All about Zettipickles

OK So who is Zettipickles? I'm just an ordinary Housewife. I know you were thinking I was some glamourous person or computer nerd or something but the truth is I'm not. My Husband Mr.Zettipickles is in the Navy. I'm his wife. We have 3 kids two of whom are contributors to Zettipickles home page. The littlest one just can't get past putting the mouse in his mouth and his feet on the keyboard. I'm 5 foot 2 about 125 lbs Blonde hair green eyes. Basically just the girl next door. In fact we move so much there's a chance I could be the girl next door eventually. I do have some pretty cool kids. One year Eddie was a dancing bear for halloween.I like the Greatful Dead.(of course!)I also love the Beatles!

My favorite childrens book is "Mooses Come Walking" by Arlo Guthrie. The pictures are by Alice M. Brock. You might remember them from the song or movie "Alice's Resturant"

Here's my newest pet Felix. He's cute and easy to care for. Better then a gigapet any day.

I'm hoping to make this a place where we can learn from each other so please don't be afraid to e-mail me. Plus I'm a housewife I don't have much else to do.

e-mail me!

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