California d'Buzzaux
December 1996

Callie, an English Springer Spaniel puppy, joined the family in December 1996. Her official name was California d'Buzzsaux (in honor of Murphy's first Springer Spaniel, Buzzsaw, with a little flair added).

Here was Callie on her ride home. It was traditional to bring the new puppy home in a laundry basket and blanket.


She was so small (notice thumb on right for comparison).


Here Callie was in the dining room.


Rene' and Callie posed in front of the Christmas tree.


We fed Callie well. (Actually this was Murphy's interpretation of an alpha dog as created by Kai's Power Goo graphics manipulation software from the above photo of Callie in the dining room.)


Last updated January 31, 1999, by Murphy.