Welcome to Lauren's Home Page.

This page is being updated frequently(?)

Last updated 27 December 99(Well, it's about time !!!).

Boy, time sure flies when you are having fun. Lauren will be turning two in one week. As you can see from pictures below, she's growing up really fast. We have added new pictures recently. Enjoy the pictures and come visit again real soon.

Click below to see Lauren's "oldies but goodies" pictures

Lauren's pictures
"Rap Master Lauren" with her first CD
I'm going to a party!
You're TOO funny, Mommy !!
Hi, there !!!
Barney, wake up...
Splish! Splash! I was taking a bath...
Left, Right, Left, Right
I'm not ready yet !!
What's in here...
Mommy, you're killing me.
You want me to do what in this outfit??
Oh, No...The sky is falling!!!
How did I get up here...
Peek-A-Boo !!!
Wheeee, I'm outta here!
I'm ready for my close-up!
Eat your heart out, Ariel!
Let's go make some wine!
My first painting!
Hey, this isn't real paint...
Oh, Snow White...Where are you???
Hi Mommy!
Lauren's first boyfriend?
Lauren Longstocking
My second birthday!
I'm not THAT hungry !
I have a headache THIS BIG !
Where is that exterminator?
Wait for me !!
This show's making me hungry !
That looks YUMMY !!
Lauren in her birthday dress
Lauren at the lake
Attica! Attica!
Quilted towel IS more absorbent !!
I like this Hanbok!
Daddy, you're embarrassing me...

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