Useful Links On Christian Topics Useful Links On Christian Topics

This page was last updated October 23, 1998. Please note that the inclusion of links does not imply total agreement. Also, there is a certain amount of overlap in these categories. Some apologetics sites, for instance, will have extensive Creation Science material.

Basic Categories:
Apologetics Eschatology Isms, Schisms,
Cults & Occult
Bibles &
Christian Personal
Ministries Around
the World
Missions Various


In the Beginning : The best single book I've found on Creation Science (6th Edition) is conveniently accessed here.
Creation Research Society : A lot of good information.
Institute for Creation Research Excellent information but the page drips with graphics.
The Biblical Creation Society Home Page (from England): Well-written articles here.
ChristianAnswers.Net : Creation/Evolution Questions - excellent resource. Some of the articles are available in translations as well.
Creationism Connection: Dan Reynolds Ph.D from University of Texas (Austin) has a great Young Earth Creationist site especially emphasizing astronomy and geology. He also has a large variety of other material one doesn't usually find on these sites, like listings of local groups, annotated lists of books and even some good cartoons. There is much to explore here.
What do scientists do in their spare time? Well, these scientists at Los Alamos National Labs got into a debate (1997) on Creation vs. Evolution. Its all here at the Los Alamos Creation Debates.
Creation, Dinosaurs and the Flood : Another page on beginnings.
Biblical Astronomy Homepage
The Biotic Message: "The book evolutionists don't want you to know about" looks pretty intriguing. Walter ReMine's thesis seems to be that the creation was specifically designed by God to categorically and pointedly rule out the possibility of evolution (or any system of origins that points away from Himself as Creator). Limiting his scope to biology, ReMine gives quotes only from evolutionists to build his case.


Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries : Ron Rhodes' discipleship and apologetics ministry
CRI : Christian Research Institute Homepage. Order literature here or listen to the "Bible Answer Man" radio broadcast.
CRI Archives : A real valuable page with a search engine for back issues of The Christian Research Journal and other sources.
Christianity.Net : A Grand Central Station for many good sites.
ChristianAnswers : A good worldwide site for questions on all kinds of subjects. Good search engine.
ICLnet. : Institute for Christian Leadership
Christian Resource Links
Cross+Word Christian Resources.
Jeremiah Project : Christian Apologetics and Bible Prophecy.


Zion's Hope is the site of Marvin Rosenthal's. He has proven biblically (to my satisfaction, at least) that the Pre-Wrath position makes the most sense of all the various Bible passages of the Second Coming of Christ.
The Post-Tribulation Rapture is articulated on this site.
LambLight Ministries
Jeremiah Project also has a lot of prophecy information.
This page from the above site addresses the Rapture '98 controversy. (Remember: a cynic is someone who saves his optimism for the truth).
Bible Prophecy E-mail List Home Page : Don't assume that this list is not pretrib because of the company it keeps with the above sites. Most (but not all) on this list are pretrib. There is much friendly discussion, however, and food for thought.


A-Z of Cults : Descriptions of cults well-known and obscure.
Migdol is Hebrew for "Tower". This site focuses on current subtle and not so subtle trends away from biblical Christianity. Timely and in-depth articles on the Hebrew Roots Movement, for instance, are found here.
Another article on the Hebraic Roots Movement.
CR&E: Quick Quotes from the Watchtower from Cult Research and Evangelism. Quotes from Jehovah's Witnesses are divided into several catagories. What they have said concerning Jesus, end times, baptism, etc. There are also other research and theology links.
Life After The Watchtower A place of encouragement and testimony for those who have left Jehovah's Witnesses.
Spiritual Counterfeits Project : This helpful cult ministry has been around for a good while.
The Gospel According to Oneness Pentacostalism : detailed testimony and rebuttal from one who has left this cult.
Mr Tilman has a useful page with annotated links in several languages on Scientology and many other cults and isms; Waco, Boston Church of Christ...Amway? I certainly don't recommend all of the content here.
Arguments against the Preterists views of eschatology (and soteriology) are found here.


RC Sproul : Renewing Your Mind Online.
Unravelling Wittgenstein's Net: A Christian ThinkTank. Challenging thought-provoking articles concerning the Faith. Who told you to leave your brain at the door?!
Theology on the Net: Reformed, with an extensive bulletin board, chat area, guestbook. A great place to meet others who value the study and practical application of the Word.
Grace to You : John MacArthur's Site.
Competent to Counsel : Jay Adam is one of the few psychologists, in my opinion, who upholds the Bible in the sharky waters of modern counselling ministries.
K-House Interactive : Chuck Missler's Koinonia House is a good source for a wide range of thought-provoking articles on the Bible, cults, UFOs, history, current events, prophecy, etc. This caveat must be added: sometimes Missler's conclusions are more sensational than scholarly.
Biblical Studies Foundation
Church of the Master: A good selection of Christian links as well as graphics for webmasters.
Messianic Friends Network : A large list of Messianic pages.
John Ankerberg


This useful Bible tools site has a lot of helps all in one place: lexicons, concordances, commentaries, Josephus, etc.
Gramcord gives you access to the original languages of the Bible. Lexical tools, etc.
NET Bible: New English Translation
Bible Gateway : Search the Bible in seven languages and multiple versions.
La Reina Valera : A standard (if somewhat outdated) translation of the Bible in spanish.
Ecole Initiative : No . . . it's not a spy thriller. Better than that; a collection of Early Church writings and documents.
A Guide to Christian Literature on the Net: Bibles (many in other languages), helps (for instance, Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary), Naves Topical, Guthrie's The Christian's Great Interest, John Flavel's The Fountain of Life Opened Up, Jonathan Edward's Religious Affections, Augustine's The City of God and Confessions. The list goes on and on!
Christian History A wide variety of literature: Church Fathers to Modern writers.
Wheaton's sizeable archive of public domain material. Church Fathers, Reformation writers, and much more.
Blue Letter Bible : K-House. Has Greek and Hebrew Interlinear and very helpful Search tools. The concordance will take a while to load if you have a slower modem but is worth the wait. Has a number of commentaries for specific books or Bible in general (Chuck Smith, M. Henry , Ray Stedman, etc.)
Goshen Net Archives with search engine.
My Utmost for His Highest: Oswald Chambers' Devotional Classic.
Jonathan Edwards Online : An excellent, thorough archive on all things Edwardian.
The Spurgeon Archives: "The largest collection of spurgeon resources on the world wide web".
Another Charles Spurgeon Archive.
Morning and Evening: Devotional by Spurgeon. A proven classic.
Luther Land : The Great German Reformer has a good site here.


John Mark Ministries from Melbourne, Australia. This organization has a good number of resources for pastors, missionaries, and all Christians.
Sepoangol World Ministries.
Pagina do Helio Anjos: Brazil - in Portuguese and English.
The Hindustan Bible Institute An attractive site (history of HBI, articles, India links).
Church of South India Home Page : Christianity from the Tamil-speaking region of India. A lot of good Puritan links (Spurgeon, Bunyan, Law, etc.) By the way, CSI has a number of churches here in the US also.
Christian Radio from London (with chat).
A Christian University in Dundee, Scotland.


Lambert Dolphin is a Christian physicist with an incredible number of useful links on a wide range of topics.
Phil Johnson's Bookmarks : A large list of good, bad and very bad websites on Christianity. This is a very large annotated page, but it is worth the wait.
Paul Nanson's page of apologetics and reform material.
Arnd's christliche Homepage : (In german only) "Glauben, Kirche, Musik, Biker, Links."
Eric's InfoCenter: Good apologetics and creationists material.
Tom Smith's Homepage has, among other things, really helpful material and links on the Laughter Movement, Counterfeit Revival, Brownsville, etc.
Hispanic Christian Pages (quite a few of them) are found here.


Caleb Project. : A global missions project. Especially valuable are the extensive updates on missionary activity by local regions.
Wycliffe Bible Translators say that "440 million people still need God's Word in their language." They need teachers, translators, secretaries, managers, computer technicians, etc.
AmeriTribes Homepage: A Missions group that ministers to Native Tribes on our continent.
An article you must read. : The Auca Indians teach savvy Westerners the true meaning of the Gospel. This is a great account from Christianity Today's Website.
NICS (Network of International Christian (& Community) Schools, Inc.
Asia Light Company : Teaching English in China

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