The following information was graciously submitted by fellow researcher Chris DeVoe! Thank you Chris. We hope this will connect with someone out there.

My great grandmother saved this wedding newspaper story (newspaper unknown -- probably Fort Plain Standard):

Pretty Wedding Took Place at Home of Bride This Afternoon

Fort Plain, June 17 [1916 in pencil added] - A very pretty nuptial event occurred to-day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Bauder in this town, when their daughter, Miss Edna Mae Bauder, was united in marriage to DeForest White of Sprout Brook. The Bauder home was very prettily decorated for the occasion, the color scheme being pink and white. The service was with ring and was performed by the Rev. Herbert Frank Moulton, D. D., pastor of the local Universalist Church, in the presence of many friends and relatives.

Promptly at 1 o'clock, to the strains of the Mendelssohn wedding march beautifully rendered by Mrs. Howard Smith, pianist; Miss Lucia Smith, violinist, and Howard Smith, cornetist, the bridal party entered the parlor, where the ceremony was performed. The bride was attended by Miss Irene Zoller of this town and the best man was Russell Dillenback, also of this town. The ring bearer was Margaret Elwood of Albany, neice of the groom. The bride was gowned in white crepe de meteor with pearl trimmings, the bridal veil being caught with lillies of the valley. She carried a shower bouquet of bride's roses and lillies of the valley. Miss Zoller's gown was of pink gras de laudres, trimmed with white lace and she carried a bouquet of pink roses.

The ring bearer was dressed in white embroidered mull and carried the ring in the heart of a pink rose. The bride's gift to her bridesmaid was a pearl and ruby lavelier. Her ggift to the ring bearer was a sapphire ring. The groom's gift to his best man was a pair of gold cuff links. Among those present from out of town were the followong: Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Williamson of Earlville, Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Bauder of Ithaca, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Levee of Little Falls, W. F. Brown of Middletown, Miss Edith L. Diefendorf of Mount Vernon, Mr. and Mrs. Everett S. Elwood of Albany and Miss. Ruth White of Utica.

Meeta (Mrs. Frank) DeVoe Bauder was my greatgrandmother's 1st cousin (by marriage).

Don't know if this is a useful addition to the Bauder website, but it may be. I'm also going to send it to Martha for the Montgomery County NY Rootsweb site.

Chris DeVoe
Syracuse NY

This note was sent to me by a fellow researcher, thanks Joanie. Hello Maggie, I know this is not what you were asking for but I just happen to be working on typing up a list of marriages in Cook Co., Illinois early 1900's and I recognized the name Bauder from what I'd been typing. I just wondered if you would have need of a listing for William H. Bauder married to Elizabeth H. Lense, married 7-3-1907...license #461645. Back to the main page