Hello!! I am Chief Robert Gara of the Pohatcong Twp. Police Department. This area will be my personal area to answer all of your questions. In the following weeks I will be telling you what it is like being a Police Officer, Detective, and Chief. Also I will be giving you a little history about this area of Warren County. Since this area is rich in history there will be a lot for me to talk about. Also this will be an open forum about our Police Department, police work in general, and anything else that comes to mind. Please feel free to E-Mail me with your questions. I will answer as many as I can each week.
To start things off, as you can see this page is still under construction, but I am sure that Valley Web Design will have us up and running soon!!
I have been a Police Officer since 1978. I was a Patrolman for two years, a Detective for 7 years and Chief for 11 years. I was born and raised in the Alpha area and still live here today. I am married and have one child. Sometimes people have trouble deciding what they want to do with there life but mine was always to be a Law Enforcement Officer. If you have any question you can E-MAIL me at the following address.

Water Safety

One of the many natural resources that is provided and taken for granted is water. Pohatcong Township is blessed with several streams and rivers that have provided a multitude of beauty and bounty for our earliest native Americans and with some luck and hard work, our future generations. We tend not to think about the water cascading over and around moss covered rocks and stones which provide life for some, shelter for others and recreation for all. Along with the pristine beauty and intrigue it also harbers some dangers, many obvious and others hidden. Throughtout the years I have been witness sometimes first hand, of the potentially serious problems that may arise. There are a few factors to keep in mind when in or near rivers and streams or any body of water for that matter. A small stream provides solitude and tranquility for a person who may wish to sit and contemplate life. It may also provide a trout or bass for the fisherman who wanders there, and it also provides refuge for our many forms of wildlife which abound in our area. Using common sense and caution when near a small stream will provide safety against its dangers. Rain swollen streams and rivers present an inherent danger with the natural speed and power of the water. Maximum care and precautions should be taken at this time. Avoiding the rain swollen stream is the best possible solution to any potential problems.
The power generated by the strong flow of water will sometimes wash out the normally solid bank along a stream creating what is know as a false bank. The grass appears to be right at the water edge but hidden beneath is an empty void. stepping on this false bank will provide you with a "fall on your face" experience. something humorous to friends who happen to witness the event but potentially deadly if you entangle yourself and are unable to regain footage if in deeper water or strike your head on a rock. Before testing the water, test the bank first to be sure the waters edge is where it appears to be. Rivers, such as our own Deleware River, create a different type of problem. Each year numerous lives are lost to this seemingly tranquil stretch of water. Areas that appear low and calm on the surface contain undercurrents and deep crevices or "holes" which may create a problem for even the most adept swimmer.
Cold water temperature with its strenth sapping ability along with heavy clothing and boots/shoes will act as an anchor to a person that falls in while fishing boating or hiking. A "life vest' properly worn when boating or fishing will allow you precious time to stay afloat in the event of a fall into the water. If fishing or hiking along the Deleware or similar body of water, and have a child with you, their life may be saved if they are made to wear a floation vest. DO NOT allow a child to test ice which may have formed on the edges of slower moving water or ponds in winter months. Floation vests should be the number one gear item in an ice fishermans equipment bag. Flotation vests work twofold by keeping you warm and afloat in the event of a break in the ice. In the event of a fall into moving water such as a river, panic may be inevitable but not an option. Try to stay calm and afloat and allow the current to push you towards the bank, overhanging trees or into lower water. People have drown in areas where they could have stood up and walked to safety. Use only swimming areas where lifeguards are present and be sure adults are present if you are enjoying the back yard pool. Always teach your children the dangers of swimming in the many abandoned quarries which are abundant throughout the states. These areas are usually posted as private property and should be respected as such. They present several hidden dangers including unstable banks, unknown depths and the probability of not being checked regularly leaving someone who may be injured there stranded for an indefinite and possibly deadly period of time.
Many lives can be saved and injury avoided by following these simple guidelines. carelessness around water can result in tragic endings. Using common sense may make some of lifes experiences in or near water your most cherished memories...
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Police Job Opportunities To become a Police Officer in Pohatcong Township as in many other Police Departments throughout New Jersey a prospective candidate initially has to file an application to take a test. Pohatcong Township is what is known as a "Civil Service" Township. This means that all job testing is done by the State Department Of Personnel. To become an Officer you must obtain a test application which may be obtained at any Post Office throughout the State. After completing the application and submitting a fee to the State as directed you will be contacted as to when and where you will be tested. The test is conducted by the State and if successful you will be notified and placed on a waiting list. Your success for a chance at a position will be determined by your test score and also the availability of job openings. Don't be discouraged by a low test score because you have the option of taking it again. Only determination and hard work will get you to the position you are after. As I have told many who asked about becoming a Police Officer is that regardless of what your employment may someday be, give it your all and strive to be the best at your trade. Police work is NOT for everyone. You sometimes deal with people at their worst but there are many rewards such as the good feeling you get when you are able to help someone in need. Best of luck and success in all your employment endeavors.