C3PO and Darth Vader on Halloween 1978

The stars of this web page are C3PO (Chris) and Darth Vader (Jack) found here in our living room on Halloween 1978. Please be patient, it takes about one minute to download this animated image.


Technical details. Photos were scanned into Jasc's Paint Shop Pro v.4.14 (a fast and efficient program) using a Visioneer PaperPort 6000 scanner and saved in JPG formats. The Animated GIF was created by cutting out their masks from one photo and overlaying the masks on top of their faces to create another photo using Microsoft Picture It! v.2.0 (a sophisticated and powerful program); and then importing both photos into Microsoft Gif Animator v.1.0 (an animated program) for parameter selection and saving the final Animated GIF.

Last updated January 11, 1998, by Murphy.