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Surfing The Web

So, you want to learn about the World Wide Web, to talk about "Surfing the Web"...

OK, we can do that, but first you probably want to know "What is The web?"

This is "Surfer Sam." He is really cool, and he'll help you to understand what dangers to look for on the web.
Quite simply, "the web" is bunches and bunches of computers, all over the world, all talking on telephones, asking for and getting information from one another. It is the "ultimate 3-way calling!!"

Surfing the web is just going from page to page looking for information or games or pictures or sounds. It's exploring the virtual cities, neighborhoods, and streets of the World Wide Web. It's fun, and it's educational.
But, hey, just like there are like neighborhoods and streets and stuff that you might not want to like visit in the like "real world," hey, there are like neighborhoods and streets and stuff that you probably don't want to like visit on the web, y'know? Hey, Dudette, ya' gotta be cool, y'know!! Like just don't go there, y'know??

The neat part, the really cool part about surfing the web is that like, if you do happen to stumble onto a page you don't wanna see, y'know, then, like all you gotta do is like, click the "Back" button on your browser and, Baby, you are out of there. When you are like, surfing, and you see something you don't like, hey, nobody can grab you and drag you into a dark alley. Wow, just click "Back" and you're gone, you're otta there, it's history. Cool.

Sometimes the information that is sent back to you is not just a web-page, but is information in another form. This might be a document or an executable file. Most of the time this is ok; maybe the only way someone can tell you something or show you something or give you something is with a document or executable type of file.
But, hey, you gotta be careful about catching a "virus," y'know. A virus is like a "disease" that your computer catches from documents or executable files. Real bummer. Like, it can make your computer "sick," and like not work right. There are like hundreds, or maybe even like thousands, of different viruses on the web. What it does is like I don't know how to tell ya' cuz' it can range from just being like "funny" to making your computer like completely useless. Wow. Regardless, it is "not nice." (Look at the last part of the URL; does it end with doc" or "exec?" Be careful!!!) Hey, Dudette, better ask your mom or dad before opening documents or executable type files, like especially without a really GOOD anti-virus program on your computer, y'know?!? Hey, if you don't know who is giving it to you, don't take it. It's like taking candy from strangers.
Another really cool thing about the web is e-mail. It's really fun to get e-mail from people in different cities, different states, even different countries.

Some people think that web chat is the coolest. In web chat-rooms you can "talk" to other people from all over the world.
There are like millions of people using the web, y'know, but not all of them are like "nice." Like, unless you really like know the person who is sending you e-mail or chatting with you, like really be on guard: They may not be who they say they are.
Surfer Sam says Always remember,

YOU are in control
of e-mail and chat:
  • You don't have to OPEN e-mail (if you don't think you will like it);
  • You don't have to READ all of an e-mail;
  • You don't have to REPLY to e-mail.
  • You don't have to RESPOND to a chatter;
    (the best way to make them stop is to just ignore them)
  • You can leave a chat-room whenever YOU want to
    (without even saying "good-bye").
  • See a RED FLAG if you are asked "personal" questions or questions like:
          "Are you alone?"
                (What difference does that make?)
        "What are you wearing?"
                (What difference does that make?)
  • NEVER give out personal information
    (last name, address, telephone number,
    anything that might help someone find you);
  • NEVER EVER arrange for a personal meeting
    with someone without your parents' consent.
Hey, don't let it get to 'ya, y'know!!
The web is like the world!!
Like some good, some bad.
Ya' gotta know the difference, y'know?
Like ya' gotta think.
Ya' just gotta be COOL, y'know!!
Like ya' just gotta be AWARE!!

But, hey, it ain't just me who's making "rules,"
check these out from around the world!!!


Surf's up!!    Enjoy!!    Ride the Web-waves!!

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This page:
[With apologies to EVERY English teacher in the world for "Surfer Sam," but I hope he made a point.]
Background by:

Graphics by:
graphmasters mark Roger's Animated Graphics

Audio by: Camelot

© 1997
Troop 1319, Lake Erie Council
North Olmsted, Ohio

Last updated: 1/24/98
