Byron N. Calton requested information from the Bastrop County Clerk on John, Mamie, Thornton, and Rossie Lewis; the Marshall County Clerk on Henry and Parlee (McGary) Rand; and the Fort Worth Health Department on John Jerome Arthur Calton and Henry and Parlee Rand. The death certificates were received from the Texas Bureau of Statistics on Henry and Parlee Rand. A death certificate was received from the Fort Worth Health Department on John Jerome Arthur Calton. Information was also requested from the Veterans Affairs office and the Social Security Administration on Henry and Parlee Rand. Henry served in World War I, 1918-1919.
Jo Ann Calton sent Byron obituaries on both Henry and Parlee Rand. Henry Rand was born in Linden TX. Henry Rand married Parlee McGary in Shreveport, Louisiana in 1922. Parlee was parented by Mr. and Mrs. Ira McGary. Thornton and Rossi Calton are buried near Arlington Lake. The cemetary is no longer accessible to the public. Byron is building a data base with The Family Tree software for the Genealogy Committee.
You may see the list of the Calton Decendants at The Family Tree Maker. If you have any Calton ancestry data, please provide it to us! Visit The Calton Family Data Entry Page