
Every person has the privilege of being
who Jesus Christ has said we are. Let us
look at the Scriptures pertaining to us, born-
again believers. We need to continually
confess these statements that our faith will
produce the results that will give us the
abundant life Jesus came to give us (Jn 10:10).
Even though these Scriptures are for all, I will
give them in the singular for you to quote.
They will also be put in chronological order
by the books of the Bible.
Remember, it is according to our faith
that we possess what we confess (Mt 9:29).
Our faith comes by hearing (Rom 10:17), so
confess the following out loud.
this is who you are or what you have

- Mt 5:13  I am the salt of the earth.
- Mt 5:14  I am the light of the world.
- Lk 11:9-11  I ask and receive. 
-             I Seek and find.
-             I knock and its opened to me.
- Jn 1:12  I am a son (daughter) of God.
- Jn 3:36  I have eternal life.
- Jn 6:37  I am the Father's gift to Christ
- Jn 7:38  Out of my innermost being flows rivers
-              of living water.
- Jn 8:31  The Truth has made me free.
- Jn 10:10  I have abundant life in Christ.
- Jn 14:14  If I ask anything in Jesus' name, 
-                      He will do it.
- Jn 14:20  I am in Christ and He is in me.
- Jn 14:27  I have the peace of Christ.
- Jn 15:9   I am loved by Jesus.
- Jn 17:11  I am protected by the power of 
-              His name.
- Jn 17:13  I have the joy of Jesus.
- Jn 17:15  I am kept from the evil one.
- Jn 17:17  I am sanctified in the truth of 
-                       God's Word.
- Jn 17:18  I have been sent into the world.
- Jn 17:21  I can be one with all God's children.
- Jn 17:22  I have been given the glory of God.
- Jn 17:24  I am in Christ and loved by the 
-                       Father.
- Acts 13:38  I have forgiveness of sins through
-                      Christ Jesus.
- Acts 13:39  I have been freed from all things.
- Rom 1:6  I am among the called of Jesus Christ.
- Rom 1:7  I am loved of God, a saint in Christ.
- Rom 5:1  I have been justified by faith.
- Rom 5:2  I have access into the realm of God's
-                         grace.
- Rom 5:3  I glory in tribulation, knowing that
-          God is working in me preseverane,
-          character and hope.   
-- Rom 5:5  The love of God is poured out in 
-                       my heart.
- Rom 5:9   I am saved from the wrath of God.
- Rom 5:10  I have been reconciled to God and 
-           saved through the death of Christ. 
- Rom 5:17  I have received the gift of God's 
-           grace and righteousness and I reign 
-           in life through Jesus Christ.
- Rom 5:19 I have been made righteous by the
-           obedience of Christ.
- Fom 6:2  I am dead to sin.
- Rom 6:3  I have been baptized into Christ.
- Rom 6:4  I have been raised up from the dead
-           and walk in newness of life.
- Rom 6:6  I am not a slave to sin.
- Rom 6:11 I am alive to God in Christ Jesus.
- Rom 6:12 Sin does not reign in my body.
- Rom 6:13 I present myself to God's leading.
- Rom 6:14 Iam not under the law by under grace.
- Rom 6:18 I am a servant of righteousness.
- Rom 6:22 I receive holiness and eternal life.
- Rom 8:1  Christ no longer condemns me.
- Rom 8:2  I am free from the law of sin and
-                           death.
- Rom 8:4  I walk in the Spirit and am righteous.
- Rom 8:9  The Spirit of Christ dwells in me.
- Rom 8:14 I am led of the Spirit of God.
- Rom 8:15 I can call God, "Abba, Father."
- Rom 8:16 God's Spirit says I am a child 
-                     of God.
- Rom 8:17 I am an heir of God, joint-heir with
-          Christ.  As I suffer, so I'll glory.
- Rom 8:23 I have the firstfruits of the Spirit.
- Rom 8:26 The Holy Spirit prays for me and 
-          helps me in my weaknesses.
- Rom 8:28 All things are working together 
-          for my good.
- Rom 8:29 God foreknew me and is conforming 
-          me to the image of Jesus Christ.
- Rom 8:30 I am called, justified, and 
-          glorified.
- Rom 8:31 God is for me, no one is against me.
- Rom 8:32 God gives me all things.
- Rom 8:35 Nothing can separate me from the
-          love of Christ.
- Rom 8:37 I am more than a comqueror through 
-          Jesus Christ.            
- Rom 8:38- Nothing can separate me from God's
-           love.
- Rom 10:4  Christ is the end of the law for my
-           righteousness.
- Rom 10:11 I shall never be put to shame.
- Rom 10:15 My feet are beautiful since I preach
-           the gospel.
- Rom 12:3  God gave me a measure of faith.
- Rom 12:6- I have gifts of the Spirit.
- Rom 14:6  If I live or die, I am the Lords. 
- Rom 15:14 I am full of goodness and knowledge.
- Rom 16:20 Satan will be crushed under my feet.
- I Cor 1:2 I am a sanctified saint in Christ.
- I Cor 1:3,4 I have grace and peace through God
-            by Jesus Christ.
- I Cor 1:5  I am enriched in everything 
-            by Christ Jesus.
- I Cor 1:8  God will keep me blameless to the 
-            to the coming of the Lord.
- I Cor 1:9  I am in fellowship with Christ.
- I Cor 1:18 I have the gospel which is the
-            power of God.
- I Cor 1:30 Jesus Christ has become my wisdom.
-            righteousness, sanctification and
-            my redemption.
- I Cor 2:9  God has prepared for me more than I
-            can even imagine.
- I Cor 2:10 God teaches me by His Spirit.
- I Cor 2:12 I can know what God has given me.
- I Cor 2:16 I have the mind of Christ.
- I Cor 3:9,16 I am part of God's building, His
-              temple.
- I Cor 3:22,23 I am Christ's and all things 
-              are mine.
- I Cor 6:2,3 I will judge the world and angels.
- I Cor 6:11  I was washed, sanctified and justi-
-             fied by the Spirit of God.
- I Cor 6:15  My body is a member of Christ.
- I Cor 6:17  I am joined in one Spirit with Him.
- I Cor 6:19  My body is the temple of the Holy
-             Spirit.
- I Cor 6:20  I was bought with the blood of
-             Christ and hence glorify Him.
- I Cor 7:22  I am Christ's servant.
- I Cor 11:3  Christ is my head.
- I Cor 11:7  I am the image and glory of God.
- I Cor 12:13 I was baptized into the body of
-             Christ by the Holy Spirit.
- I Cor 12:18 God has set me into His body
-             where He wants me.
- I Cor 12:21-  I have need of, and care for,
-             other members of the body.
- I Cor 12:28 God has appointed my position in
-             the church.
- I Cor 15:22 I have been made alive in Christ.
- I cor 15:52 I shall be raised from the dead,
-             or changed, to immortal life.
- I Cor 15:57 I have victory through my Lord
-             Jesus Christ.
- I Cor 15:58 I am steadfast, immovable and 
-             always abounding in the work 
-             of the Lord.
- 2 Cor 1:4   I am comforted in my tribulations.
- 2 Cor 1:10  I am delivered from every peril.
- 2 Cor 1:22  I am sealed with the Holy Spirit.
- 2 Cor 2:14  I triumph through the knowledge of
-             God in Christ.
- 2 Cor 2:15  I am the fragrance of Christ. 
- 2 Cor 3:3   I am a letter of Christ written by
-             the Holy Spirit.
- 2 Cor 3:5   I am sufficient in Christ.
- 2 Cor 3:6   I am an able minister of the new 
-             covenant.
- 2 Cor 3:17  I have liberty in the Holy Spirit.
- 2 Cor 3:18  I am being transformed from glory
-             to glory by the Spirit.
- 2 Cor 4:1   I have received mercy.
- 2 Cor 4:7   I have the treasure of Christ in me.
- 2 Cor 4:10  The life of Christ is manifested
-             in my body.
- 2 Cor 4:16  My inner man is renewed daily.
- 2 cor 4:17  All my affliction is working for
-             me an eternal weight of glory.
- 2 Cor 5:1   I have an eternal house in heaven.
- 2 Cor 5:7   I walk by faith and not by sight.
- 2 Cor 5:9   It is my goal to please God.
- 2 Cor 5:17  I am a new creature in Christ.
- 2 Cor 5:18  I have been reconciled to God
-             through christ.
- 2 Cor 5:20  I am an ambassador of reconcil-
-             iatio for Christ.
- 2 Cor 5:21  I am the righteousness of God in 
-             Christ who became sin for me.
- 2 Cor 9:8   I have all grace and sufficiency
-             for every good work.
- 2 Cor 10:3  I do not wage war in the flesh.
- 2 Cor 10:4  My weapons are not carnal but 
-             mighty in God to pull down 
-             strongholds.
- 2 Cor 10:5  I bring down thoughts againts God.
- 2 Cor 12:9  God's grace is sufficient for me.
- 2 Cor 12:10 When I am weak then I am strong
-            in Christ.
- Gal 1:4    I am delivered from this evil age.
- Gal 2:16   I am justified by faith in Christ.
- Gal 2:20   I am crucified with Christ, yet 
-            live by the faith of Christ who
-            loved me and died for me.
- Gal 3:7    I am a son of Abraham by faith.
- Gal 3:9    I have the blessings of Abraham.
- Gal 3:13   I am redeemed from the curse of
-            the law.
- Gal 3:26   I am the son of God through faith
-            in Jesus Christ.
- Gal 3:27   I have put on Christ.
- Gal 3:28   I am one with all believers.
- Gal 3:29   I am Abraham's seed and an heir
-            according to the promises.
- Gal 4:7    I am a son and heir of God.
- Gal 5:1    I am free from the yoke of sin.
- Gal 5:22-  I have the fruit of the Spirit.
- Gal 6:14   I am crucified to the world and
-            the world to me.
- Eph 1:1    I am a faitful saint in Christ.
- Eph 1:3    I have been blessed with every
-            spiritual blessing in Christ.    
- Eph 1:4    I have been chosen by God in Christ.
- Eph 1:4    I am holy and blameless before Him.
- Eph 1:5    I am an adopted son (daughter).
- Eph 1:6    I am accepted in the beloved.
- Eph 1:7    I am redeemed by Christ's blood.
- Eph 1:7    I am fully forgiven by the blood.
- Eph 1:8    He made me to abound towar all
-            wisdom and prudence.
- Eph 1:9    I have been made to know the
-            mystery of God's will.
- Eph 1:10   The saints and I will be gathered
-            together in Christ.
- Eph 2:1    I have been made alive in Christ.
- Eph 2:6    I sit in heavenly places in Christ.
- Eph 2:8    I am saved by Grace, God's gift.
- Eph 2:10   I am His workman in Christ Jesus.
- Eph 2:13   I am near God by Christ's blood.
- Eph 2:14   Jesus Christ is my peace.
- Eph 2:15   Jesus reconciled me to God.
- Eph 2:18   He gives me access to God.
- Eph 2:19   I am a member of God's household.
- Eph 2:21,22 I am God's dwelling place.
- Eph 3:6    I'm a fellow heir with Christ.
- Eph 3:12   I have bold and confident access
-            to God through faith.
- Eph 3:16   I am strengthened within.
- Eph 3:17   I am rooted & grounded in love.
- Eph 3:19   I know His love which passes know-
-            ledge and am full of God.
- Eph 3:20   His power works in me.
- Eph 4:7-   I have been gifted by Christ.
- Eph 4:15   I am growing up in Christ, my head.
- Eph 4:22-24 I have put off the old man and 
-            have put on the new man.
- Eph 4:32   I'm forgiven and forgive others.   
- Eph 5:8    I was in darkness but now the light.
- Eph 6:10   I am strong and powerful in Christ.
- Eph 6:11-18 I put on the armor of God so that
-            I can stand against the enemy.
- Phil 1:11  I have fruits of righetosness.
- Phil 1:21  For me to live is Christ and to die 
-              is eternal gain.
- Phil 1:29  I suffer for Christ' sake.
- Phil 2:1   I'm encouraged in Christ.
- Phil 2:2   I am in one accord with other saints.
- Phil 2:13  God carries out His will in me.
- Phil 2:15  I shine as a light in the world.
- Phil 3:20  I have citizenship in heaven.
- Phil 3:21  My body will be transformed into
-            a glorious body.
- Phil 4:4   I rejoice in the Lord always.
- Phil 4:6   I am not anxious for anything.
- Phil 4:7   God's peace guards my heart & mind.
- Phil 4:13  I can do all things through Christ.    
- Phil 4:19  All my needs are met in Christ.
- Col 1:9    I am filled with the knowledge of 
-              His will.
- Col 1:10   I am walking and increasing in the
-              knowledge of God.
- Col 1:12   I am a partaker of the inheritance.
- Col 1:13   I have been delivered from the 
-              powers of darkness.
- Col 1:13   I am in the kingdom of Christ (God).
- Col 1:14   I am redeemed and forgiven of sins.
- Col 1:27   Christ in all His fullness dwells
-              in me which is the hope of glory.
- Col 1:29   God works mightily in me.
- Col 2:6    I've received Christ and walk in Him.
- Col 2:10   I am complete in Christ, the Head.
- Col 2:12   I have been buried (in baptism) and
-              am risen with Christ by faith.
- Col 2:13   I have been forgiven and am alive.
- Col 2:14   All my sins were nailed to the cross.
- Col 2:15   The cross gave me victory over Satan.
- Col 3:1    I am risen with Christ and seek
-               those things which are above.
- Col 3:2    I set my mind on heavenly things.
- Col 3:4    I shall appear with Christ in glory.
- Col 3:10   I have put on the new man, renewed in
-               the knowledge of God.
- Col 3:17   I do everything in the name of Jesus.
- Col 3:24   I serve Jesus and will be rewarded.
- I Thess 2:10 I am holy, just and unblameable.
- I Thess 2:12 I walk worthy in the kingdom and
-              glory to which I have been called.
- I Thess 4:14 If I die, I will return with Him.
- I Thess 4:17 If not, I'll meet Him in the air.
- I Thess 5:5  I am a child of the light.
- I Thess 5:9  I am appointed unto salvation.
- I Thess 5:10 Whether I live or die I am with Him.
- I Thess 5:23 My spirit, soul and body will be
-               preserved blameless at His coming.
- I Thess 5:24 God is making me like Jesus.
- 2 Thess 2:13 I always thank God for saving me.
- 2 Thess 2:14 I'm called to share in His glory.
- 2 Thess 2:16 Jesus and the Father love me and 
-               have given hope and consolation.
- 2 Thess 2:17 I'm strengthed in every good work.
- 2 Thess 3:1  The Word has free course and is
-                  glorified through me.
- 2 Thess 3:2  I am delivered from wicked men.
- 2 Thess 3:3  I am kept from evil by God.
- 2 Thess 3:5  The Lord directs my heart in love.
- 2 Tim 1:7   God gave me a spirit of power, love
-              and a sound mind.
- 2 Tim 1:9   I have a calling to do His will.
- 2 Tim 1:12  I am not ashamed but persuaded that
-               God will keep what I give Him.
- 2 Tim 1:14  The Holy Spirit dwells in me.
- 2 Tim 2:15  I study the Word to be a workman.
-                thats not ashamed.
- 2 Tim 3:12  I'm godly; will suffer persecution.
- 2 Tim 3:17  I am perfected unto all good works.
- 2 Tim 4:8   I'll receive a righteous crown. 
- 2 Tim 4:18  God will deliver me from evil and 
-              bring me into His kingdom.
- Tit 2:14    Jesus died to make me special.
- Tit 3:5     I'm washed and renewed by Holy Spirit.
- Tit 3:6     The Holy Spirit is shed on me.
- Tit 3:7     I am justified and made an heir by
-                God's grace.
- Philemon 6  Knowledge of all good is in me.
- Heb 1:14   The angels of God minister to me.
- Heb 2:8    All things are under my feet.
- Heb 2:11   I am one with Christ & the brethren.
- Heb 2:14   The devil has no power over me.
- Heb 3:1    I am holy with Christ as High Priest.
- Heb 3:6    I am part of Christ's house.
- Heb 3:14   I am a partaker of Christ.
- Heb 4:3    I have entered into Christ's rest.
- Heb 4:15   Christ as priest intercedes for me.
- Heb 4:16   I go boldly to the throne of grace.   
- Heb 4:19   God is the anchor to my soul.
- Heb 7:25   Christ's intercession saves me
-              to the uttermost (forever).
- Heb 10:10  Christ was offered once for all.
- Heb 10:19  By the blood I enter into holiness.
- Heb 10:22  I draw near to God by the blood.
- Heb 10:23  I fully trust my faithful God.
- Heb 10:24  I provoke others to love & good works.
- Heb 10:25  I assemble with others to edify.
- Heb 11:3   By faith I understand creation.
- Heb 12:1   I lay aside every weight to run.
- Heb 12:3   I am not discouraged.
- Heb 12:28  I belong to an immovable kingdom.
- Heb 13:5   My God will not leave nor forsake me.
- Heb 13:6   I do not fear what man can do to me.
- Heb 13:12  I am sanctified by Jesus' blood.
- Heb 13:15  I always thank and praise God.
- Heb 13:21  I am made perfect to do His will.
- James 1:2f I joy in tribulation because it
-               gives me patience. 
- James 1:12 I endure temptation to receive the
-               the crown of life.
- I Pet 1:3  I have a lively hope and bless God.
- I Pet 1:4  I obtained a perfect inheritance.  
- I Pet 1:5  I am kept by God's power thru faith.
- I Pet 1:19 I am born again by the Word of God.
- I Pet 2:5  I ama living stone in His house.
- I Pet 2:9  I belong to a chosen generation/
-              royal priesthood/holy nation.
- I Pet 2:24 I am healed by the wounds of Jesus.
- 2 Pet 1:3  I have all things that pertain to 
-              life and godliness.
- 2 Pet 1:4  I have been given great and precious
-              promises and His divine nature.
- 2 Pet 1:8  I am fruitful in Christ's knowledge.
- 2 Pet 3:13 I look forward to a new heaven
-              and a new earth.
- I Jn 1:9   I confess my sins and am forgiven.
- I Jn 2:1   I have an advocate, Jesus, with God.
- I Jn 2:2   Jesus is the propitiation (total
-              satisfaction) for my sins.
- I Jn 2:27  I have the anointing of God.
- I Jn 3:22  What I ask of God I receive.
- I Jn 4:4   God in me overcomes the evil one.
- I Jn 4:16  God is love and it dwells in me.
- I Jn 5:4   I overcome the world by faith in God.
- I Jn 5:11  I have the Son; hence eternal life.
- I Jn 5:14f I can ask anything and He hears me
-              and grants my petitions.
- 2 Jn 2     The truth abides in me forever.
- 3 Jn 2     I prosper and am in health as my soul
-                 prospers.
- Jude 24    I am kept blameless before His glory.
- Rev 1:6    I am a king and priest unto God.
- Rev 21:4   God will wipe away all tears from my
-             eyes/I will never die:/sorrow/cry/
-             or have pain.

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