Photo Album... Interracial Kids are Beautiful!

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These are of Mikey and Eli, taken Dec 2001 at their day care center.  You can tell Elijah spent the previous few minutes crying his little eyes out, as they are still moist and red.  Poor little guy...  Mikey is 4-1/2 and Eli is 11 months in these pictures.


My father's dog awaits a crumb. 8/01             Mikey holds his new baby brother 12/00



My son Matt, his wife Brea     Mikey and his father, Mike    Mikey - about 2-1/2

and son Gabriel (12/00)               August of 1999


Mikey Gardening (15 mos)   Lisa and Mikey Sept 00      Mikey - Dec 1999 (2-1/2)

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