Help comes from unexpected source!

The FFA House sits on temporary girders after it's move to it's new home site, next to the Nodaway Valley Museum on Hiway 71 South.

This group's plea for help to save this old rock building did not go unheard. Class of 1957 member Anna Mae (Buss)Hamilton applied to a foundation that had been set up by one of her former employers, resulting in a $10,000.00 donation made to the chapter restoration fund by the foundation. More information on this foundation will follow - hopefully with inclusion of the newspaper story text when it is published.

Anna Mae Hamilton presents check for $10,000.00 to Charles Johnson and Richard Negley at about 4:30 PM on Nov. 13, 1998.

Richard Negley says "THANKS" on behalf of all who worked to save the building from extinction.

Clarinda, Iowa, Original home of the Brokaw Chapter of FFA

"With completion of the new Middle School at the Garfield School Campus, the old FFA Chapter House, which has been used as the school Superintendant's office in recent years, will be empty and it's future uncertain. The familiar rock faced building has been a part of this community and the school system since it was built by the Clarinda FFA boys the school year of 1940-41. We feel it has earned it's place in our community history and should be a part of our local museum."

ORIGINAL AD TEXT: Please help save our FFA Chapter House. Contributions are needed to save the building and to move it to the Nodaway Valley Museum site south of town. For INFO and to offer contributions, email Richard Negleyor Charles Johnson in Clarinda.
Or...Send a donation to and make checks payable to "The Clarinda Foundation Brokaw FFA", C/O Richard Negley, RR 4, Clarinda, Ia. 51632.

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