Cyberlpn's Adoption Page

Hi..... I found my birthmother a little over five years ago.
I spent many hours wondering what she was like,
was I ever going to find her,
would she love me,
and so on.
I poured over sites on the Internet
where you post messages to a loved one.
I didn't find these that helpful,
but felt a sense of security knowing
I "posted" my messages.
I was lucky with my search,
I had a name to start with.
Never mind she changed it three times....LOL.
My adoptive family was supportive
and provided all the info they could remember.
I was born in 1960, so it wasn't yesterday....LOL.
I will list various links I found helpful,
will list various sites that are worth your time (some require tissues)
and also be glad to help anyone who might need it.
Feel free to e-mail me.....

I understand all the feelings as adoptees, we might have.
Some feel anger, some feel scared, some feel just plain curious......
If you would like to just have a "ear" to listen,
also feel free to e-mail me.

Where would you like to go now?