"Seated in Heavenly Places"

by Toni Sweikert


June 29,1999.
We are FINISHED Editing "Seated in Heavenly Places" We Hope if You Enjoy this book, you will Drop us an Email. We are Believing GOD to someday have some of our works printed into Books. We also have 2 Great Disney Style scripts! We just need and Agent!


This is the story of a young girl named Genny Marie Tronco. She lived in a beautiful little town called Paradise, New Jersey. The story follows her as she walks the path to spiritual maturity and enlightenment. As Genny wakes up to her surroundings, and to the evil in high places. She learns what she must do to combat that evil, learning we war not against flesh and blood. She becomes one of the mightiest warriors the LORD has anointed in these last days.

The LORD teaches her many things in dreams, visions and while she is awake. Her prayer life becomes a battleground in the spirit. As she listens and obeys the Holy Spirit, she wars in places most of us only imagine. As her discernment becomes clear she is led to confront those hideous demons, principalities and powers JESUS told us about. But you see Genny listened to what JESUS said to her! She is in her full armor for these battles. As she speaks the WORD, instantly she is transformed into "A MIGHTY WARRIOR OF THE LIVING GOD!"

She meets the principalities and powers over the little town in the air for some liberating battles won by the BLOOD of the LAMB. Genny soars to new heights on the spiritual battlefield for the LORD JESUS. Showing all who watch her that they too have the power of GOD in them if they are saved and washed in the BLOOD of JESUS. Fast becoming a town of legends, the saints equip themselves for the last sweep of the Holy Spirit. The last battle before the mighty return of our BELOVED LORD JESUS!

I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. It is imperative to me that the body of Christ wakes up from it's sleeping state and sees that Genny is really all of us who are real believers. Do we dare to believe as Genny did? A bold" YES" should be our answer!! JESUS said "greater things then these shall ye do in MY Name.." My prayer is that you shall be a" MIGHTY WARRIOR OF THE LIVING GOD!" Wake up church!!

Before going on to read this book, PLEASE...STOP... repeat this simple prayer with me to insure your salvation and your citizenship in Heaven.

LORD JESUS I believe you are the SON of GOD. I ask you to forgive me of all my sins, come into my life and my heart and help me live in truth. You created me so I give myself to be what you created me to be. You are the potter, I am the clay, mold me to be the best I can be. Teach me by your HOLY SPIRIT. Thank you JESUS. In your name I pray this. Amen.

Now as you read this book, I pray in JESUS name that your spiritual eyes will be opened! Praise the LORD

A big Thank You to my own church body, and the elders of Fairton Christian Center, Fairton New Jersey for being The GODLY examples that they are.

They have taught me about the Love of my Father. Some of the people in this book are fictional, but many of them are real, I have written of them as I believe the LORD has led me. May GOD continue to bless each and every one of them and their families. I am Born Again since 1991, and have learned the basic Truth that is in this book. I hope you see it too.
Toni Sweikert

Chapter 1

It's about noon on this beautiful Sunday. The little church is packed on this July 4th weekend. Everybody is full of warm smiles for little Genny. She is the youngest person in this little town to give her heart to the LORD JESUS ! Genny is so excited ! Now she has JESUS in her "tummy" as she puts it. She can feel HIM in there she explains to her parents.

The sun is warm and there is a wonderfully refreshing breeze blowing across the church yard as the members of the congregation are all standing about shaking hands and hugging this one and that one. The sky is a striking blue. Pastor Woodson gives Genny a hug and smiles warmly at her, "Genny, remember..GOD has hand picked you to be the best He's got down here! So you keep praying and talking to HIM.

He hears your prayers and all that you say to HIM. He knew you before all this was even here!" As Pastor waves his hand in a circle toward the sky he continues, "HE wanted you sweetheart. HE picked you for something very special." Genny smiled as Pastor Woodson kissed her on the cheek, promising "I'll keep praying Pastor", with a smile like an angel. Genny had beautiful green eyes that had the habit of twinkling when she was happy. They sure were twinkling now!

Today is also Genny's 7th birthday. She had gotten many wonderful gifts from friends and family. Her favorite was the bible she had gotten from Pastor Woodson and his wife Shirley. No more little children bibles for this girl. She was growing up and just the way GOD wanted her to. Genny knew there were special things ahead for her, she just knew it. As Genny stood gazing off into the blue sky, she imagined herself wearing the full armor of GOD that she was learning about in Sunday School. Her teacher had described it so vividly to the class.

How exciting..fighting with all those evil creatures up there in the Heavenly Places. Just like the Angels fought for GODS people. Yes ..Yes she could see it all so clearly. She saw herself drawing her heavenly sword..preparing to strike at the darkness and..."Genny honey, we have to go on home now and set up for your party, aren't you excited?! Genny looked up to see her mothers green eyes looking intently at her. "Oh yes mama, we better hurry !" Genny sighed to herself, one day I'll fight against evil, just like in my dreams...I just know it!!

Genny was very special. The visions and dreams she had since she was old enough to talk were shared with her parents and Pastor only. She had seen JESUS many times in them. When she was upset, He was there to comfort and direct her. Like the time that Sidney's dog tried to attack her for no reason at all. When she was out playing on her tricycle and he jumped the fence and started for her. She was scared, so she screamed.. "JESUS !!" And the dog seemed to hit an invisible wall in front of her, and fall to the ground!

As the dog got up, he retreated to his own yard. Genny's mom had been in the yard but didn't have enough time to react to all of it. It all seemed to happen so quickly. She watched as the dog fell to the ground in the name of JESUS! How powerful it was! The dog had definitely hit an invisible barrier, a wall of protection about her daughter! She had never seen anything like it. Stella made sure she had a talk with Pastor about that one!

Today JESUS was very happy too. Genny was HIS, she was BORN AGAIN !! As Genny skipped along toward the car with her parents, there was such a satisfaction on her face it radiated a heavenly glow, just like her parents.

Genny's fathers name was Joseph, but everyone called him Joe. He was a construction man. He'd build anything, do almost anything along those lines to support his little family. Genny's mother was Stella. Her parents would be married 10 years in July. Genny's dad was a big guy, standing about 6'2". Her mom was only about 5'1", so Joe towered over her.

Joe loved and cherished his little family, but he loved the LORD even more. Joe was a godly example of how a man should live. Stella was a beautiful, gentle and understanding woman. Stella had loved JESUS since she was a little girl too. She was an excellent wife and mother. Joe didn't know why he was so blessed. He figured it was because JESUS loved him so much and wanted him to have a happy life.

Paradise looked like a Saturday Evening Post picture. All the streets were neat, all the houses were well kept and manicured. With white picket fences around them and flower boxes under the windows. Painted and perfect, just like a picture. Who knew what was going to take place in this perfect little town.

Pastor Woodson was a man of wisdom. He knew the voice of THE LORD JESUS and THE HOLY SPIRIT was who he followed. He had been in prayer a lot because of what he was seeing in the town that bordered Paradise, it was called Hellen. They were teaching some un-godly things over there under the label of religion to the children in school. Why the teachers there were allowed to get away with it, or even wanted to was beyond him. What had happened to teaching children the truth?

Pastor was a big man, full of the Spirit of GOD. His dark hair would fall gently forward as he spoke to his flock, and he would sweep it back ever so patiently. When you looked into Woodson's eyes you saw a beautiful light, you knew JESUS was alive and well and living in his heart! Never had there been a pastor so anointed in this little town of Paradise. Most everyone who attend the services felt the presence of GOD. Some didn't understand what they were feeling but there were those who were familiar with the presence of JESUS. Genny was one of them, and she couldn't get enough. For a child she was very aware of the Spirit of the Living GOD. It was almost uncanny, there was a heavenly hand on this child that could be perceived if the LORD was in your heart.

Pastor Woodson and his wife Shirley had 2 children, Jeanne age 14, and Dale age 21. They were both taught the truth, and it showed in all that they did. Pastor took seriously the scripture, "Train up a child in the way they should go and when they are old they'll not depart from it". Pastor watched over all the lives in Paradise. That was his job down here, until of course JESUS returned, which we all knew would happen.

Next door to the Tronco's was a christian family, Harold and Barbara Hope. They had two beautiful daughters, Meagan who was 19, and Katey who was 13. They were also fine examples of solid christian up-bringing. These people stood in their convictions of what is right and what is wrong. Both Harold and Barbara were school teachers at Paradise High School.

This high school was the only one in the state where the county and city had voted for prayer and teaching the Word of GOD. The teachers exercised that right daily, knowing that without it there would be no morality and that there would be decay of the nation without it. Knowing in their hearts that this was what was wrong with the nation today. We were once a great nation here in America, but that we had left our first love, and that is The LORD. That was why many people came to Paradise, to have their children taught the absolutes the Bible teaches and to bring truth back into the class rooms.

The Paradise School Board had made a few enemies during the time all the Christians were rallying for prayer in the schools. The neighboring city of Hellen, named quite appropriately, fought tooth and nail to keep prayer out of their district.

Now rumors had it that they were starting with a group of new teachers over there that were teaching witchcraft and astrology and other occult practices, under the label of religion. People in Paradise couldn't believe that anyone in their right mind would allow them to carry things that far and pollute the minds of children that way. The fights and warfare were coming, but these innocent people didn't have a clue what they were about to be up against. The Pastor had taught on the tricks of the devil, how he will cause division and chaos. But few of them saw it coming. God will always raise someone up HIS way, not ours. HE will equip them too. But it's usually not who or how we expect !!
Pastor Woodson knew he must prepare the body of Christ for the days ahead. He knew the attacks would be hard hitting. After a wonderful Sunday night service Pastor and his family enjoyed a great meal cooked by Shirley. The hour started to grow late so the family headed up the steps to get ready for bed. The end of another day, maybe JESUS would return tonight! Late that night Pastor Woodson had been awakened from a sound sleep by voices, he could hear them clearly. It sounded like they were right outside his bedroom window. As he slowly got out of his bed and walked towards the window they grew louder. He stood listening to a deep sinister voices. The air seemed heavy somehow, he took a mental note. "Are you sure this is the right place?" a voice questioned.

"Yes! Now be quiet!", came the reply from something that if Pastor could see it had to look like the devil himself by the sounds of it. Pastor had never heard such voices in all his days. Then there was the sound of a loud flapping..as if what ever it was had wings! Pastor knew it sure wasn't of GOD. A fear tried to griped his throat. It seemed the only thing he could hear for a moment was the sound of his own heart beating. As the WORD raced through his mind, he managed to speak out quite loudly "In JESUS Name..I COMMAND YOU TO GO!! " There was Whooshing sound, then all went quite. The heaviness in the air lifted..it felt normal now.

Except..Shirley, Pastors wife was now sitting up asking him if he was all right. Woodson took a deep breath..gaining more control over his voice now he turned to see her sweet face in the moon light. He walked over and sat down near her. She looked into his eyes, something had happened to him. She could see in his eyes, as if something was subsiding. "Honey..We've got to pray and prepare this town, something is going to happen. I have never felt such strong evil before, never". Woodson spent the rest of the night on his knees praying for the LORD to help and direct him, that JESUS would loose the angels about the town to guard it through the night. Meanwhile out there the enemy was trickling in one at a time.. preparing for something....

Paradise was bordered on one side by high hills. In those hills were two old abandoned military buildings not used in more then 60 years. At one time they housed several hundred soldiers. This is where those demons retreated to, awaiting their commanders. The two that Pastor Woodson had scared away were not too strong on their own, and they knew they couldn't stand against a man of GOD who was prayed up. So they waited for the reinforcements.

The commanders would know what to do. They couldn't understand why they were told to report to a town with so much angelic activity! From where they were they could see the angels of GOD moving all over the place. They were everywhere! They attempted to hide themselves from the light of the angels. It wasn't easy, these creatures of heavenly light didn't miss a trick! Just when they thought that they were hidden good enough, down deep in the basement of one of the building, the room began to shake and tremble! As they trembled and tried to push themselves into a corner of the room, the floor began to move! Suddenly the angel's of the LORD, and the glory of GOD burst out of the ground and filled the room with a brilliant light.

They began to scream in agony... scratching at the wall, trying desperately to escape the HOLY presence of those Angels who stood before them in glorious splendor with their swords drawn and a Holy glow about them, the light was absolutely unbearable for those evil creatures. Suddenly the demons let out a blood curdling scream and then vanished. Poof! ! Gone! The Angels shook hands and smiled without a word. Boy they loved their job, then left to head back toward the Pastors house. That was their post for now. Slowly the presence and glow left by the angel's got dimmer and dimmer till it was gone.

Now the orders had already been given to start to gather at the old Military Fort. They were cautious and quiet not wanting to draw any attention to old place. It would take a long time for the troops to gather, so they would sit quiet and watch and learn. These ugly creatures hated being this close to the angel's of the LORD.

This battle would be postponed, just for awhile. The Angelic activity was too heavy, they would wait for a lifting in the town people's prayer life. They were bound to pray less as the distractions and chaos about them increased. They were banking on the fact that usually as the chaos comes and stays for a while, the people get disgusted and give up. Question is, will they? Would the people of Paradise make it through the rough times ahead?

Chapter 2

The sun was brightly shining in the bedroom window of Genny's room. She sat up wondering if it all had been a dream. She had dreamt she was at Pastor's house late last night. That something was outside of his window..something ugly and evil!.

In her dream something had called to her..warning her to stay in bed. She knew it was there to bother Pastor. She had seen Pastor speak out the name of JESUS, and it went away. Something evil was there. She had seen it all. Was it a dream or had it been a warning of pending evil ? She had some strange ones before, and Pastor always helped her to understand and not to be afraid. She would be sure to tell her parents and Pastor about this one.

Genny hopped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Washing up and brushing her teeth. Stella walked in with a big hug and a warm " Good- morning Sweetheart !". They rubbed noses and laughed.

They finished up and headed down the steps to the kitchen. Joe was already making the coffee. He turned to Genny and said" Well young lady, your 7 years and one day old now!" Genny giggled. Stella grabbed the cereal out of the cabinet and Genny got out the milk and orange juice. Joe got out bowls and spoons, and they all sat down to eat. Joe nudged Genny and she said the blessing on the food. As they sat talking Genny told her parents of the dream. Stella and Joe agreed that Pastor should know about this vision or dream. They thought it could be a warning or something from the LORD too.

Today was the first day of the family vacation . One whole week of fun ahead! So they called Pastor to ask if they could come over to talk cause Genny had a dream they wanted to discuss with him. Pastor assured them it was fine to come, he had something he wanted their opinion on too.

So the Tronco's got themselves together and went over to Pastor's house. There was the usual greetings and hugs. They all sat down for coffee and juice, Shirley came in to join them and Genny preceded to tell Pastor and Shirley her dream. If that's what it was. Pastors face had a stunned look as he relived what she was telling him. Joe asked Pastor what he though. Pastor sat looking at Shirley for a moment, searching for the words to respond. He took Shirley's hand and said, " Let's all pray and ask JESUS to help us understand".

They joined hands and prayed a simple prayer. When they were finished, Pastor told them what had happened to him last night. Woodson told them he had never felt evil like last night. As if it was directed at him. He said he wasn't sure if it had been real, but he believed the LORD had let Genny see it to so she could tell him and he would know it was real! As they all sat there a little stunned, something drew Genny's attention behind where Pastor was sitting. The longer she looked, the clearer it got. Pastor saw her face.
She looked so intently that he turned to look too. As the form got clearer Genny could see it was a angel of the LORD. As the glory grew in the room, it became apparent to all that it was a messenger from the throne room of GOD !! Genny sat staring, eyes full of wonder! The Angel had a sword in his hand holding it straight out in front of him! Genny perceived this meant a war was coming. That they should prepare themselves. Genny was stunned because she could hear what the angel was saying!

The Angel stood 8' tall and had a voice that seemed a boom in Genny's ears. " Prepare ye the way of the LORD. Put on the full armor of GOD that you may be able to stand against the very forces of darkness! You shall dream dreams and see visions awake and asleep Genny. The LORD your GOD is with you in all that you do. In the days that are coming you shall war in the heavenly's and be SEATED IN HEAVENLY PLACES WITH HIM, AND SHALL CARRY HIS BANNER HIGH ! THUS SAITH THE LORD YOUR GOD.!!" Though they could see the angel they couldn't hear him. Genny smiled and softly said " I love you JESUS..!" Pastor took Genny's hand, "Genny you were listening to the angel weren't you. I could see his lips move, What did he say?" Though the angel had disappeared, the glory of the LORD was still intensely bright!

] As genny spoke it began to fade slowly. Genny smiled at everyone. She told them what the angel had told her. They all sat in awe of what had just happened. Once again there was a lingering after glow that was left by the heavenly angelic being. Pastor spoke first,"The LORD has warned us and given us the Victory at the same time. I praise GOD for his love for all HIS children. He will anoint who HE pleases, and HE has chosen your little girl to use Joe.

Pastor Woodson told The Tronco's that he believed that there were going to be some rough times coming. That the devil and his armies were going to try something new. It might affect the peace they were now enjoying in this little town. That he also believed that the next town over Hellen would play a big roll in it because they were open to it by letting such new age teachings in their schools and their children's hearts. The first thing we need to do is pray for guidance from the LORD and for HELLEN. GOD knows they were going to be a problem that needed JESUS as the solution." said Pastor.

They joined hands again and prayed from their heart for all the lost and misguided souls of that town. There were some tears and sobs that could be heard, but as they stood on the word of GOD they would feel the JOY of the LORD fall upon them refreshing them in their hearts. So by the time they were finished they were all laughing and confident in their LORD and SAVIOR JESUS to bring the VICTORY and POWER of HIS SPIRIT that they would all need in the times and days ahead.

Well, it was time to get started on some fun for the Tronco family. This would be a wonderful time for little Genny. She would ride on rides and slide down slides! Eat candy and fries till she was full! Mom and Dad would take lots of pictures too! So they were off for four days at Wonder World.

There would be many more dreams and visions for Genny in the weeks and months and even years ahead. GOD would use HIS little warrior and HIS faithful shepherd of HIS flock to do HIS will. The people's hearts were seeking their GOD. The scriptures would become so real to them in the days that were ahead, it would be as if they came of the pages of the bible and they were all living them. " Lean not unto your own understanding".

Chapter 3

"Merry Christmas Daddy!" yelled Genny as she ran as quickly as her feet would carry her. This was Genny's 11th Christmas and she had been waiting for her dad to help to decorate the tree with her and mom. Joe scooped her up and tossed her up in the air as they all laughed and hugged. "Daddy, look at this christmas ball Mrs. Hope taught me to make. Isn't it just beautiful?" Joe looked at it. It was a beautiful angel." Genny, this is so pretty, it looks like the Angel in the kitchen at Pastor's house! Our angel Gabrielle! Yelp.. that's what we'll call him.. .Gabriel". The Tronco's finished their dinner and bundled up to go and get a Christmas tree for the living room. Joe had told Genny that she could pick it out.

As they were walking up and down the field's of pine trees, Stella watched as Genny studied each tree she passed. Looking on all sides of it, searching for the perfect one. They had only looked at a few rows when a smile spread across Genny's face. She walked toward a tree that was absolutely perfect, full at the bottom and pointed at the top, but it was only 4 feet high!

As Genny stood in front of the little tree a bright light and a presence began to form around it. In the twinkle of an eye, JESUS was standing there, in HIS hand was a beautiful star! It emanated a heavenly white light! Genny's eyes got big as ever as she just seemed to know to put out her hand. Instantly the heavenly ornament fell into her hands! JESUS smiled and said, "I Love you Genny. This is for your tree, in remembrance of me!" Genny said, "Thank you JESUS! I Love you too!" Joe and Stella stood there in amazement as their daughter held the beautiful star of light in her hand. As the glory of the LORD began to fade, Genny turned and said, "Look! JESUS gave me this for our little tree, so we will always think of HIM when we look at it. The heavenly star was bright and still emanating the glory of the LORD. This was definitely the tree for them!

The last five years Genny has learned much from The SPIRIT of GOD. She now intercedes for her town as the HOLY SPIRIT moves her. Genny has learned to pray anywhere and anytime. Pastor has spent allot of time teaching the body in his flock about warfare in the spirit. How to fight the evil and how to perceive it with the Holy Spirit's help. As they all await the Christ's return and the Rapture of the church. Waiting and fighting and loving. Genny's discernment is growing ever steady, but so is her love and compassion for others and her desire to serve the LORD.

As they finish up the Christmas tree, Stella reminds Joe that there is a special Christmas Service tonight. Every one hustles up stairs to get ready. Genny takes her new dress out of the closet with a little squeal " Oh.. it's so beautiful!" She rushes to the bathroom to shower. Joe and Stella are getting out their clothes for the special services too. Christmas carols are on the radio.

The thoughts of seeing everyone at church are on their minds. The phone next to the bed is ringing. Joe picks it up and says" Hello". On the other end is a voice that sounds like the devil himself..... "Your school has gone to HELL, lets see what your GOD will do to stop it! If you think HE can!" Then a loud click. Joe stood there.. phone in hand. "What in the world was that?" Joe turned to Stella who was looking curiously at him. Joe told Stella what the voice said. Stella said" Call Pastor quickly!" Was it just a prank? The voice sounded serious to Joe. Joe called Pastor who was just about to walk out the door for the church. Pastor picked up his phone saying " Hello..Merry Christmas! "Pastor?" said a voice," This is Joe Tronco, sorry to bother you but I just had an interesting phone call." Joe told Pastor what the voice on the phone had said. Pastor said he'd make a phone call to get some one to look in on the school, just to make sure all was o.k. So they said bye and Pastor headed for the church. The Tronco's finished getting ready and headed for the church as well.

to "Seated in Heavenly Places"
