The shop features a general office, 19 work stations (cost centers), 35 pits and four major erecting cranes capable of lifting between 9.07 tonnes ( 10 tons) and 227 tonnes (250 tons). In an average year, the shop rebuilds close to 150 locomotives, modifies or performs specific programs to 300 locomotives and undertakes major repairs on another 50 locomotives.
In addition to the main locomotive shop are satellite shops which feed materials and supplies to both the main shop as well as other repair facilities across Canadian Pacific Railway.These satelite shops include the Traction Motor Shop, Wheel Shop, Main Generator Shop and the Air Brake Shop.
The primary purpose of this shop is to repair locomotives. The Blacksmith Department, Boiler Department, Electricial Department and the Machine Shop are all located in this building and all of these departments perform work required to meet locomotive output, as well as a variety of work for Line points, and to maintain buildings, main line and yard trackage, machinery, and equipment.
The repairs of locomotives performed in the main locomotive area are divided into two main groups, CLASSIFIED, which involves all parts of the locomotive being brought up to near new standards and SPECIFIC repairs, which involves, normally, the repair of one major component on the locomotive so it can be returned back to service.
There was a huge change in the Locomotive Shop's role in 1996 as they moved from mainly an overhaul shop to being an all round shop. Specific's, Fire and Wrecks, Modifications, and the Overhaul/Mini repairs were all lowered in count in favor of the quick fixes.Locomotive availability is that tight, that when a unit goes down, considerable amount of time and extra effort is required by all to get it back on the tracks.
History of Ogden Shops |
Air Brake Shop | Adminstration Office | Maintenance of Way |
Wheel Shop | Main Gate | Materials Department |
Locomotive Shop | Steel Car Shop | Power House |
Maintenance Shop | Paint Shop | Health Center |
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