My granddaughter Kara's nursery was already decorated with fish in greens, teals, and blues when we found out grandchild #2 was on the way. I had seen this block arrangement in a catalog or magazine, then couldn't find it when I wanted to make it. Thank goodness it is a simple design, or I would not have been able to recreate it from my feeble memory. I pieced "Schooling Fish," and sent it to my friend Judy in Dale, TX for her magic touch. (I have never met Judy in person, but we had chatted in a quilter's chat room for a couple of years. She started her machine quilting business after being "downsized," and has been doing beautiful work ever since). I gave her the vaguest of instructions ("Can you stipple to look like scales?") and the freedom to be creative.

I admit I was happy with my piecing, but I was ecstatic with her quilting! She breathed life into it, giving each fish scales, fins, eyes and a mouth. (See the detail picture!) I have since given it to Jakeb to help make *his* contribution to the nursery decor.

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