hello we are mary and rosey we enjoy it here and hope you do too

Esmond - 08/02/00 13:52:26
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/me/EJpoetry/index.html
My Email:poet_077@lineone.net

Hello Mary! Hello Sweet Dew! Hello Gina! I've finally been able to edit my old website, was spring cleaning and found my 'password' - I've got rid of a lot of old links, some went nowhere and a lot of the the poetry on the links that did go somewhere needed revising... so I took them off... will revise when I find time and maybe put some back on. I'm just telling you all this jabber because I've kept your link on!! The site may come back to life as I'll be linking it to my current more modern stuff... and I'm promoting it with zest! It's lovely to be at YOUR site again... not been here for ages... - 'shame on me' - will call in more often in future! Stay sweet you three ~ LOVE LOVE LOVE ~ Esmond.

11/14/99 13:16:41
Name: Free For Chat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Website de Nizza. Ringraziamenti per lasciarlo firmare il vostro guestbook

Gypsy35 - 10/08/99 23:40:29
My Email:http:www.geocities.com/Wellesley/Gazebo/7279

I again! Darn it I screwed up on my webpage....here is the correct way to get there! Cheryllynne ;+)

Gypsy35 - 10/08/99 23:34:54
My Email:http:www.geocities.com/Wellesley?Gazebo/7279

Noticed yer handle gypsy on the net ;+).... Nice page! Beautiful daughter!! Come visit me! ;+) Cheryllynne

mick - 07/03/99 04:20:24
My Email:puntermick @hotmail.com

hi mary from mick all the way from sydney australia...b ye

Momof1girl - 03/02/99 06:20:52
My URL:/Wellesley/Atrium/4275/
My Email:momof1girl@yahoo.c


Your page is great!
Come join
Come and look around to see if you want to join!

10/04/98 20:25:00
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

AngelMom - 07/15/98 14:27:29
My URL:http://sahmoi.com
My Email:AngelMom@sahmoi.com

Hi Gypsy! I wanted to drop y and welcome you to SAHMOI, we are so happy to have you as a new sis! *S* And Rosemary is adorable!!! Now I want to get back and check out all your great links. hehe AngelMom

don - 05/24/98 00:25:31
My Email:dirtydon@webtv.net

you have a pretty daughter. i have an interest in a kids day care and i enjoy them tremondously. we have no kids of our own and i am caretaker for my wife who has alzheimers. i am 70 years young and enjoy life as best i can now. ive been taking care of my wife for the past six years.

Esmond - 05/19/98 17:28:51
My Email:esmond.jones@cableol.co.uk

You are truly a most gorgeous pair i'm honoured that your love i share You look so relaxed so full of content your grace and charm are magnificent I'll alway's hold you in my heart you'll both be close though we're far apart.

Mike - 05/02/98 02:02:39
My Email:mike42@ici.net

Hi Mary and Rosie :-) Very nice page, well done. Thanks for inviting me. Nice picture of you and your daughter and I know she will carry on your beauty as she grows. Hugs, Mike

Rich - 04/19/98 15:03:35
My Email:rjoyce@amervideo.com


Kenneth Walterhouse - 03/06/98 20:57:01
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mt/walterhouse/index.html
My Email:kg@mcione.com

cool site! like your picture of your daughter, she is cute

Jim Sanders - 03/03/98 14:20:07
My Email:azmktre@azstarnet.com

Hi...thanks for the e-mail. Jim

TONY - 02/28/98 11:31:25
My Email:tdelph@greenapple.com

Very nice home page I really like kitty and your picture is real nice tell Rosemary hi for me!!!

betti - 02/09/98 05:56:13
My Email:bbwazz

Mary and Rosie, I love your webpage. you are the coolest cousins on earth. I am so happy i can see more often and talk to you everyday. God bless you both. Love Betti

Jeanne - 02/08/98 19:24:51
My Email:RanJeanne

Just wanted to let you know I have been here and I am very impressed with the wonderful web page you have created! Rosey is a beautiful child and I know she is very blessed to have you as her mother. My best wishes to both of you!

Fred Werner - 12/04/97 21:33:05
My Email:FREDJASON@aol.com

Very very nice...but very slow (sorry to be so picky)

Jeff Yen - 12/03/97 08:37:49
My URL:/SouthBeach/8345
My Email:jeffyen@writeme.com

Hi Mary! Happy Birthday! You have a lovely webpage here. Rosemary is cute! Ciao!! P.S. visit my page sometime!
Come and visit!!

Frank - 11/29/97 16:07:41
My Email:uinque@hotmail.com

Hi Mary, loved your site. I thought it was quite neat. Frank

Roberta Jones - 11/01/97 17:03:43
My Email:ourtoy@digital.net

Very nice !!! I need to get as good at this as my husband is!!!

Steve - 09/25/97 03:14:52
My Email:steviej@unforgettable.com

I love your homepage Mary. You and Rosey really look great. I'm really glad that we met. You two have become a very important part of my life.

robert taylor - 09/24/97 07:00:55
My URL:http://aiservices.com
My Email:bassman@aiservices.com

i realiy love this web page and the person that has it on line thank you for this page

mike - 09/23/97 03:42:10
My URL:http://www-users.cin.net/~mrdusty
My Email:dusty_guy@hotmail.com

is it what you wanted mary let me know

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