The newest member of our family (Llama) "Chocolate" We live one an one hundred twenty acre ranch, on Green Leaf State Park. We raise cows and quarterhourses. We, also have a few paint fillies. We have several animals on the ranch. We are starting a small Llama herd. We have emus, rheas, ostrichs, phesants, turkeys and several other animals. We love country living and our christian family values. We have two stocked fishing ponds. Fishing and our boat are some of the things, we list as mandatory for a happy life. LOL. We have five children. Four boys and one girl their ages range from 24 to 9. We have three grand children, and they are the joy of our lives.

Green Leaf has some of the best bass fishing in the state. Several bass contest are held here every summer. Greenleaf State Park, located three miles south of Braggs on SH 10, rests in the Cookson Hills in a verdant region of eastern Oklahoma. One of the most beautiful of all Oklahoma state parks, it has an atmosphere of a quiet, tranquil place - just right for relaxing and getting away. Named for Greenleaf Creek, which was dammed to make the gorgeous 900-acre aqua-green lake, the park was built by the Civilian Conservation Corps in the late 1930s. Greenleaf received the PARK OF THE YEAR AWARD FOR 1997 and was the 1996 WINNER of the Oklahoma Tourism and Travel Industry Award for Native Beauty.

Family-Friendly Site

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1.Our Gods 2.Family Poems.3.Various Things4.Heaven5.Our Ranch
6.12 Things Christians should never do7.Changing
10.submit prayer11.view prayers12.Awards

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