Welcome to my family

I am happy to share them with you so to speak. Im so proud of my girl Sarah. Who would have guessed on the evening of Aug 17th 1979 that the little bundle they handed me would turn out to be such a fine woman. I sure didnt. She has always made me very prowd of her in all the tasks she has chosen over the years. I wouldnt give up our life together for any thing in the world.

Sarah was like any girl. she dated and spent time with friends. Bringing kids home all the time to visit. When she brought John home with his twin brother Paul, I was so amazed with his charm and gentle nature that i was happy to open our home to him at any time. He and Sarah were good friends and were always together or talking on the phone.

I was not happy when they told me they wished to marry. Sarah being so young i felt they should wait. But as i can not make her mistakes i finely consented. On the afternoon of Aug 31,1996 I walked my little girl down the isle and gave her to the man she loves. She was a beautiful bride.

With John came my first grandchild Josh. He will be 4 on Jan. 6, 1998. I was a little worried to be a grandma so young but well he makes it easy

Josh is a normal little boy who loves Star Wars. He figured out really fast how to wrap me around his little finger. He is a little ham when he sees a camera. Always wants to wear a suit. He is a knock out all dressed up. He gave me my new name Dram for he said he already had a gram. He is my little man for sure.

Next came Cheyenne on Jan.24th.1997. At 6 weeks old she caught the illness R.S.V.We almost lost her to
this illness. It resembles a cold but in the very young it kills. After holding her little limp body in my arms begging her to fight.
The hardest words i ever prayed were let thy will be done. God was kind and sent her back us.

This little angel has been full of fire. Her first word as any smart little girls would be was dad.
Her favorate word now at one year is boogerbutt. (dads new name) she found out it makes him laugh and that was all it took. She loves her bath time. to the point of pushing mom out of the tub for her turn. She hasnt figured out the phone so i dont get to talk with her yet. But ill teach her to call me.LOL

Sarah and John are great parents. Sarah has always made me proud of her. And now as i watch her with her children i almost overflow. I see the days go by so much faster now. I want to savor each and every moment with the kids and grand kids. Sarah grew to fast and i feel i missed it. dont we all.


To all of my friends and anyone who may be here for the first time. My grand son came into this world today Mar. 28th. 1998 at 1:03 Pm. Sarah and Austen are doing great. Being he was 3 weeks early and is very healthy. 7 lbs. 8 oz. 20 and 1/2 inches long. Full head of brown hair. to all who would wish to send a note to my kids To all who have kept us in your prayers thank you and god bless.

Last but far from least in my family is Chance my trusted companion. He is the one who takes care of me . To bad he still hasnt learned to make the morning coffee.lol He is a year old now and my best friend. He goes where ever i go poor thing.lol

well i hope you come back and see my kids as they all grow. god watch over you.