Recipes and Activities For
             Families And Children
 As a busy mother and home preschool director, I am always looking for healthy
balanced recipes and activities for young children and families.  On this page, I will include some of my favorites.  If you have any ideas or recipes you would like to contribute, please send them to me at and I will add them to our page.
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The Color Poem
(Let the children act out this poem as you learn it together)
  "If you're wearing RED, pat your head.
   If you're wearing BLUE, count to two.
   If you're wearing GREEN, let your smile be seen.
   If you're wearing BROWN, hop up and down.
   If you're wearing YELLOW, jump like a funny fellow.
   If you're wearing BLACK, pat your back."

The Color Box
 This is a fun activity to help little ones learn their colors:
Materials needed: medium size box, various colored items
 When I do this activity with our children, I make a label for our color box and tape it to the box entitled "Our Color Box", but you can be as creative as you want to be and let the children help you design a box in which they will find and place various colored objects.
 I sit in a circle with our children and ask each child, one at a time to find an object of a certain color and bring it to the color box. The only limitations are that the child is to find an object that will fit in the box and that the object contains the color which they have been directed to find. This is a fun game that our children always enjoy participating in.  Be sure to praise and encourage your child as they search for colorful objects for the color box. Have fun!

Color Snack
Purple gelatin jigglies

12 oz. frozen  grape juice, thawed
3 pkgs. unflavored gelatin
1 1/2 c. hot water

Directions: Children can help dissolve gelatin in water,
stir in juice, and pour into oiled 9 inch by 13 inch pan.
Chill.  Cut into strips or use cookie cutters to make shapes.  Enjoy!