a strange dog was prowling around Charlie. Checked it out,found that it was Sam, Sandy's mutt. He just wanted to share the big bone that he found.

"ELIZABETH" came first, she is named after one of my granddaughters. She seemed so lonely that we had to get hersomeone to talk too. I talked to Jennifer to see if she could make a giraffe facing left, and "SAMBURT" was born. Samburt is a combination of two names--Sam for Samantha(granddaughter),Burt is for Robert(our first grandson). Now the giraffes are happy(maybe someday we'll have little ones). Our two daughters are happy because we used the grandkids names.

Papabull and Bossy
These two just wandered in the other day, they may have strayed in from someones pasture. The other pets took a vote and said they could stay. They are sorta of cute, so we will give them a home. Did you happen to notice Papabull is shaking his head yes, while Bossy is saying no. Oh well!!!!


Robin and Ted are out guest fromGrandma George She seemed to lonesome so I brought her home to meet my other pets. They seem to accept her and she them. So we'll let her stay as long as she likes,hope she sticks around I love her already. I have named her after my oldest granddaughter Robin.
Found Ted laying around,patched him up and gave him to Robin to take care of.

Millie, Joshua and Buz

I found Joshua at WOOBIE WORLD. He reached right out and said I'm yours. He's a cute little guy, and I loved him as soon as I saw him. I introduced him to my other pets and they all made him feel right at home, Willow also fell in love with him. I'm positive that he has found that good home he was looking for.
Meet "Mille Mouse"she has come to keep Joshua company. Millie is a orphan so I think she'll make herself a home, she more then welcome. Millie also comes from "Woobie World". Buz now joins us from Woobie World, she is in good hands here, Willow will watch over her.


Well I see that another family has moved into the garden. They are very welcome. Hulk was patrolling one day and found them in the mountains of our park. They had taken up residence in large cave. Hulk finally got to talk to them(they are very shy). He learned that their names were Puff and Puffy Dragon.
About two weeks after we found them Puff was seen flying happily thru the park up and down, in and out, roaring and breathing fire(carefully). WE soon found out why. We were invited to meet Magic, their new baby.

"HULK" Turkey

Had to bring in some protection. Willow has told me that someone is prowling around at night and frightening all my pets. Hulk thought he would stay for a couple of days but since has decided to stay longer with no charge. I think he's in love with Willow. No matter he is a welcome addition to our garden.

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