Flower Bead Bracelets
Printed with permission from FamilyFun Magazine
You will need:
a variety of small or medium beading beads
thin beading string
thin beading needle
pack of jewelry clasps
scissors, and a ruler
Step 1: Cut a piece of thin string or fishing line to 24 inches long. Thread one end of the string through the small hole in a jewelry clasp, and tie a secure knot.
Step 2: You do not have to use the colors I'm using to do this. You can use any colors you want. But thread four blue beads followed by one orange bead onto your string. The blue beads will be for the petals and the orange will be the center of the flower.
Step 3: Now, take the end of the string, and put it in the other direction through the first blue bead you put on in Step 2. Then tighten.
Step 4: String on three more blue beads and pull them around the center bead to form a flower. Put the string through the bead that is on top of it. Then tighten.
Step 5: If you want, you can add spacer beads before making another flower. Or, if you don't want to use spacer beads, you can make your flowers line up next to each other. Keep beading the same pattern over and over again until you have your bracelet complete.
Step 6: Now, when you come to the end, get the other part of the jewelry clasp and knot it on to the end of your string.
To make a necklace, cut a longer piece of string, and follow the same directions that are outlined for you above. Wear and enjoy.
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