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The Health Center
Ogden Shops,Calgary, Alberta

Photo Health Center

The Ogden Health Center, commonly known as the clinic, is staffed by Advanced, level two, first aiders. Their duties are to administer first aid to employees in the event of an injury or health problems. Other responsibilites are maintaining the first aid stations located throughout the various shops. They aquire and distribute safety equipment and provide standard first aid training classes for many other employees. They also are members of the well trained Confined Space Rescue team. The clinic keeps a library of all the Ogden shops MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) and keeps them up to date. They provide support to the WHMIS program, (Workplace Hazardous Materials Informations System) by distributing the MSDS forms to the appropriate work areas.

The Ogden Shops Volunteer Fire Department.

Photo Fire Hall 1913 Prior to this building being used as a Health Center, it was used to house our very own Fire Station complete with their own equipment. In fact, when the shops opened in 1912, the fire brigade was the first active facility. Members of this department were picked from the various shops and totalled 16 individuals. Fire drills were held every Friday and the members were on call 24 hours a day. The fire brigade not only fought fires and attended drills, but were an active part in Calgary's overall fire fighting plan. They were very active offsite, as they entered many competitions and were recognized for many of their accomplishments such as lectures to Boy Scouts and coming in third at the International Firefighters Association Competition in Boston, competing against teams from all over North America.


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History of Ogden Shops
Air Brake Shop Adminstration Office Maintenance of Way
Wheel Shop Main Gate Materials Department
Locomotive Shop Steel Car Shop Power House
Maintenance Shop Paint Shop Health Center

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Since 11-25-97

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