by Phyllis McMullen
(CHS-Class of '56)
A footstep and then an echo,
The old building is empty at last.
Just me and my memories linger,
Fond memories of the past.
As I pass through the halls of this palace,
My mind turns back to the year
When I entered this building the first time,
With a lump in my throat of fear.
Little did I know the fun I'd have
In three short years of bliss.
Now I leave you by yourself.
To say this I wouldn't miss.
I love you dear old building,
And the teachers so fond and dear.
All the joys and sorrows I shared here
Bring to my eye a golden tear.
A tear of contentment and pleasure,
A tear of sorrow and grief,
I seemed to be sailing away,
Upon a wind blown reef.
But yet, as I turn to go away,
I'll throw a kiss,- my heart pounding,
And thank you for the time I've had
In a radiant, reverent surrounding.
written for Junior High Echo
(May 1953)