Bethel No. 129, San Jose

Here is a list of the planned activities for the Fall 2002 term.

Bethel No. 129, San Jose Calendar of Events - Fall 2002 Term
June, 2002
1st Hi 12 pancake Breakfast
3rd GR/SJ10 Dinner 5:30pm
5th Council Meeting 6:30pm SJMC
6th Installation Pratice
7th Installtion 7:30pm SJMC
15th Grand Bethel Parent Meeting 1:00pm Shelton's
25th Line meeting 6:00pm Shelton's
26th Trestleboard 6:30pm Shelton's
July, 2002
1st GR/SJ10 Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
3rd Council Meeting 6:30pm SJMC
9th 1st meeting Practice 6:30pm SJMC
11th Friendship Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
12th JD meeting 7:00pm SJMC
24th Trestleboard 6:30pm Shelton's
August, 2002
1st Friendship Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
5th GR/SJ10 Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
18th NCGCA Picnic Mountain View
26th GR Lodge Hiram Award Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
27th Line Meeting 6:00pm Shelton's
28th Trestleboard 6:30pm Shelton's
29th NCGCA meeting 7:00pm Masonic Home Union City
September, 2002
4th Council Meeting 6:30pm SJMC
5th Friendship Sinner 5:30pm SJMC
9th GR/SJ10 Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
13th JD meeting 7:00pm SJMC
21th NCGCA Workshop /Meeting 9:00am Masonic Home Union City
23th DGGOV Practice 6:30pm Red Room SJMC
24th Line Meeting 6:00pm Shelton's
25th Tresleboard 6:30pm Shelton's
28th JD Meeting DGGOV/Initiation 7:00pm SJMC
October, 2002
2nd Council Meeting 6:30pm SJMC
3rd Friendship Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
7th GR/SJ10 Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
11th JD Meeting 7:00pm SJMC
21th GR Dinner Past Masters Night 5:30pm SJMC
26th JD Meeting 7:00pm SJMC
29th Line Meeting 6:00pm Shelton's
30th Tresleboard 6:30pm Shelton's
November, 2002
1st JD Meeting 7:00pm SJMC
4th GR/SJ10 Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
6th thru 10th Grand Council, Ontario
7th Friendship Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
13th Council Meeting 6:30pm Shelton's
20th NCGCA Meeting Bethel 129 Serves Desert 6:30pm Masonic Home Union City
23rd JD Meeting Farewell 7:00pm SJMC
26th Line Meeting 6:00pm Shelton's
27th Tresleboard 6:30pm Shelton's
28th Thanksgiving Day...Happy Thanksgiving
December, 2002
2nd GR/SJ10 Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
4th Council Meeting 6:30pm SJMC
5th Friendship Dinner 5:30pm SJMC
7th Bethel Christmas Party 7:00pm Shelton's
9th Installation Practice 6:30pm SJMC
13th JD Installation 7:00pm SJMC
18th Tresleboard 6:30pm Shelton's
26th Christmas Day...Merry Christmas

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