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Games We Play
Obedience is my main love. While we continue to try a wide variety of dog sports, everyone gets to do obedience. I say it like that because I train my own dogs (and teach classes) that are based around not just training a dog, but enjoying what you are doing (and getting the dog to enjoy it too!). Obedience isn't just about drills!

Wysk is my most titled obedience dog (as you can see from above). He is in semi-retirement now w/his ASCA OTCh and CKC MOTCHX. He is AKC and UKC OTCH pointed as well. Wysk nationally ranked in Canada and the US for several years. His son, Tyde is up and coming in obedience. Tyde has very limited showing and has multiple HIT's. Tag is also working hard at obedience. He, too, has a few HIT's. Chayse has her UD and is working on her UDX.

Obedience VIDEOS:

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Herding is probably the DOG's favorite sport that we do. Wysk is my "most titled" herding dog, having his HSAs, JHDs, and STDs. As you can see from above, he LOVES it. Tyde has his HT (and one PT leg) and his HCT. Chayse has her PT and one STDs leg.

In June of 07 Tag and Reckon tried their first herding competition (ASCA). They ran started ducks and sheep and qualified in all four runs. You can see their videos below. These two LOVE sheep.

Herding VIDEOS:

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Agility is a sport that everyone seems to like to watch. The dogs certianly enjoy it as well! We compete in AKC and NADAC primarily (although Chayse is titled in UKC as well). I teach agility classes and have a great foundation of students.

Chayse is my most titled agility dog. She almost has her MXJ and is working on her MX. She is MACH pointed and has a couple of double Q's as well. Maybe now that the puppies are done, she can concentrate on the fun stuff!!

Agility VIDEOS:
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Disc Dog

We are really getting into disc dog events. We compete through Skyhoundz comps and UFO comps. Tag did his first 'offical' compeition in Jordan, MN in June of 2006. He did his first freestyle routine in LaCrosse in September 2006. He has been competing in Distance/Accuracy (or Toss and Catch in UFO) and Freestyle all of this year. Tyde decided to join Tag and did his first competition for D/A in Oak Grove, MN in April 2007. He's since been doing freestyle and D/A comps.

We are also founding members of the Twin Cities Disc Dog Club. If you are interested in trying out frisbee or learning to play disc w/your dog, drop us an e-mail! We love new teams and everyone is welcome at our playdates!

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Dock Jumping

It was supposed to be Tag who started dock diving, but instead it was Reckon. Reckon tried his paw at dock diving for the first time at the 2007 Pet Expo in Minneapolis. We did an Ultimate Air Dogs competion. He did two "Splash" jumps and made it into the Finals for the Novice division. He placed 3rd overall for the weekend! His best jump was 8'1". Not too bad for never having done it before!

Dock Jumping VIDEO:
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Conformation is an important factor in choosing which dogs remain in the gene pool! We want a structurely correct dog. However when it comes to actually going into the conformation ring, I'd rather let my handler do it! Wysk has his IntCH and is pointed towards his CKC CH. Tyde has his U-CH. Cayne (Chayse x Tyde puppy) finished his U-CH at 11 m/o in April of 2007.

We have big plans for Steele and Rhyme to be decent conformation dogs. I'd also like to persue Chayse's UKC CH and both her and Tyde's CKC CH's. We'll see how that goes!

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