Lori Tillman - 11/17/00 21:26:06
My Email:scorpioangel_83@hotmail.com
Pets: 3 cats,2 dogs,goat,and pigs
i loved your web page and i hope to one day to have a lot of pics of my animals on my web page
Stacy - 09/16/00 23:13:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/neesee_30/
My Email:neesee_30@yahoo.com
Pets: mini dachsund
Loved your page ~ especially the pics. They're wonderful animals aren't they:)
JaCi - 06/13/00 12:29:14
My URL:http://hometown.aol.com/jaci74/
My Email:JaCi74@aol.com
Pets: dogs, cats, a bird
Great website!
visit my homepage too!
Derren Mills - 04/17/00 03:46:38
My Email:derrenjm@yahoo.com
Pets: yes
Hello i have a weiner dog too. Her name is maggie. Actually it is my sisters, but me and the dog hang out alot. Tell Vann Derren said hello and may God bless yall.
Brandi Simonton - 02/18/00 16:14:47
My URL:http://bkaysimon.homestead.com/home.html
My Email:tbsimon@apex2000.net
Pets: 2 dachshunds, 1 german shepherd mix
Cute Page......come by and see my cuties sometime!!
shauna - 11/23/99 23:54:09
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/eskrima/thefrogfriend
My Email:dragongirl_12_2000@yahoo.com
Pets: cool
coollove dogs
shauna - 11/23/99 23:52:10
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/eskrima/thefrogfriends
My Email:dragongirl_12_2000@yahoo.com
Pets: cool
coollove dogs
mariella claiborne - 08/09/99 05:33:31
My Email:tjcmjctric@aol.com
Pets: lots of fish & one turtle
very cute and very creative. Still keeping an eye out for bidding on your baby clothes. :)
Pat Lindsey - 07/30/99 19:39:42
My Email:patpermenter@Yahoo.com
Pets: Long-haired dachshund
Love my dog!!
Teri - 07/27/99 23:15:46
My URL:http://www.redshift.com/~treasure
My Email:electric@redshift.com
Pets: Titan, Zeke, KitKat, Sophia
I just LUV the title of your HP. We often think of our home as our 'zoo'...but, it's a fun kinda zoo to live in. I hope you can 'stop by' for a visit one day...thanks for the enjoyment of visiting your home on the Net.
Roseanna - 07/12/99 22:47:53
My URL:http://community.webtv.net/dachshunddoggies/OURDACHSHUNDDOGGIES
My Email:dachshunddoggie@webtv.net
Pets: Gretta-dachshie
Hi! I wanted to invite you to me new website and dachshund webring. When visiting my site you will find my ring will be the first one on the page. I would love to have you join the ring! And if you have any great dachshund stories or photos feel free
o send them to me using the link on my site. THANK A BUNCH!