Tips for keeping rabbits cool in hot weather
It's getting plenty hot around the country. Here are some tips on how to keep your bunnies cool this summer.
Place a frozen waterbottle in the cage with your rabbit. Fill a 2-litre pop bottle with water and then freeze it. Its best to keep an extra on hand, since it usually takes about 24 hours to refreeze it.
Place a soaker hose around your cage and water. The evaporation cools down the air some.
Place a rug or piece of burlap on top of your cage and wet it.
Place a fan so it has air moving past your cage (not directly on your rabbit).
Place a brick stepping stone or piece of ceramic tile in the cage and wet it. (this can require a sturdy cage)
Use an evaporative cooler in your barn.(bonus--place ice cubes or frozen water bottle in the water in the evaporative cooler) Be sure to have good ventilation so ammonia doesn't build up.
Use an air conditioner in your barn. Be sure to have good
ventilation(air being pulled out) so ammonia doesn't build up.
Mist water on your rabbits ears and face.
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