Cornerstone Baptist Church - Ordinances

1.1 Baptism:

Those professing saving faith in Jesus Christ, desiring and understanding the meaning of water baptism, shall be immersed by the Pastor or someone else appointed by the Church. Only those shall be baptized who are being received into membership.. Immersion, as a believer, shall be a pre-requisite to church membership.

2.1 Communion:

The LORD's Supper (communion) shall normally be served to the assembled church by the Pastor and deacons on the first Sunday of each month or at such time(s) as may be decided by the Pastor. Since it is the LORD's Table, none that are His shall be barred, but the Pastor shall frequently state the scriptural order, which places baptism as a pre-requisite to the LORD's Supper, and shall explain the meaning of the ordinances.

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