Why Herbs Why Herbs?  WHY HERBS??.Why not birds?
Thanks for visiting my herb collection!

I have messed with plants off and on since pre-school. I haven't learned as much as I should have, but maybe what little I have learned will help a young beginner a little bit. The garden isn't actually a hobby... it is more of a spiritual thing. I suppose it is sort of an escape. At any rate, even though I get sweaty and bone tired, I feel a spiritual uplift from experiencing the beauty of the creations.

What is here is what notes I have gathered from doing and from reading. I have written these notes over a period of years and have tried to compile them so that when my memory fails I can go to my notes.

In 1981, when I got my first computer, I conceived of making a data base that I could call up any herb or any illness and get the information I needed. Now that I have retired I am hoping to get the job done and make it available to my family. I hope it will be of some use to others. Due to learning more about data bases, programming, software problems, computer crashes...you name it!..I have started several data bases and data files and have had to revise and revise and type and type..

I decided about February 2nd or 3rd, 1996 that I would create a web site and make my herb information collection available to others, not as a tutorial, but just to get folks interested in herbs and also give new people a good jumping off place to the net. There were very few herb pages when I started this one back in February of 1996 and today (08/12/00) as I go over what I wrote here I am updating a bit and note that there are a LOT of herbal and gardening on the net now!

Anyway, I decided to teach myself how to write HTML and this is part of the product. David Gower, my server, needed 'home pages' on line so had told me and other suscribers that it wasn't that hard. I believed him, so I tried it and am still [08/22/00] trying it! After I started burning the midnight oil, I get an e-mail from him saying they were going to have a class on the subject, but by the time the class was ready to go, I had burned enough midnight oil to pretty well get the hang of it. I decided I had figured most of it out. So..I didn't take the lessons. Now I need some advanced lessons like on protocol and finesse. And David..it really isn't THAT easy! \: \

I will be working on this for some time, adding more to it and trying to make it more readable. If you find a typo or a misspell I will apprediate it ef yu wood sind mee a qwick e-mail and let me no becuse I dew want it two bea corekt. I don't have a proof reader! AMD tahts snot funny! But I do have a wierd sense of humour! ; }

If you love herbs and other plants ..and birds.... it will benefit you to get a few really good books. I know that many of the ideas I have and things I have written here, were learned from books, but I've read so many, I don't know what I learned from which ones. I hope I am not misconstrued as pledgerizing as all I can do is sit down and start writing and it comes to mind.

I don't have time to research any more...[update..researchig genealogy]I don't have all the books that I've ever read but

here are someof the books and sources from which I probably learned a lot. I also raised and hand fed birds for about 10 years. I had finch, cocateels, ring-necked doves and also ring-necked pheasants. Had one golden pheasant, too, button quail, budgies and canaries. I think that is all. I also have worked full time out of the home since time out of mind so had to pretty well allocate my time. Then, having always loved the beauty of aguatic beings, I had about 5 aquariums , including one salt water, set up for about 8 years. I bred the beautiful black and silver angel fish and supplied all my friends who would take them, with the overflow! I tried to mother 5 great children who are all grown up and nearly as old as I am now! I was a working mother and not there all the time but they survived in spite of me and all grew up to be good solid adults with great families of their own. I am also a great grandmaw twice so far! Update 6-1998..now have 4 greats!!!!!Update 10 June 1998 5!!!!update 15 Feb 2000... have 6 ggrands now!

My favorite canary was Peetie. Peetie loved the occasional freedom of the solarium but was always came back to his cage! It was a home to come back to , not a prison to be in which to be confined. He had a wife , Tweetie, but she became egg bound and died. This happens occasionally. She was allowed to fly the solarium for exercise and had cod liver oil and cayene in her grain...but sometimes it just happens. She had had three babies the previous year. This was to be her second clutch. She was only about 3 1/2 years old.

I have a couple three of my favorite birds on my oher web site accessable from this site's index.

I'd show you photos of all the grandkids but I don't want to embarrass them and, too, I've heard too many stories of how grannies bore people with the 'I just happen to have their pictures with me'. So, I'll spare you!

For the past year [now at tis update 08/22/200, 5 years]I have been trying to get my family tree assimilated and I think I bit off a bigger hunk than I can chew! I have quite a lot, but seem to have run into a brick wall. If you are interested in geanealogy,you may want to see the genealogy links accessable from the index page.

Ivan and I share our modest home on a lake front where we can really enjoy the flora and fauna. We are both retired and pretty much do what we want to do which is nothing very earth shaking! We are very thankful for our reasonably good health and that we have a roof over our heads and a warm place to be when it's cold. He is a real armchair sports fan, and in his spare time, keeps the lawn in pretty good order and practices his golf swing. Our yard is big enough for him to be comfortable with his swings! If he keeps them under 250 yards! He has lots of friends and of course there is the family so not too much time to get bored. I am adicted to the computer, genealogy, collecting recipes, quilting, herb and flower gardening, bird watching and feeding, so I am seldom bored. We are happy and content last time I heard. ....so who can ask for anything more?

(08/12/00 update.. we are getting older and older fast! : ) and Ivan has had a Triple by-pass and I have FMS and RA, but we are still the same people, just a bit slower and still enjoying life, so very little has changed.) Well..now you already know more than you ever wanted.. and that's enough about me..! E-Mail me through the guest book and let me know how you are doing, what you like and what you don't like. Hope you enjoy the site as much as I have enjoyed sharing it..Blessings...Lee..

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 Last revised 11/10/00
© 1996 by Leona Halley Henderson (AKA Lee)