Marcia A Hicks

Since my wife says she doesn't want a page, and will not type one out, here I go, doing it for her. Of course she will be mad, but oh well. My wife is a very pretty, late 30s, and a great wife and mother. I believe that she has set her goal on being the best mother she can be, and I think she is doing a very good job. She supports her children in every way she can and does a lot for them. We all know how hard it is being a parent in these day and times, and how far you can spread yourself thin, but she does all she can. Her belief, and mine, is that the children are only with us a short time and we had better enjoy them. Her other belief is

"only 4 more years and we will be free from them"

Of course we are both getting to the age where we talk about "when the kids were young". Marcia spends most of her time taking the children to various sporting events and practices as well as attending games.

Marcia's hobbies are camping and traveling. She loves to go with us when we go fishing, she doesn't fish, but rather she watches and cooks out. She loves the outdoors and hiking.
She worked at a local nursing home, TIMBERCREST, for some 15 years before "retiring". She now works at a local college, Manchester College. We met when she was 19 years old, thru a sister-in-law of mine that worked with her in Wabash, Indiana.
She attended Wabash High School, class of 1980.


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