A Word About Introductory Skills Training

for Monitrice Certification


Organizations sponsoring Titus 2 Birthing Labor Support workshops may choose to add an additional day of introductory clinical skills training to the regular labor support calendar. This additional day is optional and is not an offering from Titus 2, and therefore is not subject to Titus 2 control or oversight. This extra training is offered by the sponsoring organization to help workshop attendees to begin their training and skills competency if they desire a monitrice certification.

Understand that the skills being taught on these optional days are the same skills which Titus 2 lists as skills that may be used by a monitrice in the course of labor. The introductory training, in and of itself, is not sufficient to meet the skills requirement. This is true because:

° One day of skills training does not qualify a person to perform those skills and is not intended to provide more than an introduction to these skills,

° Competency is obtained by repeated use of the skills in question,

° The instructors for these optional days will not sign off on the skills competency forms because they understand that introductory training does not equal competency, and

° Besides learning the skills, the practitioner must also know and understand how to interpret the information gathered, understand how to obtain a baseline for an individual client, and understand how labor affects normal readings prior to labor.

Applicants who desire monitrice certification and who have had no further clinical skills training than the introductory workshop must:

° obtain proficiency in the skills by using them on willing, fully-informed clients, (Clients should be informed that they are consenting to practice in skills competency, that competency has not yet been achieved and verified, and that the readings may be subject to more accurate interpretation by a qualified person.)

° prove competency to a legally licensed health care provider prior to receiving skills verification, and

° continue to provide informed consent once competency has been achieved.

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