Detective Captain

Barry R Hicks

Just a few notes about myself. I have been in law enforcement for some 19 years. I started out as a Military Police in the US Army from 1977 to 1980. I served at a few locations, Fort Hood,Texas, Fort McClellan, Al (training National Guard and Reserves) Germany and others. Then I was hired and worked for the North Manchester Police Department for 6 years rising to the rank of Sergeant, before joing the Wabash County Sheriff's Department on December 12, 1989, where I now serve as the Detective Captain. In time I hope to add more information to this site and to talk about what matters to me the most, my family. Please check back often. .


I have been asked several times, why I became a police officer. My only answer is that I don't really know. What I do know, is that I enjoy it very much, and it seems to be the only thing I have ever done that I believe I can do and I believe I am good at. My family also has a history of law enforcement, my grandfather, Bud Hicks, was a deputy sheriff killed in 1939 in Floyd County, Ky. His brother, my great-uncle, was a deputy sheriff. I had another uncle in law enforcement and two cousins are still in this line of work. And now I have a brother, E Steven Hicks who is a Detective Sergeant for the Wabash Sheriff's Department. My wife's brother was a cop for a period of time and her sister is married to Deputy Ron Nordman of my department. So, even though I say I don't know why, I know. It was instill in me before I was born.


Northfield High School Class of 77, US Army Military Police School, attended several Law Enforcement Classes at Central Texas College, Indiana law Enforcement Academy class 83-75. I have attended numerous courses since that time, in investigations, both criminal and drugs, crime scenes investigation, photography, traffic and many others.


  • Chief Investigator
  • Breathalyzer operator
  • Crime scene investigator
  • Identi-kit
  • Police instructor
  • Oversee the Jail Staff and Operations
  • Oversee the Dispatch area
  • Oversee Patrol Operations
  • Training Officer
  • Member, Wabash County Crimestoppers Board
  • and trying to maintain the Department's home page


While off duty I enjoy hunting, fishing, camping and the outdoors. I also have coached softball, baseball, T-ball and basetball for some 11 years in the North Manchester area. I also had a slo-pitch team for 7 years, before "retiring" in 1997.


In 1996 I was named Wabash County Police Officer of the Year


Links to other sites on the Web

See Wabash County
Indiana's best radio

Please take the time to thank every police officer working for YOU!!! We lose officers every year and we need to know the public is thankful.

My Grandfather,Bud Hicks, was a Deputy Sheriff for the Floyd County Kentucky Sheriff's Department and was killed in 1939. See his section of "the Wall" using the search mode while there.

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