David and Srithiwa Martinek |
This has been a great year for our family. Our Son, Dave, after much nagging by Mom, finally moved down to Florida to join us. He soon met, fell in love with and married Srithiwa (Jeip). She is a lovely young lady originally from Thailand. We couldn t be happier with our new daughter in law. Dave and I are learning to speak Thai, very slowly. Jeip is very patient and laughs along with our mistakes. |
After much hard work, they have bought a home on a saltwater canal. Now they are just waiting for the boat to go with it. |
The waterfront |
See Dave's house |
Jeip works for the Fish House Restaurant in the mornings. Then she goes to work at the Lighthouse Restaurant in Charlotte Harbor, where she and Dave met. Dave has now changed careers and is working for Waste Management. They are both working hard and don t get too much free time together. Oh, to be young again and have all of their energy. |